I prefer UI from 2020 and here's why

Loading screen

The 2024 version uses video which is kind of annoying for few things. It’s repeated, we all know it, it moves and more importantly it shows what the sim actually not look like.
Also the music background is playing even though in the settings it’s set to 0.

The 2020 version had static images, sometimes nice sceneries.
Background music is muted according to the settings.

Welcome screen

If you ask your friend who never played this game, which one is the newset one, they will always poitnt to 2020 version.

The 2024 looks minimalistic yet still game’y. The most common feature with the smallest box is the free flight. I bet 80% of the people will use it. Yet you decided to put World photographer in the biggest box that probably 10% will use.

The 2020 looks more professional, already presenting many options. The pictures in each block already showing you what you deal with.

Aircrat selection

This one is big and extremely broken by design.

The 2024 version for some reason added horizontal scrolling, while more natural is the vertical. The plane description is on the left side, while most languages read from left to right, so planes should be on the left and description on the right.

The 2020 uses vertical scrolling and each plane already has description in the box. So you can just follow the plane, see how many knots it goes instead of going back and forth with your eyes to read the plane capabilities.

The 2024 is way too blueish. All shades of blue with gradients it makes you tired.
The 2020 was calm, professional, grey backgrounds with white and blue accents.

The 2024 has way to complicated system to pick a livery, so many clicks.
The 2020 with one simple click and you get your liveries. Also the plane models presented in boxes are way better than in 2024.

ESC while gaming

Another annoyance is the animation and menu when hitting ESC while gaming.

The 2024 version has minimalistic menu which actually you have to read to know what you want. Also the animation zoom out after so many times hitting ESC became very annoying.

The 2020 version uses again descriptive boxes and you know exactly what to click, which is mostly the controls. There is no animation the screen stays the same entire time which is expected and very welcoming.

I think the current UI of 2024 version is a step back what we had, 2020 is not perfect at all but with some improvements introduced in 2024, the 2020 would be close to perfection.

Instead we got full of animation, poorly designed UI without thinking much.
It looks like you had to make entirely new UI just to prove people “look, this is new sim”, that’s why you abandoned the 2020 UI which was in most cases great.


I completely agree with this. Very nicely described. The 2020 UI with the Hangar was super good.


Let’s face it, both the 2020 and 2024 UIs were made by someone who has no accuracy or even the slightest notion of design. Although it may seem ridiculous, it is functional. My fear is that with so many needs that were transformed into shortcuts, this will be lost along the way in 2024. But on the other hand, what if they didn’t want to put so much energy and willingness into something with the UI? Anyway… scenes from the next chapters…


I’m not a fan of the horizontal scrolling either. I also feel like you can see far fewer planes at a time than in 2020, making it necessary to scroll and search a whole lot more!

But the worst part for me is that the filters are less granular than before, unless I’m missing something. Can we really not filter by prop, jet, etc. anymore?


I was thinking about making a similar request, so thanks for doing the work for me! :wink:

But seriously, I agree 100%. The 2024 UI looks amateurish compared to the refined 2020 UI.


I agree with those observations. I would also add that the thumbnails of the aircraft are less clear than in MSFS2020; the details of the aircraft are lost.


100%. FS2024 feels like a regression compared to FS2020. Too many transitions, animations, without thinking of the actual user experience. Too many clicks to select the plane you want to fly as well.

And my thoughts exactly on the Free Flight. That will end up being the most used button throughout the life of the sim. So why is it not the biggest ?


They look like they had overexposed light on them killing any color and subtle lighting.


Spot on. This, plus all the half baked aircraft…the Pilatus are atrocious.


I like the 2024 UI but need some improvement. Somethings are hard to understand

Agree with everything, the new UI is terrible and looks too gamey with only the xbox in mind.
It’s certainly not tailored for a PC audience. It needs to be more simplistic and intuitive, with more information at a glance.
And also it needs to be faster, no delay when clicking something, no fancy animations…


I wanna add that the pause menu while in-flight is also distracting. I just want to change something real quick, I do not need the transition to the exterior view.

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I Don’t think its possible to wishlist a complete UI changes, however, one certain ui change which is the most significant, can really be a case for change. if i was to choose one, i would choose that “my hangar” gets back instead of the static mini pictures for aircraft, which is way so downgrade in quality.

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Moved to General Discussion and added appropriate tag.

I haven’t received my MSFS 2024 yet, but I did want to add that the cinematic “swoop” you get in the beginning makes me nauseated, and there is a Wishlist topic to disable that. You can vote for it if you feel the same:

I also really don’t like the fact that once again, apparently just being in the menus runs your graphics card at full tilt. It is totally unnecessary.

Finally, as a rule of thumb, every Microsoft upgrade seems to add more mouse clicks between you and what you want to do. I don’t know if the UI was designed by Microsoft, but I did see in the first post that apparently it does take more mouse clicks to do certain tasks. That bugs me.


I find the menu transition is quite triggering. I’m not a fan of the rapid zooms in and out, and the swoosh sounds, often resulting in stuttering graphics.

In my opinion, screen real estate is also not used effectively. For example, the globe on the start page takes up more space than the actual functional menus. It could be that it is reserved for future applications which I can understand.

Lastly, I haven’t found a way to de-couple short cut key strokes from navigating through the UI. For example, pressing [esc] from a flight to change settings then resume flight, deploys full spoiler and flaps, an issue we also have in 2020. I was hoping a fix would have been found unless I’m missing it.

I’m also very confused by the single letters in boxes, like the B by my profile name or the Q and E in the settings menu. Are they keyboard shortcuts? They don’t seem to do anything.


No idea why music is playing if the setting is at 0. No music here on 0, which I find rather annoying because in a movie I want music. Just not on the menu or when people talk.

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New UI is definitely a step back both visually and user friendliness. It reminds me more of a mobile or console UI, which is probably intended. Im also getting some old 1990 web flash UI vibes. Im on a 4k TV and I cant even get fonts small enough to fit inside fields even when I selected the smallest font (18, which clearly isnt small enough).

They have merged settings into one, like all the “quality, density, distance” settings, even though we asked for the opposite after 2020.
Theres still no normal “brightness, color, gamma…” which was asked for.
They have settings who clearly have nothing to do in the graphics settings in there, like multiplayer on/off “Air Traffic”.
They even use same settings terms, like Air Traffic, at different places - with DIFFERENT meanings, which is… wild.

It wouldnt be so bad if at least they didnt dumb down/remove so many of the settings and features.
On top of that they use terms and words that are confusing, and have horrible descriptions. Something that was brought up many times even in msfs2020.

I dont know why they keep doubling down on this regression and simplifying, but Im sure they have a reason.

I dont mind the loading screen and opening screen UI, even if the 2020 was better.


I completely agree with everything.

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You may want to vote for the Wishlist topic I mentioned, which is about that issue:

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