Hurricane Milton very visible in MSFS2020

Scary weather this year. Hurricane Milton’s getting super-powerful in the Gulf of Mexico, and while the winds aren’t modeled at proper strength over water, the visuals certainly are. Started a flight in the eye and it’s very distinctly rendered.

The eyewall doesn’t have the crazy winds/turbulence because I think MSFS likely relies in METAR for those, which isn’t reported out in the open water.


Great pics!

In my case, my wife offers to come in and shake my chair as violently as she can to simulate turbulence! She’s got an evil grin when she offers to do that, so I’ve passed on it so far!


You have a wife like that too?


Moderator Edit:
The original title of the topic this post was moved from was:
“Interesting Lightning In and Around Hurricane Milton Tonight”

Nothing else though—no turbulence, no rain/ice, no wind. Nice to see lightning again.

Great screenshots and +1 for MSFS having come so far as to show this real time.

I wasn’t the only one then.


Try a motion platform like me. No wife no worry.

Isn’t that the characteristic of the EYE.

If you are in “The Eye”, the winds are relatively CALM… Its only as you fly out of the eye, that the winds become significant and dangerous.


The eye is a region of mostly calm weather at the center of a tropical cyclone. The eye of a storm is a roughly circular area, typically 30–65 kilometers in diameter. It is surrounded by the eyewall, a ring of towering thunderstorms where the most severe weather and highest winds of the cyclone occur. Wikipedia

Oh, I’ve been in real life hurricanes, well aware!

Flying into the eyewall should give heavy winds, turbulence, etc. But it stays pretty calm when you fly into the storm when you’re over open water.

Sadly, the simulation of the weather nastiness willl get more realistic and intense once the storm hits land…

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I think they spoke about this in regards to turbulence at the 2024 event. 2024 should have much more turbulence in these scenarios

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

That’s a great wife you’ve got there!

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How violent can those things get, when you turn them up to full?

Motion platforms that is, not wives. :slight_smile:

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Oh yeah it is. I loaded it up on Xbox now too.

Take the Darkstar up to about 140k ft directly over Milton for another amazing experience! :+1: :exploding_head:

I expect something like this in MSFS 2024…

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had a coworker who knew or met a guy that flew the Thunderhog. For those who don’t know, the SPA-10 Thunderhog was a converted A10 Warthog the National Science Foundation borrowed from the USAF, decided to rip out the cannon and slap a bunch of sensors on the pylons and yeet into hurricanes. For science :tm: of course.

It was reported the pilot was tossed around like a salad when flying into a storm.

The program was shut down in 2018.

Clouds in 2020 are visual only; apart from icing they don’t affect the flight model at all. In an interview Seb mentioned this is fixed in 2024.
Maybe in the new sim we can have a bumpy ride into a hurricane.

Hey…MSFS 2020 really has a lot of turbulence. But hard to notice in jet planes. But once in my Cessna…gosh…

Off to my C152 JPL to experience the full force of the hurricane. In MSFS I know I’ll have some shaking but that’s pretty much it, nothing will happen to the aircraft.

Please fix that in MSFS2024…

I for one salute whoever it was who managed to land the Spruce Goose in the eye of the hurricane. Mind you I was being pretty brave myself, in there with my trusted old Chipmunk

This is probably the busiest I have ever seen one single area in FS.