I honestly can't do this anymore

If you just wanted to do a bit of VFR flying you wouldn’t go far wrong diving in now. You would still have a very enjoyable experience more than likely. If you want to get the most out of it and are looking for a more advanced flight experience then it’s probably wise to wait.


For me, it is GA, VFR, and a bigger HD and only for this sim. Maybe it will be on sale soon? I want the deluxe version. (Satna and a little red wagon)

There are so many games out there. No game or sim should be a cause of anxiety or stress. You’re not obligated to play. Take a break. Play something else for a bit. Flight Simulator will be here and will improve and hopefully get to a point in the not so distant future that you want to play it again.

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The new patch completely broke the game. I never has any single crash before. Since, crash to desktop every single session.
This is a disaster for user experience.

Le nouveau patch a complètement casé le jeux. Je n’ai jamais eu un seul crash avant. Maintenant, chaque session se termine brutalement sur desktop.
C’est un vrai désastre pour l’expérience.

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I have now paid £5 to use it for 2 months and can cancel after that. Surely it is better than paying the full price and then finding you don’t like it. If the price does go up I can decide then if I want it or not.


To be fair I mainly responded to the urgency requested. I do appreciate the positive sides of your post.

Let’s call it a day and part as friends. I note as you have that we all deal with this differently. I will continue to promote a wait and see approach and call for patience.

All the best,


It’s funny. I’ve been away on a road trip for almost 3 weeks and come back to literally SSDD on this forum. But it doesn’t surprise me. I knew this game was released many months too early when I first started it up and inevitably lost interest after a few days. I will be coming back to the forums frequently but don’t expect to find a proper sim until the end of the year, if at all. Looking at the amount and complexity of issues I reckon it will take a long time to patch this thing up. I’m annoyed for I was very fckn excited for this product and looking forward to an outstanding flying experience in the fall and winter. We’ll see how this develops. For now I’m putting the yoke and pedals back into the box under the sofa. Sad.


I believe it’s a combination of pressure from MS AND the community (look at the forums here). If you have that pressure you will shorten the QC as that is the easy way out and… Voilà, you’ve got a perfect storm.

You aren’t an Eve Online player are you? :thinking:


Honestly this sim/game is like a trap for me. Its so frustrating at times that i jumped back to P3D. I spent 5 miuntes and just had to quit. MSFS as bad as it is now looks 100 times better then P3D. So I simply cant go back anymore. Hopefully this one will mature fast.

If it’s any consolation, it is working really well for many of us. This proves that it can work for everyone, unless Microsoft pulls the plug. Let’s hope they don’t!

Most people don’t excuse any one that signed up for a specific job that fails performing that job just because there was too much pressure…

If a judge couldn’t make an impartial decision on a trial because there were media members and community forums were talking about the trial, that person should not be in that role.

I apply the same logic to a software company that wants to go with the deploy and patch later model.

I don’t think I excused anyone. Just trying to give a possible explanation to the rushed release.

I am sure that has happened and will continue to happen.

Well, I try to see things in context. A judge deal with the lives of others, a gaming software company does not. Hence I would judge them differently. I also try to see it in light of my own experience and my own mistakes as well as the severity of the damage to assess my response.

From many posts here it seems like it is a matter of unfathomable importance. And to that I don’t agree. It’s a game.

I believe that MS and Asobo will make good on their promises and deliver. But people have to have patience.

My two cents,

That sounds good to me. I’m not here to fall out with anyone. :peace_symbol:

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I do hope so too, but in the gaming world where they can cut support at anytime for a 1-time payment product, the clock is ticking. This wasn’t a 2 way contract and they really don’t have any incentive to keep this up unless the income coming in supports it. Remains to be seen whether ppl will pay, (i.e. $25 for a pushback add-on), especially when the airbus can’t navigate vertically.

Plus it’s not helping MSFS brand to the community as a whole. There’s people that it’s fine for and there’s ppl where they can’t even install. I have a feeling from these forums that this should have been a smoother release and that the “rating” is dropping. Bad brand will also eventually lead to cut product. Let’s hope their patch process gets better results after this debacle.


Yes I could easily put up with the bugs and shortfalls and compromises if it had launched with VR and helicopters and gliders. I am just waiting and hoping the problems don’t cause these functions to be delayed.

I was hoping they would commit to DX12 openly as I see even more problems with it trying to do VR on a legacy Graphics API. Its ironic that the “legacy sims” have the latest and greatest graphics API and MSFS is running on a legacy API!

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I had the same issues as you and have posted a possible solution on another post…


Hope this helps

I feel the same…its almost like they are guessing! I’m done with it for now. Maybe someday if they fix it.


There are gliders… Climb in the A320 fly with the AP on of ‘use the pause in game feature’ and you’ll find when you come back you engines are shutdown voila now your flying a Glider


Guys, i agree with all frustrations on this thread…
You can complain, scream, quit back to FSX or whatever other sim… but there is a fact : you already paid for FS2020 !
So whatever you do, it would certainly not put Microsoft/Asobo under any kind of pressure. They made their big deal already.
If they would feel concerned, they would have quickly adress an hotfix, or revert back on the messy file not to ruin one month play.

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