I know it isn't just me but I have noticed that the visual eye candy is slowly disappearing

I wish we could get as much attention on the state of the aircrafts’ systems and performance as we do on the perceived downgrades of the graphical quality :unamused:

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Please first read the entire thread again. My contribution was to offer you help for before and after picture to give Asobo the necessary info for any alleged graphic downgrade . You did not have them but acted unfriendly and instructed me to do an irrelevant flight. Then other posters joined in and gave you before and after pics. Despite eye tests, my family members and I did not see any discernible difference, especially not for a pilot that has to control his aircraft, listen to ATC, look out for traffic etc. I can therefore disagree with your opinion whether you (or anyone who takes your side) disagrees.
That’s the nice thing about this forum compared to many other forums IMO.

Please first read the entire thread again. My contribution was to offer you help for before and after picture to give Asobo the necessary info for any alleged graphic downgrade . You did not have them but acted unfriendly and instructed me to do an irrelevant flight. Then other posters joined in and gave you before and after pics. Despite eye tests, my family members and I did not see any discernible difference, especially not for a pilot that has to control his aircraft, listen to ATC, look out for traffic etc. I can therefore disagree with your opinion whether you (or anyone who takes your side) disagrees.
That’s the nice thing about this forum compared to many other forums IMO.

Certainly, you do not have to hope? Civility as per the forum CoC are important to me ( no cheap shots acceptable), so please tell me which opinion of yours on this thread you feel I have not accepted or should not be allowed to disagree with?
Can I help you with any proof for Asobo?

I posted this just to show an example that sometimes the PG is just blobs. I notice this stuff while flying. I slewed over just to show an example. As you can see by my other posts I am happy with the sim and really enjoying it. My main reason for participating on this thread was to let people know nobody is purposefully dumbing anything down but that a lot of us are unhappy with LOD and PG. I have also changed my mind on whether or not it has even changed over the updates and I will say that now I don’t think it has changed but in the beginning I was not flying in PG areas because I think like a lot of people we were flying to find old homes and places we recognized. Once I started exploring I went to lots of the starred airports and POIs I thought the graphics had changed… which they had, to PG, and that was not what I was used to seeing. Blocky trees and melted buildings all of a sudden were everywhere and the LOD was so jumpy and spotty that it made a huge impact on how non PG areas load and look compared to non PG.

What I will say is that enough people are not happy with the quality of PG and LOD for it to be addressed as it does take away from the experience. Is it unplayable and horrible. No. does it ■■■■ to fly into LAX and see the skyline look like spires and melted blobs. Yes.

I think it is great the asobo is giving us all the updates and content and know they have to be slammed with work trying to get everything updated.

Also GTA is fun.


Generally PG areas are not bad as long as you are flying over them at several hundred feet. The PG trees however have a lot of issues that really hurt the PG area as a whole.

Per above - 500 feet+ is definitely good - even the trees. Below that can be hit or miss. There is also the darkness v surrounding landscape which isn’t great depending on where you are:

It is quite clear that there are many differing opinions on whether or not visual fidelity is degraded, and frankly, this seems highly based on what the user perceives as good or bad quality. That being said, many posts include “before and after” pictures depicting what they see as either a degradation or no change at all versus previous patches. As such, I urge those of you who feel the fidelity has degraded to file a Zendesk report where the issue can be more accurately addressed by Asobo. Arguing with each other with screenshots taken with entirely separate configurations and settings is getting us nowhere.

All the best. :slight_smile: