How to set up 3 monitors

Well, back to my original setup. After getting the monitors properly aligned, I took my first flight. Not good. I have never had any visual problems. I wouldn’t call it ‘stutter’, more ‘stop & go’. I guess my 3070 can’t handle it. Since there never has been any problem, I’ve never kept track of my FPS. Now I checked and it showed 9. Setting it back to normal view, it went to 30 FPS. That’s an awfully big hit. I’ll wait until this feature gets past the ‘Experimental’ stage. Actually, I believe my head-tracking camera works better, because the view is not static. True, you can move the multi-screen view with the mouse, but I find that clumsy. It was worth experimenting, ‘you never know until you try’.

I get 9+ fps with three 1080p monitors at mostly low settings and a couple on medium, using a lowly (below recommended) Asus GTX 750 Ti OC 2gb. I run normally with a single 1080p monitor, DX12, the latest nVidia driver and limited to 30 fps, but it is a fairly constant 30 fps even at large airports. So I’d think your 3070 should be able to run three 1440p monitors at some combination of settings, but maybe not Ultra. You’ve got a nice setup by the way! I’m envious!

You are right, it can. A bit of experimenting fixed it. I’d never played very much with the settings because I had no problems and everything looked good. I never mess with computer settings unless absolutely necessary. This Multi-Screen is a whole new problem, so I gave it a shot.
First, normal usage with only one screen, turned V-sync to Off, FPS went to 59.
Next, Experimental with three screens plus the small Touch, FPS 18, but smooth.
Anti-Aliasing changed to DLSS @ Quality - FPS 24, Balanced-26, Performance-28, Ultra Performance- 30.
I guess I’m ‘good to go’ with Experimental.
Would have been difficult to build my setup without the pandemic tax handouts from the Govt. :rofl:

1 Like

Phfew! That’s good to hear! I just found this YouTube video, which says you CAN’T run three 1440p 144Hz monitors with a 3070 without experiencing exactly what you described, 9 fps, due to the sheer number of pixels!!
RTX 3070 Enough for Triple 1440p 144Hz Monitor Setups?
But you found a way! That’s great!

So finally I got this triple monitor set up working really well. Next, I wanted to now try a OBS studio recording. Apparently the error code I’m getting “ OBS NVENC error failed: 8” basically means that I can’t record in OBS at a resolution higher than 4096 for the high end number.

But as this guy shows at the 1:30 time marker in his you tube video at How To Record 3 Screens At Once In OBS Studio EASY 👨‍🏫 OBS Tutorial #3 🎥 - YouTube ,
in order to make this work , you have to multiply the 1st resolution figure x 3 . My monitor’s native resolution shows in msfs and in OB to be 3840x2160. So I had to enter 11,520 x 2160 which allowed me perfect alignment in OBS but again, can’t go above 4096 in OBS recordings.

So, once again, I’m stuck. I need to record videos, but not just msfs , but also have my webcam in the corner . OBS is considered to be a pretty good recording software and it took forever to learn it and not looking forward to having to learn a new complicated recording system.

The fact my monitor’s native resolution is 3840 x 2160 seems to be odd. Is it possible to make my native resolution to something smaller like 1920 x1080 or are we stuck with whatever it is ? My problems would be solved if I could force my 27 inch monitors (which are exactly the same as I ordered it all in one order) to show as 1920 x 1080 somehow? It would solve a lot of problems .

I don’t understand all you’re trying to do, but you may be able to go to Window 10/11 Settings, “Display” (or just right click on a monitor and click “Display”), “Display Resolution” and change it to whatever you’d like (for each monitor)?

Ok current foil, that’s what I’ll try next . I thought that each monitor has its own default native resolution and if you tried to change it, the images and the game will not look right . I’ll try changing it to 1020x1080 then and if that works and the images look great , then maybe problem solved . It’s just that everywhere I go whether it’s my own PC , OBS , or MSFS , it always shows 3840x2160 is the “recommended” resolution. Why does my Nividia section say 3840 x 2160 is the recommended resolution. I assumed it’s saying that because that’s the resolution that will give me my best image(s). Can anyone tell me why Nividia would say my “recommended” resolution is 3840x2160 vs something like 1020x1080 or some other number ? What exactly does it mean by saying “recommended”? To me I thought it says that because it is detecting the resolution that will give me the very best image quality , why else would it say recommended ? I don’t get it .

Ok, I just now heard back from my tech support guy I use for my home PC’s. Sounds like my guess was right . Man this sucks the big one . So my tech is saying if we select a resolution other than what windows and Nividia say is the so called “recommended” resolution , the image will not look good . So how in the hell am I supposed to record my videos (and integrate my webcam too) if the top recording programs like OBS max out at 4009 resolution ? In order to record on OBS, it’ll only work if you multiple the 2nd resolution number (in my case 2160) x 3 and that exceeds OBS’s max resolution of 4009. See, another reason why this multi screen is no good for me! I can’t do you tube videos integration my web cam . So screw OBS , anyone know of a recording software records your flight and also allows webcam integration that doesn’t have such a low max cap on the resolution figure number???

Here is what my tech guy said:

“ Native rez is what the monitor looks sharpest at due to pixel size and size/shape. The bigger the monitor usually the bigger the rez #.Because it is digital and not focused like the older CRT monitors you can run diff rez, but only one will be sharpest with no distortion. Another issue is that since Windows 10 thinks it knows best, resetting the rez will be corrected by Windows. XP wasn’t worried as much and 7 gave a bit more leeway but now an OS like 10/11, you’re out of luck .
You can try forcing and it may work occasionally, but the will be distortion or parts of a program off-screen”

That’s interesting about what “recommended” means in Windows 10/11. I was not aware of that.

So it means you can only record in single monitor mode? This means you would have to turn off the side monitors for recording, then turn them back on when recording is done? That would be frustrating! I suppose it saves on disk space/file size though.

Well, not sure what happened last time but I was actually able to record on OBS with a resolution 6480x 2140 this time. I guess the info I read online about OBS having a max cap of either value at 4009 was incorrect. But what’s weird is that while I can record in OBS using a single screen just fine , I’m unable to get OBS to record with three screens set up (as display left , display right and display center ). I spent 4 hours messin with it and I’ve watched online videos and follow exactly what they show like in the link I provided in my earlier response here. It simply won’t record anything but works fantastic in single monitor mode . So, since I can’t figure it out and I do videos using a webcam too, I’ve got no choice but to go back to the old way. One really does have to be a freakin techno ninja to make stuff work with multi monitor setup , especially if trying to record videos with a webcam too. Ok, over and out. : )

Interesting…I ran across this video and thought that, while it doesn’t pertain to recording, it does pertain to fps in three monitor setups, specifically configuring a 4k monitor in the center with 4k, 2k or 1080p on the side monitors.
Fps with 4k center and 4k, 2k or 1080p on side monitors

Hello from Peru. I have a slightly different question. My question is, how do I configure two different screens so that one shows cockpit view and the other shows an external view?
Thanks in advance!

1 Like

That’s a good question! I could be wrong, but I don’t think there is currently a way to do what you want. Hopefully, Asobo will work on that in the future. Multi Window is still under the “Experimental” tab, as you know.

1 Like

I like that idea.

It doesn’t matter what I do I can’t get it to look right. It looks pretty OK when I’m straight and level, but if I look up or down then I get angles between the two monitors. I’ve got 3-27’s with the angle on each side monitor only at about 10-15 degrees. I’ve reduced the zoom to 25. I’m sitting about 24" from the center monitor. I just can’t see how this works without the same adjustments XP has–where I have 3 monitors working beautifully. Any suggestions?

Make sure hat your head is positioned at the intersection of a perpendicular line drawn for the enter of each screen. No matter what you do when you turn or climb the horizon doesn’t stay straight. I haven’t tried this, but if you watch videos of folks who have built home cockpits, and have huge monitors, the side monitors are at 90 degrees from the center monitor. I’ve nudged one of my monitors to a greater angle and it improved things, except the monitor was half off the table.

It takes some patience. I‘ve just finished setting up my triple-mon using three identical 43” 4K TVs. The key to get them all aligned, I’d recommend two things:

First, watch the YT video(s) by Russ Barlow. It shows you the mechanics behind multi-view. MSFS Surround Vs. New Multiview: The Best Sim Solution - YouTube
Second, use this invaluable alignment tools to help make your fine adjustments. Triple Screen Calibration Utility » Microsoft Flight Simulator

After two or three hours of trial and error, it runs just about perfect. Surprisingly, the same settings work from a small aircraft to an airliner—that’s better than X-Plane.

Questions, 1. Do you loa​​d profile, messages, bookmarks and preferences1

Hello everyone,

We are aware of reports from some players experiencing an error when attempting to install MSFS on PC. The error states “You are missing packages that are essential to run Microsoft Flight Simulator. Please update the application and try again.”

We have escalated this to the appropriate support team, and they are currently investigating. We will provide more information when it is available. Thank you for your patience as we work to get this resolved.


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Sep 29
I’ve got things looking much better now and the zoom feature surprisingly did make a pretty big difference. And I fixed the resolution issue on the main screen so it looks just as crisp as the sides monitors. I just need to play with the rotational offset settings to perfect it is my guess.

The only remaining drawback I can see now is that you can’t click and drag the drop down msfs menu windows. Of course one can minimize them, but they still end up in the way especially when they are all crowded together on the main center screen. And I find I have to use at least the camera , weather , and the ATC communications windows on each flight, and then I also use a pushback helper that comes from the top drop down menu , so that’s already 4 windows from the top menu bar I have to minimize and expand all the time. Would be so way much easier if we could click and drag these pull down menus from the center monitor over to the sides of the side monitors so the main center screen is always free and clear of these distracted visual obstacles . Then again, maybe I complain too much lol.

Ya all let me know if there is a way to park some of these in game msfs pull down windows onto the side screens. I love making videos and these are smack in the way of the primary center acreen visuals.


Sep 29
Simply press the middle button in the top left corner of the ATC window, for example, then drag it where you want. It works for the ATC window anyway. I think weather will work the same. Don’t know about the pushback.


Sep 29
I have it almost right, considering this is still ‘Experimental’. Presumably that indicates there will be programming adjustments by Asobo. It looks pretty good to me. Mouse adjustments are not very precise, I entered small adjustments manually. I solved the access to the pull down menu by moving that screen to the monitor I normally use for Air Manager, since I’m not using AM yet for helicopter. The popped out screen I put on my Android tablet with Space Desk. There I can monitor Alt/IAS. The monitors are Dell 32" Curved. All three at 2560X1440. I haven’t tried my head-tracking (the Grass Monkey Hub) yet, maybe tonight.
1920×1025 236 KB

Oct 1
Well, back to my original setup. After getting the monitors properly aligned, I took my first flight. Not good. I have never had any visual problems. I wouldn’t call it ‘stutter’, more ‘stop & go’. I guess my 3070 can’t handle it. Since there never has been any problem, I’ve never kept track of my FPS. Now I checked and it showed 9. Setting it back to normal view, it went to 30 FPS. That’s an awfully big hit. I’ll wait until this feature gets past the ‘Experimental’ stage. Actually, I believe my head-tracking camera works better, because the view is not static. True, you can move the multi-screen view with the mouse, but I find that clumsy. It was worth experimenting, ‘you never know until you try’.


Oct 1
I get 9+ fps with three 1080p monitors at mostly low settings and a couple on medium, using a lowly (below recommended) Asus GTX 750 Ti OC 2gb. I run normally with a single 1080p monitor, DX12, the latest nVidia driver and limited to 30 fps, but it is a fairly constant 30 fps even at large airports. So I’d think your 3070 should be able to run three 1440p monitors at some combination of settings, but maybe not Ultra. You’ve got a nice setup by the way! I’m envious!

1 Reply

Oct 1
So I’d think your 3070 should be able to run three 1440p monitors at some combination of settings, b

You are right, it can. A bit of experimenting fixed it. I’d never played very much with the settings because I had no problems and everything looked good. I never mess with computer settings unless absolutely necessary. This Multi-Screen is a whole new problem, so I gave it a shot.
First, normal usage with only one screen, turned V-sync to Off, FPS went to 59.
Next, Experimental with three screens plus the small Touch, FPS 18, but smooth.
Anti-Aliasing changed to DLSS @ Quality - FPS 24, Balanced-26, Performance-28, Ultra Performance- 30.
I guess I’m ‘good to go’ with Experimental.
Would have been difficult to build my setup without the pandemic tax handouts from the Govt. :rofl:


Oct 1
Phfew! That’s good to hear! I just found this YouTube video, which says you CAN’T run three 1440p 144Hz monitors with a 3070 without experiencing exactly what you described, 9 fps, due to the sheer number of pixels!!
RTX 3070 Enough for Triple 1440p 144Hz Monitor Setups? 5
But you found a way! That’s great!


