ICAO - EU - UK ATC Phraseology Mod V3.0

Does not seem to be related to the mod though:

Did anyone notice any problems after the last sim update? Let me know!

Hi guys, managed to reinstall MSFS and updated the MOD. Currently testing it, so far so good! I noticed loads of things got changed with MSFS changing to FAA phraseology and as a result 50% of the MOD wasn’t written into the locPak file! I’m surprised there weren’t any complaints! :sweat_smile:.

Change log:

  • Working again as before the update bringing the FAA phraseology to the sim.
  • “Center” changed with “Radar”.
  • “Continue as cleared” replaced with “Radar contact”.

And loads of small improvements!

Will upload soon to flightsim.to look out for version 1.5.


I might have solved tower giving approach clearances! Radar now says “cleared approach” instead of “expect approach”, Upon check-in with tower, tower says: “Continue approach” and later issues landing clearance! Some more testing is needed but looking good!


I installed the new version of the mod after updating to SU5, and for some reason my menu titles are now messed up (mostly the new ones used since SU5). It seems to be an issue with the en-US.locpak file, and unfortunately restoring from the backup also didn’t work (probably because the backup file was an old one from before the SU5 update. Any one else experiencing this and could some possibly send me their original en-US.locpak file (after SU5, before applying the EU phraseology mod)? I am using the Steam version of MSFS
 Thank you!

I’ve send you a DM. I haven’t heard any complaints so far. Maybe you modified the wrong .locPak file? Or something went corrupt somehow. Don’t know, so far everything works for me.

Hello Nijntje91!

I have the same problem as benjaminus86. Could you DM me please the original en-us.locpak file?

Thank you

Hi everyone, it seems multiple people have reverted back to an old (pre-SU5) back-up, I’ve added a warning now to first remove all back-ups from the fs-base folder after Asobo patch / update before installing. If anybody needs the original en-US.locPak file, shoot me a DM!

Version 1.7 is online including some improvements, including:

  • “Report established” added to the approach clearance.
  • “Expect radar vectors” changed to “Cleared 
 approach via own navigation”
    (The MSFS ATC does not provide vectors currently.)
  • “Approach” added to the approach type.
    (As a result e.g. ILS Y approach becomes ILS approach Y which is a bit odd, but this seems the most realistic option.)

Apart from the installer creating a back-up I suggest to also back-up the en-US.locPak file manually should anything go wrong. Subsequent to any patches / updates from Asobo, throw any back-ups away and reinstall the MOD.

Simply said, anytime you start-up the sim and notice the MOD was overridden, throw away any back-ups from the fs-base folder and reinstall the MOD.

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Hi Nijntje91

first of all: Thank you for your MOD, it makes the ATC a lot more enjoyable.

Do I also have to delete the backup if I have uninstalled your mod every time before I update MSFS?

The back-up should delete automatically when you uninstall, I will double check but it should!

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First, let me join in and thank you for your hard work! I did test your mod only once or twice at the beginning a long time ago already, and yesterday I’ve tried v1.6 and this really is great a change!

As for the backup file problem

You could tag the backup file in appending a line at the end with the version, then compare this version when restoring and either remove the appended line in the restored file, or warn the user.

1- I’d suggest if you do to use the package version from the following file:


For example with 1.18.13:

"package_version": "0.1.182",

2- When backing up, append the line to the .PhraseMOD.BACKUP

      "Widget.News.Descr": "Welcome to Kittyhawk, the most dynamic and realistic flight simulator ever built"
"package_version": "0.1.182"

3- When restoring, compare the last line version with the manifest.json version and if they match, remove the last line in the restored en-US.locPak

Other ideas:

There is a file hashing function in PowerShell which might help for this:
Get-FileHash (Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility) - PowerShell | Microsoft Docs

In comparing the backup file hash with known hash values, and in using the game version, you could proceed in restoring the backup file or warn the user?

I’d suggest if you do to use the package version from the following file:

For example with 1.18.13:

"package_version": "0.1.182",

en-US.locPak SHA1 = 31EE4B748A4AF5627997D9827699CBC4C5280A7B

This sounds perfect! Only I have no idea how to do this, I didn’t write the installer myself

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Do you know how to add a new language to MSFS? Instead of overwriting the en_US file, it could simply copy that file each time the installer is run and modify the copied file? No back-up needed. Then in game you need to select language to IC-AO.locPak :sweat_smile: :joy:

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I’ve been thinking about this when the game was first released but didn’t spent much time yet.

There are a few things I’m noticing though:

1- ATC in other languages .locPak files are displaying localized text but are speaking in English:


      "ATCCOM.DEPARTURE_VFR_STRAIGHT.1.text": "salida directa",
      "ATCCOM.DEPARTURE_VFR_STRAIGHT.1.tts": "straight-out departure",

2- There is a voice configuration file using English voices only:

I believe it is for the case you’re not using Azure voices.


    "Speakers": [
        "Name": "ATC1",
        "Gender": "NotSet",
        "Age": "NotSet",
        "OutputBus": "VO_ATC",
        "IsHuman": false,
        "Nodeless": false,
        "LocName": "SPEAKER.ATC1",
        "LanguageVoices": {
          "en-US": "Microsoft Zira Desktop"
        "Name": "ATC2",
        "Gender": "Female",
        "Age": "NotSet",
        "OutputBus": "VO_ATC",
        "IsHuman": false,
        "Nodeless": false,
        "LocName": "SPEAKER.ATC2",
        "LanguageVoices": {
          "en-US": "Microsoft Zira Desktop"

I didn’t try anything with these, but maybe changing the “en-US” in the Speakers file, putting a valid Win10 voice name, then selecting non-Azure voices, you might be able to use a different voice?

For example in keeping English for now:

"en-CA": "Microsoft Linda"
"en-UK": "Microsoft Hazel"

(maybe there is a trailing “Desktop” in the voice name)

Then if this works, you could probably change language entirely. For French this would be:

  • edit the fr-FR.locPak and translate all the .tts entries to French
  • change the .locspk with the matching voices like: "fr-FR": "Microsoft Hortense Desktop"

PS: you know what, I’ll try this right away!

PPS: you’ll find a list of all the voices installed on your system here:

Problem is that WINDOWS OFFLINE sounds like kindergarten

New update, changed RNAV approach into the proper phrase → RNP approach.

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I’m thinking about taking “direct 
” away, often it doesn’t work anyway. I think it would be more realistic to check-in without the phrase “direct”, just the waypoint. Not 100% realistic but better than “direct” and then nothing after that :joy:.

a quick update: not much success in editing these files unfortunately. I suspect en-US is hardcoded in the game and it doesn’t bother with the file settings.

Then its back to solving the back-up issues I guess :expressionless:. Asobo should place ATC phraseology in a separate file and allow modification via the community folder

Is there a way to automatically link to the FS-base folder? I have no knowledge about these things but can a installer find such things in the registry for instance?

not necessarily. although I couldn’t make FS2020 using another voice locale, like en-GB or fr-FR (a narrator voice locale), it is still using the en-US and fr-FR lockpak (the displayed text and TTS from these files). For example changing the game locale to French, menus are displaying in French, text is displaying in French, and ATC is in English (because the .tts in the fr file are still English).

What I was trying to do is making FS2020 using another locale voice than the en-US default “Zira” and “David”, which are setup in the speakers files. When changing this file to define different speakers, hence using different narrator voices, it was still using the default en-US narrator voices. This is why I think it is hard coded. However looking at these files tells me they thought about supporting locale voices, but it doesn’t seem to be working for now.

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