I9 9900K + RTX 2080 TI = Low FPS ?!?!

Thanks again for your advice. Here’s a screen capture banking around the Statue of Liberty back towards Manhattan. I’ve resaved it as a high-quality JPEG as the screen capture as a .PNG file in Windows Snip & Sketch would be 5 Mb at 2560x1440 res. I turned on DEV mode to show FPS. In spite of the red, as an ignorant newbie the flying is quite smooth enough for me (maybe with a somewhat wandering analog controller somewhat digitized with a Rockfire game port, I wouldn’t appreciate a truly smooth flight, anyway!).

My in-sim graphics settings are pretty much those exactly recommended by Spazzy Optimal settings for Flight Simulator - Nvidia except that I noticed that I have also turned off Use Generic Plane Models whereas he leaves that on.

My Nvidia settings seem to be a mix of his OP post Nvidia settings in the thread I reference just above and those in the actual post I reference with the link. Here are mine. I tried to undo any in Nvidia card GeForce Experience tuning settings by going back to the GeForce Experience tuning and clicking the REVERT button before doing the above FPS screen capture. The GeForce Experience applet notified me that my Nvidia settings haven’t been optimized at all, so hopefully, for comparisons sake, I’m back to where I was before I tried tuning specifically through the Nvidia applet as you recommended in a post above .

I am using the following Nvidia 3D graphics global choice. Perhaps I should be using “Let the 3D application decide.”???

Using the Statue of Liberty or some other easy to find landmark as a spawning point in the air for performance comparisons is a good idea. Too bad there is not an easy way to set altitude, heading, air speed, etc., to make comparisons even more equal. I’ve noticed that the default External Camera (and Quick View) settings vary from plane model to plane model. And I’ve read that there is no way to save (and reuse) custom camera views. Too bad. That would also help make comparisons more similar.

I will get to work over the next day or two trying the settings that you suggest and see what they can do for me. Thanks very much again for taking the time to help guide a hapless newbie!