How to locate a gate after landing?

Hey guys i have a Question whem i Land an a Airport were do i have to go? The tower tells me to go to gate 8 or spmething and to park but were is gate 8 how can i näknow this?

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Hello @Sane179758,
Welcome to the forums.

I have created this topic for you.

Hi there, What airport is in question?

The free Little Navmap app includes airport diagrams showing all gates, ramps and taxiways. I find it invaluable for this and many other uses.


If you’re not opposed to enabling assistance features, you can turn on taxiway guidance and then follow the triangles!


In Options Controls menu, there is a command to open and close the flight map window (without using the overhead toolbar). I would assign that command to a keyboard key or controller button. To quickly open the map and then close it to get it out of the way. Another command will open and close the Air Traffic Control window and list your options to transmit by number 1,2,3,4,…0

If you type the destination airport 4 letter ICAO code in them map search window, then the map will show you the altitude of the that airport and the compass headings (11 = 110 degrees) and runway lengths. Or you can just zoom the map with map wheel and click on an airport to do the same things.

Assign a keyboard key or controller button to open and close the ATC window. All your options to transmit are listed by number in the ATC window. Close it with a button when not needed.

Let’s say you fly with a departure chosen from the map but no destination:

Fly straight out, eventually the radio will tell you to keep flying in that direction. Then another message that you are leaving the airspace. Enter 1 to acknowledge these messages, or ATC will forget you.

Next, find the number in the ATC window list, for to ask to see the list of nearest airports and send it. Then enter the number of the one you want to land at.

Next, some time later perhaps or right then, enter the number for “request full stop landing”.

The radio will tell you the weather and end with something like “Enter left downwind runway 23”. This means to land at the runway 23 which is on the left. So, you know it’s on the left.

At this point the landing markers suddenly appear in the sky (giant colored squares) to guide you in to land.

Sometime after you enter in between those squares, the radio will tell you that you are clear to continue and land. Enter the number listed for to acknowledge that you heard (probably a 1).

After you land, blue arrows will take you to the place you where need to park. And the radio will tell you to take the next exit or to exit when able. Follow the blue arrows to exit the runway.

As you are taxing along after exiting the runway for awhile, a radio message tells you to change frequencies. Acknowledge by entering a 1. The radio will change freqs by itself (the copilot is changing it supposedly). Keep on following the blue arrows. Perhaps a flagman will guide you and point left or right. He will tell you when to stop. A small plane at small airports probably won’t have a ground crew flagman assigned to your flight. But the blue arrows will tell you all you need to know about where to park.


If you forget to acknowledge, the radio will ask if you heard the message, giving you another chance to acknowledge. If you don’t then acknowledge, then ATC will forget about you, tell you good day, and you won’t have any guidance marks or aids to help you park.

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Thanks so much for explaining that…

You can use the taxi ribbon in the assistance settings, but it is a bit obtrusive. I use the freeware addon on because it is much more subtle - you have a choice of small, medium or large arrows and I prefer medium.

Littlenavmap is great if you want to follow a map to the gate too.

Research, research, research.
Before flying to an airport, research the runways, taxiways and ramps/gates.
If you are flying 2D with multiscreen, take a printout of the Airport and have it for reference.
If VR, try to memorise and zoom the VFR map in.

Just put ribbon on a toggle on/off button so you can peek at it until you can find your marshal. Even some small GA airports have overly massive aprons or you don’t know which side of the airport they want you on, or in most cases I’ve gotten rid of the marshal lady/pushback dude. Especially light/business jets it can be quite random where ATC wants you to park, regardless of what AI/static aircraft types are sitting around.

The use of Little Nav Map is a good suggestion. In lieu of that, you might simply download the airport diagram from, the.
FAA wesite or Chartfox (if in the USA) or from the AIP (Airport Information Publication) for most other countries. If a Vatsim member, you gain access to Chartfox, which has airport diagrams for a high percentage of the world’s airports. These diagrams show the runways, taxiways and parking spots (gates and ramps) at an airport. Of course you can always get the diagrams from a paid service like Navigraph.

Why print if someone has multi screen? They can just whack the excellent free LNM on the other screen, zoom into the airport and follow along, just like those displays in the glass panels airliners and bizzjets have :slight_smile: