I can’t believe the vibe at the moment…

You forgot to mention Microsoft Flight that came out after FSX…


MS Flight. I feel like it was wanting to be what MSFS2020 is but the tech just wasn’t there.

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I wanted to tag you both to remind others that there are people who run, support and enable this community, be community managers or moderators. I know most know, but I think people forget. But also to let you know there are people who care and are thankful for your work.

From one public engagement person to another.


It’s incredibly, incredibly simple.


I think paying customers, who’ve been with this franchise for years, deserve more than a 2-minute xbox games teaser when it comes to what “the next-gen sim” means. All of this, in my opinion, could have easily gone the way they had hoped if there was just a bit of communication. And no, a 3 point FAQ that answers if marketplace mods will transfer over is not what I mean.

My 2 cents.

That said, it’s okay for the majority of customers to be a bit perplexed. By no means does that mean we can be disrespectful, but everyone has a right to feel how they choose.


In the big picture, the new sim looks to be coming out over 12 months away. But teasing the sim at Xbox showcase, MSFS is ultimately a Microsoft IP after all, makes sense. It’s no different to how Microsoft has handle a Halo teaser for example. Also FS Expo is next weekend with Asobo and MS in attendance. I imagine that there is going to be plenty shared between Xbox showcase and FS Expo, not to mention the next 12 months.

The communication that I would be more concerned about is not between Asobo and end users, but between Asobo and 3rd party devs. Which from a commercial sense, and this far out, we wouldn’t be party to anyway.

Only problem is, you aren’t a paying customer. You are an old customer. You paid for the old version. You paid (past tense) for FS2020. You have been enjoying it for 4 years.

FS2024 is aimed to get new paying customers. Something which asobo and Microsoft rely on. The $60 you and me and a few thousand others paid 4 years ago is not going to sustain asobo for 10 years. It’s business. Simple.

Pretty sure that Microsoft did not consult with you personally before releasing windows 11 to put you at ease with their plans and sooth your anxiety as to how their business model might personally affect you.

Again, you paid for a product they released. They are now releasing a new product. A product you do not have to buy if you don’t want. Keep playing the old version you already purchased.


Well spoken. I was ashamed of the behaviour of some people and also a bit shocked how some reacted to what essentially is amazing news.

In the end, I could see a number of posters appearing over and over with the same sort of phrases and looking at the greater picture, it’s a small but very vocal group of people. Some who claimed they would calm down once reassured their addons would work in MSFS 2024, just went on to moan and berate about other things once the obvious was confirmed.

I know from my work that certain individuals react very poorly to changes and I suspect that some of the people overreacting belong to this group. Then there are a few who have a very negative mindset and unfortunately they suck the enthusiasm out of others with the mindset “If I’m negative, everyone else should be”.

Through the course of history, those who push boundaries and are at the forefront of innovation, will meet resistance. While the flight simulator history isn’t as grand or important in the overall picture, the same patterns can be seen.

May those bitter souls linger around, while the majority of us, enjoy this amazing journey we are on. There is so much awesome stuff to come for the MSFS franchise that I can barely wait to see it!


Where did you read anything about me having an issue with paying additional $$? I will happily. I’ve invested a lot of $$ already and have no problem doing so in the future.

Re-read my post if it’s not clear. I am answering why the reaction was not what was expected. Communication is critical and respectful to 3rd party devs and customers.


Fair enough. Simply replace the word “you” with “they” in my post. Point is still the same.

It’s the next version of the platform. There’s no illusion about, that is the official statement.

I’m curious for those of you who were around during the FS2002, FS2004, FSX releases, was there this much negativity about the fast release cycles with those? I would have been 2 years old when FS2002 released, and 6 when FSX came out, so I obviously wasn’t actively browsing flight sim forums on the family PC at the time…

Personally, I hope MSFS2024 will finally break free from the ALL of shackles of FSX, which was based on FS2004, which was based on FS2002… They’ve done a lot of good work on MSFS2020 but you can still see some of FSX’s core bugs. ATC being a big one. I think MSFS2020 was probably an experiment to some extent. Asobo and Microsoft weren’t sure how it would perform. Of course they knew it would sell, but I think they were blown away with the amount of interest it got. And not just from diehard simmers, but from the average gamer who has never played a true simulator in their lives (Goat simulator doesn’t count). Now that they’ve got a feel for the audience and the amount of interest, I think they’re ready to invest more money and resources into the new title because there’s less of a question mark about the return on investment. I think asobo/microsoft management will be less hesitant to increase the resources allocated to the development for MSFS2024.

