I feel cheated! Before launch

Before launch, EVERY single ingame picture was nothing short of amazing, incredible…but now we have awful buildings, artifacts, tringles, lego pieces, etc…not to mention things that do not work. If I was a lawyer…this is fake advertising!


Use Zendesk to report your issues, systems specs, drivers, antivirus, everything you can. Help them fix it!


There are already enough rant threads, thank you. This isn’t adding to the forum or helping anybody.


Go on the same area and compare, go on screenshots thread and compare “[OFFICIAL] Screenshot Website Feature Thread (Please read post for rules) - #5 by simtom2

[OFFICIAL] Real vs. Sim Screenshots

More “Screenshots - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

I you don’t fly the same place, you won’t have the same result, also proper graphics setting and setup.

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That is the problem…I do not have to help anybody. We paid for the product. We are consumers. We are not supposed to fix things. And I really could not care less there are enough posts about this, it is my first. Read and reply at your will or let it die. Do not waste your time.


Moderators would you please close this thread? He doesn’t want a solution.

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This is GENERAL DISCUSSION area, isnt it! I am saying the truth here, I am not looking for a solution in this post!


Though every single picture from their updates can be recreated within the game so I don’t see how it is false advertisement. Just another whiny thread which makes forum pretty uninformative lately.


Did you buy the DVD version? Wanna sell the DVD’s.? Still a high demand for them.

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Thank you for your post. Many of us feel exactly the same way. I would encourage you to continue to push the developer to deliver what you paid for in as many venues as possible.


Wow…it’s almost like they wanted to demonstrate the coolest parts of the game…

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Sorry, but tree view distance is simply gone. This is ultra now:


Hmm it looks like you can actually count the trees. Did that area get hit with a highly selective wild fire?

Also, check out that water! What did your wind indicator say? I hope it was 0.

It’s pretty bad. After the latest patch a lot of MSFS looks just as bad as FSX or FS9. Wow.


Yep haven’t turned on on msfs for a week now as there is nothing to see out of the cockpit but a low Lod mess , I would like to see the whole forum drowning in “negative” posts , after all the game I bought was not the one that was advertised and after two patches is now visually insulting.


Just a thought people, if you use NVidia GeForce Experience, make sure it’s not auto-optimizing FS2020.


Please let it die

Just a pointles rant?

I have a solution…contact Microsoft and request a refund. I just did it an hour ago and they refunded the full amount. Leave this “GAME” for the console boys


Great idea, please leave the forum also :wink: