I love the Cessna 152. I just do

I get the appeal of the Baron, the TBM, the 747. But I have to say that since the day I started in MSFS, through all the ups and downs, the mighty Cessna 152 is just such an honest, well-designed and well-implemented airplane. Asobo really nailed it with this one, and no matter what else I fly, I find myself wishing I was flying the 152.


Same, itā€™s pretty much all I fly.

Really good modā€¦


Itā€™s fun to fly (especially with the JOL mod) and very forgiving when learning.

I canā€™t wait to fly the big jets but slowly progressing through the various aircraft and just moved from the 152 to the 172.


Thatā€™s a very smart way to do it. Iā€™m a pilot in real life, but I just enjoy the daylights out of this airplane.

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Itā€™s funny, I really see nothing with the plane that needs to be modded. I do like the background lighting for the panel gauges, but honestly, an autopilot in a 152 - how lazy can you get! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Lol, I get the point but towards the end of my 152 run I did use the AP as it was my introduction to AP. Itā€™s basic / simple and was easy to start to learn and understand on.

Now in the 172 with the GNS530/430 I was able to already understand the basic AP functionality while introducing a GPS.

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Check out the change log. I do agree an AP in a 152 is rather humorous. Donā€™t really agree with that addition. :wink:


Great vids. What mod are you using for the boat traffic lights in the harbors?

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The small, cozy* boyā€™s room of the skies. :slight_smile: Funny how it creates affection even if you didnā€™t learn in a 15x and how the model teaches you why it is a classic. I canā€™t even tell for sure why I like it more than the many very good alternatives in the same category.

Too bad the crazy RW price development in the market for trainers has turned them pointless for regular people - even the most worn-out, student-sweat-soaked, tired ā€œprojectā€ birds with 15,000+hrs TT that couldnā€™t be sold for $10,000 a few years ago go for 50,000+ bucks now.


Geez, maybe I need to revisit the 152/172. I dismissed it waiting for an A2A version, but good to hear itā€™s modeled well. Been doing a LOT of the FBW A320, might be good to see some of this low level scenery.

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Thanks! This is the boats addon, itā€™s freaking awesome:

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Weā€™ve got a gorgeous one in my club that nobody ever flies. $60 an hour wet. Iā€™m a lucky guy.


It truly is just an honest airplane. And I fly it no mods, just like it comes from Asobo. Itā€™s a wonderful airplane.

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Iā€™ve switched from the 172 to the 152 when flying on PilotEdge, at least for now. The 152 is moreā€¦ aesthetic? The old school style gives it a lot of charm. Itā€™s less capable, but I think that actually makes it more fun. Flies more realistically perhaps too.


How do I get liveries that I downloaded for the c152 to work with this mod? Is there any way or do you purely use this mod for the experience and just the one livery

They have to be compatible. For example this is one I like to useā€¦

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$60 wet? Incredible. Iā€™m a jealous guy now. :slight_smile:

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Fresh overhaul, ADSB in/out. Great airplane.

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What does JOL stand for? I see another mod mentioned in the threadā€¦ but the JOL is different?

Iā€™ve been flying the 172 a lot and really like it (both the classic and G1000 NXi versions). I gotta try the 152 now!

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i love to fly the smaller, simpler aircraft, kind of ā€˜true to the history of aviationā€™

not just for that but because you actually fly them rather than set the computers and watch :stuck_out_tongue:

current favorite is the xcub but the 152 is great, basic but with all you really need