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You have a flawed understanding of Microsoft’s business model here. Game sales are not what’s important to Microsoft, Gamepass monthly subcriptions and in app transactions are where they make the bulk of their money.

They aren’t releasing MSFS 2024 to make money from sales of the sim. They have been making money all along by having people spend money in the market place and through being a Gamepass member.

Think of Gamepass like Netflix for games. When Netflix release a new season of Stranger Things they don’t charge you to watch it. You are already paying the monthly subscription so you can watch everything.

It’s the same here. Microsoft doesn’t want to charge us existing MSFS 2020 users for 2024. They want to retain as us regular users, spending money on the marketplace, and subscribing to gamepass to play all the games as many people do.

It would cost Microsoft more money to host two versions of MSFS, on both Xbox and PC, and to pay Asobo to provide updates and support for them both than it would to make MSFS 2024 freely available to existing users and just charge for the additiona, optional career mode add on.

The base 2024 sim is absolutely going to replace 2020 and be free for us all. The only reason communication is vague is because they want to save that for a nice announcement.

When you mention Windows 11, which is a sequel to Windows 10, what you neglected to consider is that Windows 11 is a free upgrade to existing Windows 10 users, and if you have Windows 10 they spam your PC every week trying to get you to upgrade.

With Windows, Microsoft wants everyone on Windows 11. They don’t need to make money on you repurchasing the operating system, they want a monopoly of everyone on their operating system, and as few operating systems to service and support as possible.

MSFS is a key title in Xbox’s strategy to win sales and Gamepass subscriptions from their rival Sony. Think the rivalry between Netflix and Disney +.

The days of companies making money on the game sales is an old model. It’s in app subscriptions, game pass subscriptions and high user bases that make money money now.

The reason they are calling this MSFS 2024 isn’t to sell it to us, but to make sure there is loads of buzz about MSFS in the coming months, and that everyone checks out Gamepass when it launches.

People thinking we are paying for this in order to upgrade are like people thinking Netflix would charge extra if you want to watch Stranger Things. It’s the opposite. They make series like Stranger Things to draw you to getting a Netflix subscription.


Thank you Seedy! I saw the segment. Confirmed advances to graphics, and confirmed tornadoes are a part of the sim, not just packaged in a mission! Now I am really excited.


It’s going to be so great! The fact that the cyclone was done with in game physics and not just a graphic effect for a mission has me excited. We might be able to go live weather storm chasing!

The trailer looks phenomenal, the whole lighting system looks like its been overhauled, as as the terrain elevation data for mountains and scenery ortho.

Can’t wait for this.

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Exactly what I wrote yesterday. No need to stress until we get some info. I even said I have a feeling we won’t need to repurchase addons. Sure enough Seedy posted a Q&A post today and stated we will not have to repurchase addons and are transferable to MSFS24 :smiley:

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Yes absolutely crazy overreaction and hair pulling for no logical reasons… developing some patience to wait a few hours or days for more clarity would’ve been the way to go, but unfortunately no. At least the silver lining is that MSFS has so many fans who’re passionate about the sim and what gets done to it, so that’s goodness I guess.

For whatever reasons MS/Asobo chose to only focus on missions in this all-important first teaser trailer… but even so there are various improvements evident in the core sim as I detailed and speculated about in MSFS2024 Engine VS MSFS2020 Engine - #24 by lwtxb

Also good to see Phil Spencer now confirming about improvements coming to graphics, weather (simulated tornadoes!), flight dynamics, etc. Looking forward to various future deep dives and previews on all the improvements!

Some good analysis on the trailer:


Negativity comes out of fear wether real or imagined. It is a shame we see it here.

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This is a bug that has been present since release and they included it IN THE TRAILER. I think to some extent the degree of frustration and anger among many simmers is justified…in the end we all just want MSFS to be the best sim platform it can be.


This kind of corperate bootlicking is WHY we pay over and over again. Thanks y’all! Way to support flight simulation!


Gotta admit, I’ve been playing this game for two years and I just never ever notice it. It’s no where on my personal wishlist. I understand some people can’t “us-see” it once they notice, but I’m just not in that camp.

I remember scouring those discussions, always asking myself “Am I dense, what am I looking for again?” :laughing: I guess ignorance is bliss in my case.