Oct 3
So finally I got this triple monitor set up working really well. Next, I wanted to now try a OBS studio recording. Apparently the error code I’m getting “ OBS NVENC error failed: 8” basically means that I can’t record in OBS at a resolution higher than 4096 for the high end number.

But as this guy shows at the 1:30 time marker in his you tube video at How To Record 3 Screens At Once In OBS Studio EASY :man_teacher: OBS Tutorial #3 :movie_camera: - YouTube ,
in order to make this work , you have to multiply the 1st resolution figure x 3 . My monitor’s native resolution shows in msfs and in OB to be 3840x2160. So I had to enter 11,520 x 2160 which allowed me perfect alignment in OBS but again, can’t go above 4096 in OBS recordings.

So, once again, I’m stuck. I need to record videos, but not just msfs , but also have my webcam in the corner . OBS is considered to be a pretty good recording software and it took forever to learn it and not looking forward to having to learn a new complicated recording system.

The fact my monitor’s native resolution is 3840 x 2160 seems to be odd. Is it possible to make my native resolution to something smaller like 1920 x1080 or are we stuck with whatever it is ? My problems would be solved if I could force my 27 inch monitors (which are exactly the same as I ordered it all in one order) to show as 1920 x 1080 somehow? It would solve a lot of problems .


Oct 3
I don’t understand all you’re trying to do, but you may be able to go to Window 10/11 Settings, “Display” (or just right click on a monitor and click “Display”), “Display Resolution” and change it to whatever you’d like (for each monitor)?


Oct 4
Ok current foil, that’s what I’ll try next . I thought that each monitor has its own default native resolution and if you tried to change it, the images and the game will not look right . I’ll try changing it to 1020x1080 then and if that works and the images look great , then maybe problem solved . It’s just that everywhere I go whether it’s my own PC , OBS , or MSFS , it always shows 3840x2160 is the “recommended” resolution. Why does my Nividia section say 3840 x 2160 is the recommended resolution. I assumed it’s saying that because that’s the resolution that will give me my best image(s). Can anyone tell me why Nividia would say my “recommended” resolution is 3840x2160 vs something like 1020x1080 or some other number ? What exactly does it mean by saying “recommended”? To me I thought it says that because it is detecting the resolution that will give me the very best image quality , why else would it say recommended ? I don’t get it .



Oct 5
Well, not sure what happened last time but I was actually able to record on OBS with a resolution 6480x 2140 this time. I guess the info I read online about OBS having a max cap of either value at 4009 was incorrect. But what’s weird is that while I can record in OBS using a single screen just fine , I’m unable to get OBS to record with three screens set up (as display left , display right and display center ). I spent 4 hours messin with it and I’ve watched online videos and follow exactly what they show like in the link I provided in my earlier response here. It simply won’t record anything but works fantastic in single monitor mode . So, since I can’t figure it out and I do videos using a webcam too, I’ve got no choice but to go back to the old way. One really does have to be a freakin techno ninja to make stuff work with multi monitor setup , especially if trying to record videos with a webcam too. Ok, over and out. : )



Oct 5
Interesting…I ran across this video and thought that, while it doesn’t pertain to recording, it does pertain to fps in three monitor setups, specifically configuring a 4k monitor in the center with 4k, 2k or 1080p on the side monitors.
Fps with 4k center and 4k, 2k or 1080p on side monitors 7




Oct 16
Hello from Peru. I have a slightly different question. My question is, how do I configure two different screens so that one shows cockpit view and the other shows an external view?
Thanks in advance!

2 Replies

Oct 16
That’s a good question! I could be wrong, but I don’t think there is currently a way to do what you want. Hopefully, Asobo will work on that in the future. Multi Window is still under the “Experimental” tab, as you know.



Oct 18
I like that idea.



It doesn’t matter what I do I can’t get it to look right. It looks pretty OK when I’m straight and level, but if I look up or down then I get angles between the two monitors. I’ve got 3-27’s with the angle on each side monitor only at about 10-15 degrees. I’ve reduced the zoom to 25. I’m sitting about 24" from the center monitor. I just can’t see how this works without the same adjustments XP has–where I have 3 monitors working beautifully. Any suggestions?

