I can’t believe the vibe at the moment…

Look at all the trailers Microsoft has done previously for their World Updates. There are 13 of them on the Xbox Youtube channel. None of them have ever been faked. They pick the best scenery sure, but all of it is entirely in engine footage, they have never been deceptive to my knowledge.


I have the Killamanjaro addon, a bunch of the airports around the area in MSFS. I’ve flown around the area a number of times. Killamanjaro in MSFS 2020 looks nothing like what was presented in the promo for FS2024. I’ve bought the Los Angeles addon by ACScenery for MSFS 2020 because Los Angeles did not look great. Look at default MSFS 2020 Los Angeles versus what we saw in the promo. Also, look at the leve of detail we can see of Los Angeles in that shot from pretty far away. Much better than what we have presently. Look at the trees. Look at how they sway. Look at the vegetation in the seasons segment and how far off you can see detail in the trees.

Everyone was focused on the activities show, on the aircraft that was in the promo. But if you pay attention to the backgrounds, you see a lot more. All those graphics additions, they are expensive operations in the current sim. If you added that kind of detail, and put the LOD out that far, the current sim would struggle. That is why I have to believe under the hood, this new UI is multithreaded. It hasn’t been confirmed yet, but adding that kind of detail to the sim currently, it would kill performance for some people making the sim unusable.

So if that promise is fulfilled? We will get more details over the next few months. There will probably be a beta for the sim. But if what I expect is there, easily a day 1 purchase from me without any hesitation at all.


I’m indeed not soo familiar with all the graphics that i could judge minor differences, but developers can easily tune an engine above the settings real users have and then you either increase the fps by playing the rendered sequence faster or you use a hardware the normal user would not be able to afford. Both is still “ingame footage”. You often saw this where later it was argued that the game was optimized for performance and therefore graphics had to be simplified.

But I’m an optimistic person, and I can easily imagine that all my doubts are just doubts and those folks will come up with a cool thing that is really worth the buy.

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I’ve taken to permanently blocking most of the big man babies, it’s cleaning up the mood of the forum that way!


Is it possible that you just discovered the term „marketing“ in your word reference book?


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For me, I just go by their track record. Have they ever ripped off the community before? There might have been some irritating bugs and problems with updates over the last few years but I don’t think anybody could realistically claim to be short changed?

13 World Updates together comprising dozens of bespoke airports, thousands of meticulously modelled points of interest and landmarks, constant new photogrammetry cities, better ortho and terrain elevation detail, all free of charge.
Free planes for various special additions including a complex airliner.

They have never ripped off the community so I don’t know why people would suspect them to now.


Just muted the whole MSFS2024 category…which unfortunately includes this thread. But thanks for the tip. See ya all in 2024!


This is a lot of wishful thinking. It does not look “massively better”. The only things in the trailer that pointed to some core change in MSFS is the seasons and extreme weather (tornados). Everything else looks like handcrafted areas for the activities to be performed (mountain rescue, hot air balooning, cargo transport from an oil rig). And that is completely within the realm of what MSFS is capable of doing.


And sucker that I am, I have purchased them all. A few of them more than once, in basic and premium version.
And those from the other major civil FS franchise as well.
And at least a dozen different, ever more powerful PCs along with differs intermediate hardware upgrades.
Plus peripheral hardware and upgrades.
And I paid for real flying lessons, got a PPL IFR for single and multi engine airplane land.

So for the sniffling spoiled brats who think having paid 60€ nearly three years ago for a bit of software, entitles them to a decade or more of upgrades, get a grip.
Nobody forces anyone to pay any more than they already have. You can just stick with MSFS as it is.
I still start FS9 On occasion :smiley: so far nobody has come to arrest me or demand additional payments.


I feel a certain hypocrisy in people who are complaining that they have to buy a new simulator.

I believe that many have already invested much more the simulator price in addons. PMDG 737-700 and -800 cost more than MSFS and people bought it in a heartbeat. And people who wasted money buying Captain Sim and Mscenery addons.

So essentially: PMDG charge full price for basically the same aircraft only bigger/smaller is fine. Developers selling ‘frankensteins’ using default systems is fine. But Microsoft charging for a simulator every 4 years, they are greedy exploiters?


I 100% agree with this statement, I don’t know what the hell is going on but toxicity and hate is off the charts lately. Not only in this forum, but everywhere around the world, it is scary.


For the same reason that we see negativity we can see blind positivity just out of the same trailer. The first is based on the experience with current sim. The second is based on the hopes even if new title has not being released yet. Both are legit.

The most important question is why everyone was excited short after release and during 2021 and just 2 years later opinions are so divided. Either people went crazy suddenly or game did not meet expectations for a relevant portion of customers. Anyway crazy customers could still purchase things but tired customers normally not. As a general rule it’s a good idea to listen to customers when you are selling things, no matter if they are happy, crazy or tired as sometimes you face the need to change your approach to market or just continue and fail.


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I’ve been appalled at the reaction to this “announcement”! Geez, what have we become? If I were the MS/Asobo team reading this ■■■■…I’d say to heck with it, these folks don’t deserve us or appreciate what we are doing, MSFS is cancelled, we’re off to build a cruise ship sim!


My friend, this is a social internet experience. They are wonderful for building community and a sense of connection. And they also are amazing outrage machines.

Flight Simulator, given its nature skew predominantly older, more affluent, and conservative (small c). That group is predisposed to entitlement and outsized reaction to change.

I’m sort of meh about the reaction and excited for the change.

Edit: Also, get over yourselves.


I hope @SeedyL3205 and @Jummivana see this thread. The whole community isn’t what happened yesterday.

I was pretty disgusted at the (I hope) vocal minority of the overall MSFS community yesterday. You would think the 2:15 trailer announced the end of the world and have all the context to justify it. I saw people threatening suicide and murder, people drawing red string theories from nowhere.

I also felt sympathy for the community leaders. They were mostly dropped in it, almost no information a part from the trailer and people screaming at them. The “This is fine” meme came to mind. They did what they could with what they had.

Now that we have three paragraphs of extra clarity we can see that the change isn’t bad. In fact we are going to get more stuff, likely in edition to what we already have, just like in previous iterations of the sim. In response to the Asobo FAQ, people are still not backing down but the message changed from worrying about investment to “arrgggh Microsoft Bad”


Thank you! No need for the tags, we are seeing every thread. :slight_smile:


My personal favorites were some saying they are quiting the forum and MSFS today, because of something that will be released a year from now.

Ok, then! Have fun!


All the negativity is difficult to understand.

Yes, the communication at the outset could and should have been better, but the reactions that are still going on are difficult to take.

Whatever the reasons for packaging this upgrade as a “new” simulator is fine by me. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, when I was on Xbox I’m glad I had no option but to buy from the Marketplace — I wanted my funds going to keeping this ecosystem alive.

Now that I’m on PC, I’m still buying from the Marketplace for the same reason.

I’m really, really looking forward to learning more about what this new chapter of the sim will be bringing to us. I’m sure glad I’m not alone!


Can confirm. :wink:

And no need to be concerned about us, @TheLimbix, although we appreciate the sentiment! We know flight sim fans are an incredibly passionate group. The trailer yesterday is just the first teaser of Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024. More news will come in due time!

In fact, Xbox executives Phil Spencer and Matt Booty already shared a little bit more about Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 in a recent media interview with Giant Bomb. You can watch it at the link below (relevant section starts at about 2:22:00).



I also posted this video in a thread I created, however, it seems more official coming from you @SeedyL3205 :smiley: