How to set up 3 monitors

Thanks Sebastian for the post. Most complicated.

I am struggling with a function that I havent been able to solve. I also have a homebuilt cockpit. My cockpit is enclosed on 7 sides. The Server PC has a front 32" TV and 3 monitors for instruments (G1000 suite and a misc.). The two side monitors (32" TVs) are run off a client PC. I drive the side monitors thru WidevieW and a separarte MSFS instance and works very well.

Except for one major area. I want Windoe 1 and 2 (rendered) to zoom to the outside of the aircraft. The most I can zoom from camera category gets me to the farthest interior view.

Can you help me?
Is there a command that I can adjust zoom in a .opt, cfg or .xml?

Hi there @DrDave9011

Thanks for your kind reply

The one thing i can think of is the desired airplane’s own camera.cfg file so located in the airplanes simobjects folder.
Here you can edit initialxyz = where you can edit the first number and set it wider either with or without minus sign (this makes the horizontal movement with - to go left without to go right
When enlarge the number will position you outside the airplane and from there you be able to translate the view on the nose of the airplane in front outside of the windshield or just behind the windshield (i would prefer behind the windshield for you wil be able to see raindrops )

Though i do not know if this is what you ment but hope this helps




I found a solution to have the exact prespective as I want in my 3 monitors. The rude solution that I found, consist in modify the resolution of the windows of my secondari monitors. Enlarging one of the sides and taking it to practically the other side of my main monitor.

It seems strange, and maybe I’m not explaining it very well, but it works for me, the problem comes when I try to click on some element in the cabin. The game, although I have the main window in front of the other two. In the area where both screens coexist on top of each other, I can only interact with the last one added, that is, screen 3, instead of the main screen.

My question is if anyone knows how both screens can continue coexist in the same place, but that the screen on which I can click is the main one not one of the secondarys.

I have tried switching from full screen to windowed mode. Fix the main window with a windows tool. Nothing has worked for me.

It is as if MSFS gave more relevance (even when behind another window) to the last open window instead of the main one.

Thanks :slight_smile: