I deleted MSFS2020 from my computer. I’m done

Level-D simulators are supposed to get 60fps at 60Hz continuously…

I haven’t been around a Level D in 20 years, but I can tell you if they do, thats new.

Regardless, thats dedicated professional hardware and not apples to apples with your desktop PC.

Sorry, I took that as a key point.

@PablodNinja, I think (it’s been a while since I bothered checking) I’m getting “only” around 25-30fps in VR. But it’s very smooth and my primary fps counter (my eyes) are happy with it, so it’s fine by me. More is always better, of course, but remember what I said about my primary fps counter…

If your headset is capable of 120hz, set it to that… that way if it falls back it will try 60hz which is still just fine.

If it is a 90hz headset (like original oculus) its not an option… Just remember when setting VR target speeds, your fall back will be half of that… so sometimes pushing it UP rather than down will get you the result you really wanted (as counter intuitive as that seems).

Alrighty then.

2080 is still better than a 2060super.
I believe it would run but I’ll have to lower the eye candy

What amazes me is that some people don’t really understand what the OP says. They either read the only title and rush into replying here, or they just don’t have the capacity to comprehend a few simple sentences.The frame counter it’s just an indicator for the lack of fluidity he’s experiencing. Actually that’s his conclusion, he basically wrote that. He never said he’s expecting 120fps, he just translated the lack of smoothness or jerkiness expressing it in frames per second. I believe some admin should lock this thread as it ran off from its intended course.

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It’s so funny to read people saying: " I don’t have top of the line specs…"
and then continue summing up their specs that are miles better than my recently bought AMD 3700x with an GTX 1660 Super and 32 GB of ram.

I play in 1440p and settings between high and ultra and my frame rate is 30-ish.

I do however suffer from the occasional stutter/hang … also after the patch. But it isn’t a real deal breaker for me.

What was this topic really about anyway?

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Please do not attack or name call others. Several posts in this topic and it’s related replies have been deleted. We don’t want to close this topic but if continues, it will be closed.

I always figure if you’re older than, say, 19 or so and still playing Fortnight, you should probably reexamine your priorities lol…

As far as VR goes, I don’t even see a need to try to get to 90fps. Last I checked I was “only” getting about 25-30, and that was plenty for my primary fps counters (my eyes). You do have me at least curious about what it would take to actually achieve 90. Probably not curious enough to actually do it, but curious nonetheless.

EDIT: Apologies for the almost duplicate post, but Ima just gonna leave it here…


I set my settings so I had around 33 fps. After that, I limited my fps to 30 via nVidia settings. Completely smooth and stutter-free after that. Giving your GPU a little bit of headroom solves a lot of issues. At least it did for me.


Thanks! I’ll try that :slight_smile:

You forgot to put your hard drive in the dishwasher. :grin:

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I had stutter issues too with my i9-9900K, 2080 Ti and when I enabled VSync 30 FPS ingame all stutters were gone. There are rarely some stutters but only at major handcrafted/3rd party airports with the FBW A32NX on Vatsim.

For those who are having issues, you may want to listen up.

I started having similar issues a few nights ago. But I made 3 mistakes-

  • I didn’t reboot before starting the sim. You should always, always reboot before you go flying.
  • I had extended pauses. Not like a minute or two, but half an hour, maybe an hour or more.
  • I was doing extensive multitasking while my plane was flying itself during cruise.

After doing all of that, I came back to find a complete stuttery mess. I also got kicked out of VR, but I wasn’t sure if that was my fault, or “just happened”.

BUTTTT… The next day, I tried again with a proper reboot, no extended pauses, and minimal multitasking during cruise, and everything worked out just peachy. You may want to consider my experience. I also thought it might be my scenery, because I was coming into what it probably the most scenery dense airport available in the sim today (the freeware Gatwick from flightsim.to), but that wasn’t it either. In fact, I don’t know how, but the guy who made that has it exceptionally optimized, because once I got rid of the no reboot/multitasking caused slide-show, it was as smooth as just about anywhere else on the planet, and much smoother than places like LAX (which is only partially a pain) or Charles de Gaulle, which is the worst scenery location I’ve personally found on the entire planet.

But, if you forget EVERYTHING ELSE I just said, remember this… REBOOT BEFORE YOU FLY!!!

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I’ll definitely try it. :slight_smile:

I think on the ramp it recovers a bit to 30-40. My issue is during flight. Start over the lake and do an ILS approach in the 787 to say, RWY 28R. I have photogrammetry on but I don’t know if that makes a difference. Once you get close to the airport, it’ll drop to like 10 fps right over the runway, and if you’re lucky the whole runway will load. Many times for me, only half the runway loads in full detail, and during my landing roll, I’ll hit the edge of high resolution to low resolution textures, which apparently aren’t level with each other, and I’ll do a front flip, in a 20 ton plane, going 100 mph

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One heck of a Flight Simulator. Go ASOBO…Long live ASOBO…

I find the UK to be CTD country for me. As soon as I fly there, within 45 minutes I have a CTD. Today I flew 4 flights in the South US, and zero problems.