ICAO - EU - UK ATC Phraseology Mod V3.0

Good luck!

We had different TA/TLs in FSX ATC with mods if I recall correctly (again thinking of ATC Voicepack and payware ATC addons). A bit of a bummer if Asobo designed this ability out of the ATC system, which frankly would make no sense at all, like so many things.

But maybe I don’t remember it right.

QNH in inHg and transition at 18000 ft are really stupid, I guess its too much work to program a transition altitude per country or something?

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I would imagine so. They dont even give us country based accents for ATC so I think that says something about how far they are prepared to go with it.

So is a working autopilot it seems. :crazy_face:

I think transitions could be integrated along with navdata from Navblue, since its on basically every IAC chart. But maybe that is too expensive?

Although I am sure, one could compile a list of transition altitudes for every country in one day and fill in the data if it were possible within the game files.

I assume the problem is defining the border of each country…

Why? Are there invasions in the world of flightsim? :crazy_face:

They could just use the FIR/UIRs and assign them a country value. No land borders needed. But I might think too simplistic. Then again they probably don’t have the FIRs integrated properly. :man_shrugging:


I could use some votes for this topic guys:

Or it might be hard to do.

Maybe you could sperate none mandatory/on request points and mandatory report points for IFR and VFR.

For example that the mandatory points pop also in the atc console out and have to be reported regardless.

On IFR enroute i am missing to report the mandatory report points also. Example high traffic cross intersections.

I don’t know what is doable at the moment from the coding side. But definitely a plus to get real closer.

VFR report points example EDLP:

IFR mandatory and on request points low enroute IFR chart example 2 points: Marseille area:

Little correction I saw for ATC phraseology:
Join left hand “traffic” circuit runway 23.
At the moment the word “traffic” is missing.
For initial joining it’s common.

Great work you done so far !!!

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Well I could replace the “departure to the …” with “… departure” but the problem is that there isn’t enough of them :sweat_smile:.

For IFR, its pretty useless to include compulsory reporting points, you don’t have to report them unless there is no radar contact, that does not really happen in European airspace anyway.

The word “traffic” to my knowledge is not standard phraseology in Europe. I’ve never heard of it at least. I believe in the US they use the word traffic instead of circuit.

Unless I learn how to change the core ATC system, I can’t just add things to it and only replace existing messages (within the limitations of the current ATC system).

Sorry this is a bit off topic, but you seemed to know what are doing and might have some advice. I can delete the post if you don’t want it here.

Question: Can one modify the squeaky pilot , ATC voices? I tried to make adjustments in the Audio menu but to no avail.


The only option is to have the speech via Azure or Microsoft text to speech but only if you have English language pack installed on your Windows. Navigate to general settings and then sound, there is an option there.

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Yeah I have the English pack and English selected in all speach settings and as menue language and I tried that. No success. Nevermind. Thanks for your kind response to that off topic question.

As far as I know you can only choose between Azure and Microsoft TTS, I wanted to try out the latter yesterday but I forgot. I find the ATC system so slow to respond, I guess its quicker without Azure but I don’t know if it sounds allright.

If you mean changing the pilot voice itself, I haven’t actually looked at that, I haven’t seen any option for that. Maybe its coupled to your pilot “avatar” thing.

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Yeah I switched to Microsoft a while ago away from Azure. Yes I meant the squeaky pilot voices. Again. I don’t want to distract you from the good work you are doing. I just wait until it is fixed some day.

I think you could do something about that, in your Windows settings find the text to speech, you could change the voice there I believe. I don’t know exactly where those settings are language and speech or something?

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Why not replace the altered files with the original ones before installing the patch?

Yeah I am going to try that Tuesday week and see if it makes a difference.

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I am having problems getting the script to run properly in Power Shell.
I have moved the “en-US.locPak” to a temporary folder, as suggested in the text, say e:\Temp

Can you please advise what my first and last lines in the text should be?
Many thanks

What is the problem exactly? As long as the path in PowerShell points to the location of the file it should work…