I love the Cessna 152. I just do

Typo. JPLogistics mod.

Thank you!

As much as I fly the larger GA more often, I still fly the C152 regularly. Itā€™s simple and effective. A bit on the slow side, but thatā€™s just the nature of what it is. Itā€™s probably the best stock plane in the sim. And since it doesnā€™t have an autopilot, you actually have to hand fly it. Itā€™s far too easy to get lazy with autopilot and let it do all the work.

One of my most memorable moments so far was the first time I successfully hand-flew an ILS approach in IMC conditions. And that was with the 152.


Yeah, itā€™s also fun to fly non-RNAV SIDs and STARs in it! :slight_smile:

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Love that flight from St. Barts to Grand Case!


Ok I have to ask what is likely a dumb question but does the 152 (and the 172) have a steerable nose wheel? Iā€™m using a Thrustmaster stick with a twist handle for rudder control and it doesnā€™t look that is also steering the front wheel while taxiing. Thanks.

The rudder pedals do control the nose wheel but for tighter turns you need to use differential wheel braking.


Yes that is basically what Iā€™ve been doing on the tighter turns. Does my twist stick rudder control work the same as actual rudder pedals?

Yes a joystick twist works the same axis if setup correctly. You obviously donā€™t have the brakes like you do with a set of pedals but you can bind these controls to some buttons. Itā€™s just not as natural or easy to control but it does work.


Love the 152 Aerobatic with the sunroof!
Itā€™s amazing in VR! Easy to balance for level flight. If you have a yoke, pedals and throttles, like the Honeycomb, itā€™s even more authentic.
I find thereā€™s a bug in the Cessnas since last update as I cannot turn on Pitot Heat anymore, and I get a warning light. Anyone else?

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I feel the same way. I just love the analog planes and the 152 does it so right.

Makes me pine for one IRL.

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What you need is a basic autopilot, like the one on VFlyteā€™s C150 for X-Plane. That allows you to point the plane without doing the work for you - thatā€™s pretty much all it does.

Thereā€™s actually an argument for an automatic AP for everything, just a setting to ā€œkeep flying in the same height and directionā€, so that you can have (say) a comfort break on VATSIM, they arenā€™t happy if you just pause.


I have this aircraft, while it does have an AP (using the Commuter panel) it doesnā€™t have altitude hold.

You can pause, you just have to ask first. In fact in XP I do fly the 150 a whole lot and I prefer to use the Trainer panel unless I am flying it under IFR. Simply let the controller know that you would like to pause for a moment. I mean if you just pause without asking then yeah, they will not like it.

I havenā€™t really dove into optional features you could have got for the Cessna 150 when it was still being produced but I find it highly unlikely an AP was one of them as it seems it would tack on substantial cost to the aircraft.

Another aircraft I like to fly a lot (in XP and P3D) is the Just Flight 152. There is no AP in this.

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Great thread. Never flown but will give it a try. I always fall back to the caravan as I really like it Until the Kodiak is released !

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Find myself nodding in agreement here. Itā€™s a great plane. Stable, easy to trim, (relatively) easy to land, slow enough that you get to see all the great scenery. I really have a soft spot for steam gauge aircraft anyway, I also like the 172 too.


ā€œi love to fly the smaller, simpler aircraft, kind of ā€˜true to the history of aviationā€™

not just for that but because you actually fly them rather than set the computers and watch :stuck_out_tongue:ā€

I couldnā€™t possibly agree more!


Thanks, Hester! I do that flight (or variations of it, maybe to Anguilla to TNCM or the other direction) all the time. It just never gets old, especially at dusk.

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Sure does. Your rudder control should control the steering.

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Itā€™s weird, Iā€™ve never tried the Aerobatic, not sure why. Iā€™ll give it a try today! And carb heat is working fine for me.

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The Just Flight 152 is awesome.