2 Replies

Make sure hat your head is positioned at the intersection of a perpendicular line drawn for the enter of each screen. No matter what you do when you turn or climb the horizon doesn’t stay straight. I haven’t tried this, but if you watch videos of folks who have built home cockpits, and have huge monitors, the side monitors are at 90 degrees from the center monitor. I’ve nudged one of my monitors to a greater angle and it improved things, except the monitor was half off the table.


last visit


It takes some patience. I‘ve just finished setting up my triple-mon using three identical 43” 4K TVs. The key to get them all aligned, I’d recommend two things:

First, watch the YT video(s) by Russ Barlow. It shows you the mechanics behind multi-view. MSFS Surround Vs. New Multiview: The Best Sim Solution - YouTube
Second, use this invaluable alignment tools to help make your fine adjustments. Triple Screen Calibration Utility » Microsoft Flight Simulator

After two or three hours of trial and error, it runs just about perfect. Surprisingly, the same settings work from a small aircraft to an airliner—that’s better than X-Plane.


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Downloaded the tool, but can’t get it to run. I out the tool folder into community, but am confused regarding an ICAO flight. Does that require Navigraph or Simbrief?

I did what was mentioned here. Killed the framerate.
What I found worked much better was just taking the original window and spanning it, stretching it across all three. The framerate didn’t suffer that way.

Hello fellow simmers
Maybe late to the party but here is a procedure i wrote a couple days ago
And i like to share with you all
I want to make a video about setting this up but did not yet find the time to do so

This is simply for the joy of home cockpit builder and enhance their full homecockpit experience
also if modify or edit different files like camera.cfg, usercfg.opt or flight_model.cfg make a backup of these files before editing.

How to setup Multiscreen in the right proportion

A word from the author
Be aware it is a long read but absolutley worth to try and with just a movie it would not cover it all.
This due lack of time and use of materials to record it all.

Also this could be an enhancement and contribute to a solution for some stutters due sync with multiscreen and wide difference between the screens. this is in no way a statement but me as a user/writer of this writing observation,
because less data needs sync in fov and on multiple screens for they simply follow mainscreen and all together they create on big screen depemding on how these are setup.

Now there is a lot going on about, setup multiscreen in msfs on the forums,
lots like we need separate zoom on each screen we need more than one frustrum
separate this and that.

im sorry to say
But the approach of many people is about multiscreen is wrong.
Let me try to explain why;

First of all what is wrong; is setting up ingame.
This is where many of us setup because we spent so much time about
hanging our monitors or tv bigscreens into our calculated positions, this is allright but does not make sense to set up shop.
off course this give dimensions and immersive and impressive experience to
have when becomming a desktop pilot and it is an absolute summon of thruth.

Me; i have gained 3 pc over the years
my oldest pc has;
two gpu gtx 780 3gb each and 12 gb of ram

the second runs 2x rtx 3060ti 8gb each and 48 ram

the third runs 1x rtx 3090 24gb and 64gb ram

But why can i not set it up right? Has asobo developers done it wrong, microsoft is to busy with it commercialicing the sim and care not about us real sim pilots
the answer to that is complete and simple NO, offcourse they care yes a lot.

I can set it up very well alligned and with the right zoom
without the runway looks like a zipper, or cockpit got distorted and will
not get in a straight allignment, and when i do get it straighten out the surroundings outside are distorted. this is prove that you are wrong not as a person but in your approach on how you look at the sim and your personal point of view.

There are view things to pay attention to;

The screens angle and dimensions, be aware of them “but only because of peronal approach to realism”.
Your eyes and how this relate to the brain, they can “easilly fool eachother”
(be very aware of this).
Think of it “as if a sphere in sphere, circles in circles aswell as lines crossing lines”.
All is and are “connected”.

A little exercise of awareness for you

Imagine; you are in a very open place like a beach or a closed object like a car
since flying is a very expensive hobby it is not realistic to name a airplane instead (but a car is for most of us very accesible), so look around; i mean in a realistic way like you are in the sim and move your head around like you are there right in the cockpit of your favorite airplane and search where you should find your instruments and the boundairies pan the view left right up down partitially with your headmovement, also translate position with your feet,
forward backward and side ways like you like.
now bend forward and backward and left and right like you would when looking up closely to your instruments which are not there if you are in an open space like the beach.

Also this described as the above lines, try to do the same but slowly and experience your feeling and view what is happening and try to remember this for it is most important in understanding.
(I think Asobo and Microsoft do it very well although i have no other bussiness with them than enjoying their sim product at home and i want to accomplish that you will to. So this is why i want to share this as good as i can).

Just to inform i had no education but figured this out by my own way of logical thinking since i have been simming since early 90s.

