I want my sim back! (SU15 edition)


I encountered a couple of problems after install SU15.

First: I am annoyed that I have to go through a couple of nag screens on every start and the sim force me the do the exact same things over and over and over again without changing anything, what is, as we have learned from Vaas, the definition of insanity.

Example screen:

Anybody else. Any idea to avoid this?

Second: All my key binds are gone. Beside the fact that I now have to redo all my bindings the next problem is, that the axes on my CH throttle quadrant are no longer recognized as axes but only as buttons. This config has worked like a charm for (almost) the last 4 years.

Anybody out there who can tell me why? And how to fix this?

By now I cant play the game, without throttling it is hard to control an aircraft.

Third: I am forced on every start to install the uninstalled content (by choice!). Why am I forced to install airports or planes that I dont want to have installed?

Fourth: MSFS2020 try to dominate me once more and change language setting to german. Dear dev’s: I am am old enough to determine by myself which language I prefer in the game. Thank you.

Any help aprreciated! Thanks.

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Have a look at that topic and troubleshooting steps, it should help fixing your issue:

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Following the steps solved the issue for the moment.

I hope microsoft is able to fix this soon as well as asobo to give the user a glue what is wrong in such situations.

Just a little more support in the game instead of let the user stood in the rain and hope he find some gently people somwhere to fix his problems.