How to install add-on outside fs2020 marketplace

Its easy to install 3rd party add-ons in the Microsoft Store version of MSFS marketplace.

However, I’m interested in installing some add-ons outside of marketplace. Unfortunately, I’m at a loss to learn how to do this. I’ve searched and searched to no avail. However lots of people seem to be doing it and I can find add-ons to purchase. My questions are:

  1. How is a 3rd party add-on plane added to MSFS outside of marketplace?
  2. How are updates handled after doing so?
  3. If that plane is later made available through marketplace, does it have to be repurchased or does it just magically appear in marketplace as a purchased product?
  4. I’ve also looked in vain on reseller websites and author websites for instructions of this type. Where does one find user manuals for such things?
  5. I see where other people have modified or fixed various add-on products by editing configuration files. Is this method documented anywhere?

Many thanks in advance to anyone who can enlighten me.

Usually addons are placed in the Community Folder.

Thank you. So, how is that done? Do the add-ons have an installer that puts the required files there? Or does the user have to copy them there? And after they get there, how does ms2020 know that they are there?

It is going to depend on the addon. Each vendor will have a specific method and they should specify how to install their products. The bottom line is that they go in the Community Folder but by the developer specified method

Ok, at a fundamental level I understand what you are saying.
I am an old man who has done a ton of coding back in the day. Therefore I am nervous about making changes I don’t understand. I suspect that the problem I am encountering is that I want to know more about how a given add-on is installed BEFORE I buy it. I assume that kind of info will be in a read-me type file that comes with the add-on. If so, that means I can’t read it until after I pay for it. I’m not really a fan of that approach to doing such things. I can’t find anything on any of the stores that gives me such info. I feel a little like I agreed to and paid for having my tonsils out but when I wake up from the anesthic my chest has big wire stitches in it from top to bottom and nobody at the hospital can tell me why…

So I was hoping that the folks here on flightsimulator could help me understand how it usually is done BEFORE I do it.

The way add-ons work in MSFS is slightly different than past sims.
In this sim, Mods in the community folder take precedence over default files, they do not change any of the default coding. The parts in the default code that the mod has also, are simply not used.
There are two files in each add on’s folder that direct the sim to do that, manifest.jsn and layout.jsn.
Therefore if the mod isn’t wanted, removing the add-on from the community folder results in the default being restored.

Unfortunately, very few add-ons have read-me’s. Ninety percent of all add-ons are drag and drop in the community folder.
The only thing you may need to do is, the files are often double packed, so you may need to remove a file from a file before placing it in the Community folder.

I understand. I’m totally used to unpacking files and then copying their structure and content to another folder elsewhere. If that’s all there is to it, then I can handle that Easy Peasy.

In the meantime, I managed to finally find the community folder for my install. I only have one drive in my pc. It is a 1Tb SSD. I simply searched on “community” and found only one directory by that name. It was in a weird place but so be it.

Unfortunately, the community folder for my install is completely empty despite having a half dozen add-on planes. Add-ons installed via the marketplace must be handled differently. This doesn’t thrill me much at all.

Maybe I’ll try to locate and install a few very simple free community add-ons to see how they work before moving on to installing add-ons that I have to pay for. That would at least confirm that I’m in the right place.

Any suggestions?


Yes, that is so.
The marketplace installs to the “OneStore” folder.
It is in the “Official” folder which is also in the “Packages” folder that “Community” is in.
Generally, as you noticed, the Community folder is for stuff you download off the net, freeware or payware.
A lot of payware just installs it in your Community folder for you.
Yes, it is that easy.

It will not hurt anything to put something in the Community folder.
Older mods and liveries may not now be compatible (already!), but any issues that arise are solved by removing the item you put in.

go here:
find a plane livery you like.

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Thank you SevenFlyer.

I added a few liveries and some scenery I liked. Then I reloaded msfs. It all worked like a charm.

I feel a bit braver now knowing I can always delete any folders I add.



Great to hear. Any other questions, just post again, there’s always good folks here.
Good flights!


The OP also asked about the marketplace and how it is handled when an add-on already exists and is then added to the marketplace. In this case, your addon that you already installed and may have paid for is not affected by the one in the marketplace. You will not need to pay for it again if you don’t install it again from the marketplace.

Also, many if not most addons are delivered as a .zip file. That zip file is not copied or unpacked directly in to the Community folder. Usually, but not always, a sub-directory inside of the .zip file is expanded in to Community, not the entire .zip file.

