I cannot use the flight simulator anymore


I had the very same problem trying to get WU6, nothing helped. However I didn’t delete the sim as that seldomly serves any sense.

I had to remove the gaming services from my registry after finding this on the internet a couple of months ago for anoither problem:

Open Registry Editor
Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE → SYSTEM → CurrentControlSet → Services
Remove the GamingServices and GamingServices.Net
Restart Computer
Go to your Windows Store → 3-dot-menu → Downloads and Updates → Check updates
Gaming Services should install now without issue.
Double check by rebooting and going back to Windows Store and trying to Get Updates again - you should be Up to date

At that point I could NOT reinstall the gaming services, which indicated that there was a more serious issue with the store which also affected my ability to update MSFS. So I deleted the MS store cache and resetted it, instructions are easily searchable.

Then I did this which forces a redownload of the gaming services:

this worked and I then saw the MSFS update.

yes, the MS Store is crap.

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