How to troubleshoot MSFS freezing up

My experience mimics yours. Certain flights and it seems to be near a transition point on a SID that it crashes. I’ve basically just given up flying and I’m hoping its fixed in the next update. I also found it not tied to anything in the community folder. I also found the issue persists with live traffic on or off. nothing seems to change. But the behaviour above is accurate, CPU goes to 0, and its entirely non responsive unless I kill the process. Tried removing hardware as well to see if that was the cause like my tobii eye tracker. no issues before the last update… Again as above, apparently i’m just waiting and hoping they fix it with SU15. If we could find enough people with the issue may be the team would give it time a day. But I haven’t found a thread describing our issue where that has been the case.


I had just passed over a mountain range, was probably 50nm from any major city when it froze on that flight. But I’ve had others where I was in major metropolitan areas.

I experiences that on one route a few weeks ago. Flying between KSEA and KPDX it froze in two successive sim sessions pretty much the exact same spot near Mt. St. Helens with the same flight plan. Then I rebooted the PC, reloaded the sim and flight plan and everything went fine on the third attempt. I ought to try that route again with live traffic off and see if it freezes.

Also, as general info, I captured this just after one of my freezes-- the CPU, GPU and Network all drop while memory appears to remain same.

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Thanks dccp38. I’m trying to validate an idea that some freezes occur when either live or AI traffic are spawned as one approaches an airport. 50 NM seems a bit far. My TM graphs look the same.

@ Paytheon. I’ve also had the sim repeatedly freeze at the exact same spot - in my case, when approaching MDPC.

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I am so glad I found this thread before I pulled everything apart. I’ve been suffering these for a short bit (like a month) after 1.5 years of fantastic VR performance. I’ll start exploring some of these potential solves.

Anyone had any luck here? I’m in the it happens with traffic on or off camp.

Fix is potentially on the way specifically for PMDG. They mention TCAS, perhaps this iis the issue with default aircraft freezing as well and asibo will fix. It also may explain why turning off traffic helps for some. I think SU14 shared some sort of traffic update.

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Happened to me today flying from Seattle to Yakima. It froze just as I was about to reach my initial approach fix and when I used the mouse wheel to zoom in to the autopilot panel. I had to terminate using the Task Manager. I tried it again–same issue. It happened when I was using the default Daher TBM 930. I guess I shouldn’t zoom in using that plane then.

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Same case here, and it was solved after disconnecting live traffic. Three freezes in the same point of the same route with a Fenix and after switching to AI traffic all was nice and smooth.

I can confirm that in my case it was Live Traffic. I had the same problem, MSFS completely freezes and I have to shutdown it from processes. Saw that updating drivers can solve the problem but it didn’t help me. Changing live traffic to AI traffic solved my problem. Now I don’t have any freezes

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For me, killing disconnecting Navigraph Simlink/Cloud (access through browser) did it. Even when the sim was frozen, closing the charts.navigraph browser page immediately released the sim (AP was messed up though)

Happened to me again flying from COS to DEN on my way to the initial approach fix using the default Longitude. The only ‘custom’ item I have is the COS airport from the Marketplace. Next time it happens, I’ll try going into safe mode and try the flight again.

Greetings, I’m running into this same problem… just started trouble shooting it. Just wanted to see what sets I need make first. I think will try and empty community folder today. Mine is full of 3rd party stuff? I tried to monitor using “AI” and I’m wondering is that part of the problem. My son who works in IT changed some of my graphic setting last night on OBS and msfs but still has moments of freezing the worst part is at about 1000 feet from the runway it really gets bad? Thanks again for any help.

Also happening here… PMDG says the freeze only happens to the screens, but in my case the whole sim freezes but the sound continues. Unable to quit, must use the task manager to “end task”

I am having the same problem, even re-installed the Sim and it did nothing for me. Usually happens between 20’000 ft and 30’000 ft for me.

I observe this issue for some time as well. Sometimes, it is better, sometimes worse. Sometimes I can do a 4+ hour flight with no issues at all including complex airplanes in a busy locations and sometimes it just freezes. Does not matter where. It can be mid-air after 3 hours of flight, it can happen during taxi before takeoff.
What seems to might be somewhat related are nVidia drivers. It seems, that graphics card driver updates do change the probability of it happening.
Also, it seems, that FlightSimulator.exe gets lost in some internal loop, because graphics load goes to zero, but CPU load goes to about single core, fully loaded.
Game does not crash, I have to kill it by myself.
Nothing so far really helped.

Hi! Happens to me as well. Massively for the latest 3 weeks or so.

The symptoms are the same - at some point GPU and Network goes to zero while CPU is still running.

One more thing to add to that - it seems like the Sim is unable to load the terrain textures for some reason. Even more - it seems like it doesn’t even try to from my network activity reports.

So basically what happens is that at some point terrain becomes blurry, then turns into a flat landscape without any 3d objects or lights… and then I catch the freeze… and as soon as the Sim is able to download at least some Bing date - I’m unfrozen… it might happen for minutes… 2-5-10-20… slightly better at night as there’s not much to load…
Also, if I turn online functionality off and back on - I experience a journey to the Earth core diving under the ground…

I reinstalled the Sim from scratch clearing up all the folders and deleting everything everywhere… no luck…

The only thing that changed since my previous carefree flight is the nVidia driver…

For me, the issue:

  • doesn’t depend on traffic;
  • doesn’t depend on the aircraft (Fenix or native Neo);
  • happens in Safe Mode as well but less often, so doesn’t depend on a particular add on IMO. And the add ons I use are installed either by Sim Marketplace, or ORBX or IniManager - there are no bystanders;
  • doesn’t depend on the network type (Ethernet or Wi-Fi);
  • doesn’t depend on the Internet provider or particular router (checked with different providers and routers);
  • doesn’t depend on whether the ports are redirected or not;

I rolled back drivers to the latest version I remember as stable… and continue investigating…

For now I blame Bing servers for either rejecting the connection or being turtle slow (what a surprise - who could possibly think it might be even worse…)

As for the problem of freezing near the same point of terrain,whaat’s below fixed my problem.
To eliminate the possibility that the issue is caused by data corruption or outdated data, delete the rolling cache.
Some cached data may be obsolete or conflicting with more recent data
Some cached data may be corrupted

Go to Options > General
Go to Data
Scroll to the bottom and go to Delete Rolling Cache File. Toggle Delete
Confirm your choice by selecting Apply & Save

I am getting the SAME THING.! Sound works have to force close through Task manager.! I REALLY HOPE they fix this like NOW

For me the same:
Since SU14 I experience a freeze of the sim after clicking “fly” in 80% of any try to load a fly. It is absolutely frustrating. Sometimes I manage the sim to load a flight and the next 4 or 5 flights I have the next freeze during loading and only can shut down the sim using the task manager. Sometimes even the activity circle stops turning. Sometimes the sim freezes already during the starting process of the app.
It does not depend on the airports nor planes I’m using. Sometimes after changing the plane and the airport after sim restart I manage to successfully load the next flight.