How welcome are Xbox simmers in the Flight Sim Community?

very much agreed

agreed thank you

I’m going to shout “WELCOME ABOARD FRIEND”!!!
This is a great hobby and there are many people here in the forums that will reach out to help if assistance is required.


at no point in this video do i bash a single pc user or come close. i make it very clear from the beginning that this is certain people who use pc and that i dont like the term pc user bc its not what they use its the person. i also even mention overall pc users being very friendly and defending xbox simmers. Also i mention how i have great pc users i fly with. as far as it “not happing” the comments alone speak for them selves as several have came forward mentioning how certain users have treated them for just asking for help on xbox.

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thankyou bro thats what im talking about!

fully agreed thank you

I am Xbox user and I feel that I am welcome here. In fact I found people here extraordinery nice and wiling to help. Something I am not that used to on other more or less anonymous waters of internet
 Long story short, thanks guys :wink:


agreed .as it doesnt happen much here bc this is moderated and most come here before other forums, but like you said some other places its a different story

well maybe you should, bc then youd see my point in the video, no one is bashed. nor is anyone hated on bc of platform they use. thats the whole point i make with this video. or just read the comments as many have stories where people have made them feel like ■■■■ for using xbox. if you choose not to thats fine. but i make it very clear its not a pc user problem its person problem where some think they are superior bc they have a pc and that you are just some wanna be if you use xbox. i speak highly of the vast majority pc users defending xbox simmers and make it very clear in my video that there is one community.

I got tired of the video and stopped watching. Most of the comments I see of PC versus xBox has mostly been due to MS/Asobo removing detail and performance of the sim to fit into the xBox rather than simmers not actually liking the people with xBoxes themselve.

I’ve seen where simmers wanted to have two versions, one for PC and another for xBox, and MS/Asobo stated that will never happen. But they at least added features to allows the PC users, with much more powerful equipment than an xBox, to tune some values up.

I think this guy is way off and PC users biggest complaints that I see is not about people on xBox, but about MS/Asobo dumbing the sim down to put it into a much less powerful machine.

I am a PC simmer that has spent a lot on money on my setup and do not want to see the development of the sim scaled back just so it can run in the xBox. PC users need the capability, or the sim have the intelligence to detect the platform and render quality based on hardware.

There may be a few bad apples bashing the xBox users, but that doesn’t give that guy the right to bash PC users.

I too would like an xBox X to put in my Home Theater and fly on the big screen.


i dont bash pc users. and i agree with the whole comment about the dumbing down. it shouldnt put pc behind to make it more suitable for xbox i fully agree.


Yep same here, I have zero issues with people using the sim on xbox, I think it’s awesome in fact, the more people that get into simming the better.

The issue I have is how the sim was been degraded since SU5 so it can run on Xbox. I spent all my savings on a top PC as I just love flight sim, and to see the sim look nowhere near how it used to is galling.

I also wonder about 3rd party addons and wether they will be as in depth and detail as they used to be in previous sims, now that there is on overall less ‘serious’ simming community with the addition of xbox users.


I agree with this very much however I feel that currently the sim is operating and looking better than it ever has, with the exception that sometimes I get clouds that don’t look as real as other ones. Do you think the updates are starting to get better based on the system you have and your experience?


Long story short, how welcome are Xbox simmers: very welcome!

If you still keep reading this post lets give you my detailed personal opinion about the whole pc-xbox issue.

  • Why do think there were some doubts by hardcore pc simmers on Xbox
 Well because there were a lot of PC bugs that time, that needed to be addressed when MSFS got introduced on Xbox. Out of fear that Xbox got priority over pc, some got a bit over excited with their reactions. Were they personal towards xboxers? I dont think so.
  • How do we keep things civilised over here? Well
 because of the team of voluntary moderators. Keep in mind that all positive and negative remarks are welcome. Just as long it is constructive and nobody gets attacked. That sometimes thin line is in my opinion well guarded here. This is a forum where all ages are represented and no foul language, bulling or other hatred is tolerated. You dont have to agree with MSFS policy or other peoples opinion just as long (again) you keep it clean and constructive. And to be honest, if everybody was posting MSFS is great and there is nothing wrong, no progress would have been made. there is always room for improvement.
  • There is no censorship here. If you think otherwise, I can give you several examples of how real censorship is being applied.
  • There is a small team of so called co-pilots on this forum that are welcoming all users if they are introducing themselves in the designated topic despite of being man/woman, pc/xboxplayer real life pilot/noob etc. Of all the forums I have been, this personal attention is quite unique.
  • Above all, there is a massive amount of knowledge on this forum and I haven’t crossed a lot of topics where people got burned for their question. In fact when users are asking, I quote: “sorry for this dumb/stupid question but
” 9 out of 10 times others responding: there are no stupid or dumb questions and we are glad you mentioned or asked this. This, exactly this
 is how a professional and warm community is functioning or should reacting. And to be honest I am bloody proud of all the help that is provided by all the experienced simmers (pc and Xbox) out here!!!
  • Are there any exceptions to this, off course! but that is where the moderators come in. So if you feel personally attacked, if you see a topic/person going out of line, please flag the post and we can take appropriate action upon it.

So to all Pc AND Xbox players: Welcome to MSFS, I hope you will have a great time and don’t be afraid to ask any questions, because we are more than happy to help you!


Excellent post.

Regarding the part I quoted, can you link me to the thread? I was unaware there was a dedicated thread that had real lifepilots posting in it. I know real life pilots post on the forums but it’d be cool to read what a group of them has to say.

Just want to re-iterate that the nature of this thread was to break any stereotypes people might have.

I won’t say it’s a stereotype, however I will say I was pleasantly surprised when I saw a really cool Xbox set up. I always thought the Xbox players had to fly/play with their normal Xbox controller but that’s totally not the case.

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very much agree on all your points . as i have mentioned i dont think pc should be dumbed down or changed for xbox. as i am an xbox user saying that. at some points everyone should get their moneys worth for what they put in. the two will never be on the same level. moderators also like you said do a good job on nipping this in the butt . but it doesn’t really happen here its more on 3rd party developers forums when someone asked like for example when can a plane be expected and its just crazy how many jump on some one on xbox for asking a question. Now at the same time there are most definitely xbox users being way to demanding on wanting something and wanting it now. i see that side as well.

Just my point of vue
Every time I encountered Xbox bashing by a pc simmer every time he said he paid 4000 or 6000 $ his setup for playing this game properly, my question is why?..i’m an Xbox simmer because I can play flight simulator for 500$/€and spend the rest of my money on real flight for my ppl a ppl is approximately between 5000 and 7000 $/€you can fly and learn for 150$/€ just asking in an Aero club can I fly on the backseat? I’m sure they will say yes because they sharing their passion and obviously you’ll be a potential customer so when I read a guy who bashing other because he spend a lot of money on his setup I just ignore him cause he don’t deserve my attention
 OK sometimes I troll him for pleasure :sweat_smile:
Sorry for my English it’s not perfect


Couldn’t have said it better :clap:

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The Co-pilots are just there to help the newcommers on their way. Some are real life pilots some are not (like myself for example, however I have some real life flying experience)
The links to the site:

New Simmers: Introduce Yourself! - Student Pilots / Basic Gameplay Help - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

Our Co-pilots (Welcome Crew) - Student Pilots / Basic Gameplay Help - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

said very well. thankyou

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