Note that you can not create your own sub-directories underneath Community to suit your own desires, e.g. for organization purposes. You can, of course, but MSFS won’t see them. For the freeware, for example, on, many of them do have readme’s that explain this.

Now, to complicate things further, one of the very best add-on’s is also free and well loved around here, i.e. FlyByWire’s A320NX… But it is more complicated that your typical freeware and indeed has its own installer. There are many posts in here on where to get the installer.

I think I’ve overstayed my reply welcom… Good luck.


All good info, thanks for posting!!!

Thanks Redeyesjm, that’s all good info.

In my first post, I was worried about the possibility of an author who switched from non-marketplace to marketplace. Specifically DC Designs F15. But I have finally contacted them and they have indicated that after the marketplace version is released, they will continue to support both. I suppose other authors may feel differently, but I am getting the sense that this is the norm around here.

For the life of me, I do not understand why Asobo would create a program like MSFS 2020 that has multiple install methods depending on source. Why is the steam version different from the MSoft store version? Why is the MSoft store version called Xbox? Why are all the install locations so different? Why is there a store launcher for the main exe? Why why why??? It’s all so helter skelter which basically is doomed to present and future problems. In my humble view, it should all be simple and well organized like most other programs are. (Insert big sigh here…)

Anyway, despite the complexity of the situation, all my original questions are answered and I am off and running thanks to the folks on this forum that have so willingly and generously shared their knowledge and expertise.

As a side note to others who might have similar issues, I plan to purchase and install DC Designs F15 as an add-on instead of waiting for it to be available on the marketplace. My overall assessment is that the add-on version will actually be more advanced because both the availability and the updates will be more timely. Best of all, I can have it sooner! I’m ok with it being a constant work in progress and I am grateful for the continuous updates. In other words, I believe that I should “Never let the perfect - be the enemy of the good…”.

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There isn’t really much difference.
All add-ons still go to the Community Folder.
Steam just puts that folder it in a different place on the computer.
That was done by Steam.

MSFS was built to be used with Microsoft’s X-Box, thus all the awkward sim menus.
They were made to accommodate x-box controllers.
Having MSFS available on X-Box is a big thing for X-box as it gives it a big advantage over it’s competition. (more x-box sales)!

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Actually, in my case that isn’t strictly true. I have quite a few add-ons that I bought through marketplace. NONE OF THEM were installed in the community folder. In my case, it looks like they were all installed into a “Store” folder that is located elsewhere.

Anyway, it’s a moot point. The aftermarket seems like a better way to get them and as per advice given by another member, I have tried copying some freeware liveries and scenery into the community folder and it all works fine.

Yes, there is that difference about MSStore purchased items going to the “Official - OneStore” file.
That file is where all default items are kept, so I guess they felt they were safer there.



One other caveat that I’m not sure if anyone mentioned it here: When MSFS issues an update, addons can and will break either or both the sim or the addon. If your sim won’t run right after an update, one of the first things to try is to remove any updates in the Community folder, i.e. just move them somewhere else. Then try the sim again. I’ve always thought that was a good indicator of a developer’s dedication in terms of how quickly they issue an update after the sim is updated. MSFS sure keeps the 3rd-party devs on their toes :slight_smile:

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Good point and good to know.

I have been reading a lot about files and folders and where they are kept.
I have not been able to find my Community folder, and so I am not game yet to download any addons like liveries etc.
I have the physical version, and have attached shots of my C drive pathway.
Your assistance would be appreciated as I cannot find any trace of the sim files anywhere.

It seems like there are dozens of places it could be depending on a whole bunch of factors and how it is installed. However, there is an easy way to find them. Flight simulator itself will help you do it.

Start msfs2020
After it loads, start developer mode as follows:
Go to options in the start up screen after msfs2020 loads. Then choose:

Then turn developer mode on
Then “apply and save” at the bottom
Then “go back” at the bottom

Now you will see some tiny letters above the main menu choices. Choose
Virtual File System
Then open the right arrow
Then Watched Bases
Hovering on the third item will show you where the community folder is. Just write down the file directory path.

Don’t forget to go back and turn off developer mode.

OK, after I posted the above, the system removed all my tabs and structure. Shoot. Hopefully you can follow it anyway. “open the right arrow” means to click on the arrow at the left of that line. Doing so will open the sub elements of that menu item. Hope this helps.


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