Once you understand all this mentioned above review this behind your desktop
and make the same movement from your seat and roll (instead of using feet) yo translate visualising (what you have done before in this text) but now in your simpit without running it and once you feel the right meaning of this scription
you are ready hold this vibe.

stay and be seated and start up the pc or multi pcs and screens
and start up the sim.

Once it is loaded go to > profile > my hangar and select your airplane or helicopter or whatever vessel you like to use (i use C172sp Classic for this but any will do).
Once selected; look at it in the hangar, paying attention to different details and from different positions, perspective and zoom and also detect where it goes wrong for you and your feeling. (this can diffur from person to person and different screens size).

The beauty with this method is, one airplane setup will fit all airplanes

Now lets continue,
So you’ve selected an aircraft and viewed it from different angles and zoom factors, watching details in the hangar and the airplane outside and inside.
For yourself find the zoom you like or close to it, also absorb surrounding and find reference points like wall, corners, person and roof or window choose a few
floor tilling is a good one for this purpose.
All this by moving freely through hangar with mouse controlwheel pressed in defaultsetting or default shift+arrow key outside the plane (which is in fact external view in the sim itself) translate view will not work here,
so move over inside the airplane by pressing end key to switch the camera to
inside the cockpit (in here translate view works by pressing arrow keys) but also
like in outside view mouse controlwheel or shift+arrow keys work (it is like standing in on the beach or sitting in the car dont you think).

With reference point in mind go back profile tab with esc key, and select options
tab > general options > experimental.
In here press create new render window.
This creates a window called window 1 (main is window 0 and holds versionnr of the sim on the bar left top side ) each window created here will have its own number 1,2,3 etcetera now this is handy if you want to manually want to edit usercfg.opt where you can recognize and separate the windows by their own number
the ones with monitor 0 is monitor nr 1, windowed 1 is monitor nr 2, FullscreenBorderless=0
so here 0 means off
And windowed is bordered with a frame on monitor nr, windowed=1
so here 1 means on.

-Note that if there is doubles here in the sim with same window number, this is from the usercfg.opt to have them both windowed and fullscreen to edit.

the added screens are setup by default from view position of main screen monitor a copy so to speak, with all rotations offset to 0.
Each slider on the rotation offset can rotate from 0° to 180° or 0° to -180°
this is what the sliders tell you.

The Lateral Rotation Offset 0°, to -180° or to 180° so 360°
And it rotates the screen inside out around Left side in is right side out or
rightside in is left side out.

However there is a design flaw here, for there is no full lateral rotation
but only 270° roration and not 360° around its Lateral or y axis so 135° up to -135°
Not that it matters much only when you setup and surround yourself with 360° monitors but statistically not right
not sure if this affects flight when making aerobatic flights.
(For Asobo to know)

The Vertical Rotation Offset 0°, to - 180° or to 180° so 360°
pan the screen up and down or down and up

The Roll Rotation Offset 0°, to -180° or to 180° so 360°
And it rotates left or right the screen around.

The meaning of these 3 axis is that they create a solid own focal point on the screen no matter if it is front left, front right,front left up, front right up,
front left down, front rightdown, left or right etc

say 90° lateral will be right in reality 67.5° (if above is taken in consideration) about lateral but monitor is say +/- a 45° angle from main monitor
so view will end up instead of 90° on screen to; front right ruffly said
now determine if it needs to go up or down on the screen creating an * point at the left side of screen slightly right bottom and somerwhere in the middle of this imaginairy line all 3 lines together focal point is what create and detemine righteous zoom automatically. if not tune it and adapt, so it will be.

now the best place to do this is the hangar because where else would you tune a airplane (for there are more than enough reference points to find) only downside is that you need adaption to make in general option > experimetal add window screen to reach these axis.
But the upside of this is mainscreen is next to the screen to adapt and ui experimental is not covering the whole mainscreen and through the edge you can still reference.

Now if you edit camera.cfg of the selected airplane edit the line
initialxyz= 0.03, 0.08, 0.15 and chance the first 0.03 in egt like -2.03 and save
the .cfg now this will position you outside the airplane and with up and down
right and left arrow keys; and up or down arrow key + left alt key you will be able to translate view like you are walking now you can walk to the workers in the Hangar and ask if you can take a tour on the site and ouside. LOL

Though the logic behind this seems rather vague but none the less working well.

Happy tripple or more screens flying


1 Like