in a 4 hour flight, bout to touch down i got go around. now i have used all my way points and AP has nothing to go on to get me back to ILS approach. WHAT DO I DO!?
no flight hardware so rely on AP. IDK what to do to get back into approach
in a 4 hour flight, bout to touch down i got go around. now i have used all my way points and AP has nothing to go on to get me back to ILS approach. WHAT DO I DO!?
no flight hardware so rely on AP. IDK what to do to get back into approach
re program your approach into the FMC.
The Garmin has a BC (back course) mode, not sure about the airliners
All you have to do is make a lap in the traffic pattern. I usually choose left or right based on which one won’t take me over the main part of the airport. Don’t bother retracting gear or flaps and keep your speed within those limits. If you don’t want to hand-fly the plane, then sync your current altitude and heading, then steer the turns with the heading bug. Once you’re past the runway, swing the bug 180° in whichever direction you pick, then fly downwind until cleared to land. Wait a few more seconds and then swing the heading bug again. Once you level out again, you should be fairly close to being lined up with the runway again, unless there are some strong crosswinds.
Uh! that’s thrown me!
Now I’m just a lowly GA guy, and my needs are small.
But your remark suggests that people are ‘flying’ about entirely under the control of the AP.
And sure, if that’s true, well, that’s fine… I guess… None of my business is it…
Horses for courses and all that.
But every fibre in my body is screaming, WHYYYYYYYYYY?
That’s akin to going to the cinema and choosing to wear a blindfold.
Or Eating a fine meal with a peg on your nose.
Or going to bed with the woman of your dreams and … [cough!]. Well, you take my point.
Please tell me I am mistaken. That I have gotten hold of the wrong end of the stick. Please.
I moderate the MSFS section of another forum that’s virtually all GA and vintage enthusiasts, then I come here and it seems like all I ever see is tube fliers. When I hear discussion of waypoints, that’s just the first thing that comes to mind. My own flying tends to be much less formal - just tell me where you want me to enter the pattern and then tell me when I can land. But I do like to use AP in the cruise phase. Constant trimming and minor corrections tends to get tedious after an hour or so. But on short trips, I’m right there with you. Stick and rudder seem to be a lost art when step into a flight deck that’s bigger than my kitchen!
7 hours later… Starting to get worried about the OP, y’all think he made it down alight? Should we declare ALERFA?
In real life you would have briefed the missed approach from the chart and had the procedure ready before final approach. I’m assuming you have the chart available?
I do get the impression that a lot of new users are just using the generic MSFS globe to set departure and arrival airports and thinking the AP will everything including landing the aircraft even when it and the arrival runway are not auto land equipped.
And of course, my remarks were more an attempt at levity than anything else.
I too routinely go onto the AP once I am centred on my course to destination.
But the real pleasure, IMO, of ‘flying’ is the sense of accomplishment that comes
from the execution of a hand wrought ‘textbook’ landing.
Clear skies.
What plane is it? GA or airliner?
It’s not that I don’t want to hand land, it’s that doing it on keyboard impossible lol, don’t have hardware yet! It took an extra hour but I was finally able to figure it out, I think, but upon second approach the blue approach gates didn’t show up so my AI co pilot would not land. Tried 3 times, he just kept retracting all gear and going full throttle. I got mad gave up and got off lol
No I know the AP will not auto land unless theres, what, ILS cat 3+? But I dont have any flying hardware so hand landing aint happening. Spent literally first 3 days playing trying just that
Airbus A320
Turn around and act like you doin the approach again on same altitude and press APR. Should find its way back to the runway as long as you did not change the frequency.
With careful manual application of the throttle to maintain about 5° nose up attitude, you can make the C172 do a poor man’s auto-land. Once you’re established on the LOC/GS, it will track all the way to the ground at most airports.
This happens every time I do a long flight. It overshoots and misses and then I’m stuck having to do a manual pattern and it ruins the whole experience. Such is life…