How to press a knob using VR controller?

I have posted a bug report. Let’s go vote!


FYI, as discussed on github page, it is possible to push/pull the FBW A320 autopilot knobs by binding secondary and tertiary actions. It does seem very sensitive to the mouse being active though, so if it does not work try messing around with your mouse.

VR controller - cannot push/pull autopilot knobs · Issue #6607 · flybywiresim/aircraft · GitHub


Have you tried pushing and pulling the knob in VR as you would in the real world once you’re latched on?

It works like this for the GNS530 etc

How did you do this?

I’m not able to set the joysticks to anything in the control setup window.

When I go to a control to try to adjust it, click the thing so it’s listening for my input - moving the joystick does absolutely nothing. It doesn’t trigger the binding at all… Which headset are you using? I’m using Quest2 through Oculus Link / AirLink.

You can select those axes from the dropdown menu rather than using listen for input.

I am flying the 747-8 commercial and unable to even PRESS the battery button in Oculus VR to even BEGIN the engine start process lol

I can twist knobs and do everything else but absolutely cannot push buttons

Also if you go to “select input” in VR and press the squeeze button it comes up as SYSTEM. Whilst selecting from the list of inputs allows you to select SQUEEZE… what?!

Also also in “select input” there is no Thumbstick Y axis… only thumbstick - no matter what you do. Yet… you can select Thumbstick Y from the list…

Those are NOT helping the situation. Manually mapping the thumbstick Y axis allows for turning knobs. But no matter what I do I cannot press the battery button. My 747 is dead in the water. Honestly thinking about selling is on craigslist due to the economy. What good is the plane if I cannot even start it?!

No problems with hp reverb G2.

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