How to take screenshots?

Just pressing PrtScn copies the entire desktop to your clipboard, which has to be pasted into Paint, or some other image handling program, to be accessed. Alt+PrtScn copies the active window to the clipboard.

To take a screenshot on Windows 10 or Windows 11 and automatically save the file to the Screenshots folder, press the Windows key + PrtScn. Your screen will go dim and a screenshot of your entire screen will be saved to the folder.

Quick tip: You can find the Screenshots folder by opening File Explorer (press the Windows key + E) and clicking Pictures in the left side panel (navigation pane). If you have OneDrive enabled, the screenshot will be saved there as well.

Ah, so they both capture the same thing, but the WIN+ saves instead of copying to the pasteboard. Thanks.

What I would love is the ability to press one button, have it remove the HUD and player names, take the screenshot, and re-enable those things.

If I could figure out how those two are controlled I’d take a swing at creating a mod.

Very timely finding this post, I’ve been trying to figure it out today.


Well, for me, just PrtSc by itself only copies to the clipboard. You then have to paste the image somewhere to save it. If not, every time you hit PrtSc again, it overwrites what’s in the clipboard.

Win+PrtSc OTOH saves the image as a separate .png file to the \Pictures\Screenshots folder every time you use the command, no pasting required and no overwrites.

Best way to do it while in VR?

My keyboard does not have a PrtSc key.

I use Win + Shift + S.
Click the Windows Snipping Tool icon on my Taskbar.
Win + G and use the Xbox Game Bar to take the screenshot.