Installation needs some work indeed, it would be best just to drop it into the community folder but I’m not sure how to make that work. I’m a pilot and not a programmer (other than programming the FMS ) so I need to dive into this.
You will find that the easiest part
You could simply make a batch file as a simple copy script. This would be comprehensible for every user as it’s clear to see what the script does.
I’m personally not a big fan of random scripts from unknown sources. That’s actually what bothers me most about all these tools that want me to bypass every Windows security feature just to be able to install it. Pretty shady if you know what I mean.
I’m not sure if a batch file is any safer compared to running a script though .
It is. Because everyone can easily see what it does.
I don’t know if it is legal if I update the en-US.locPak file myself and distribute my own version of the en-US.locPak file after every patch / update. Then its just a matter of pasting a new language file into your fs-base folder.
Please allow me clarifying:
A PowerShell script is exactly like a batch file. It is a script which commands are interpreted in a command line window (to keep it simple enough). PowerShell though is offering greater flexibility and wider command set than MSDOS.
In this particular case, the en-US.locPak is a json file with a series of key/value pairs. With a new FS2020 update, some of the keys are removed, some others renamed, some others added, in any order. Some of the values associated with these keys are also changing from time to time.
The advantage of the PowerShell script in this case is that it is using a series of commands equivalent to find/replace in order to update the content of the file selectively. This means only the changed items are changing and more importantly, regardless of where they are in the file (i.e. the line#).
This is superior a way to distributing this mod in particular.
PS: I’ve been discussing privately with @anon50268670 and shared some ideas. I’ve been working on a full fledged json file merge PowerShell script which allows separating the script from the data as well as releasing the data in the same form as the original file (a json file with just the entries you wish modifying). Once it is ready for prime time I’ll release it as well.
Yeah, your’re right. For some reason I was thinking of VB scripts.
The only drawback I see with modifying core files is that it makes the update process lengthier because (I think) the installer sees the altered files, assumes the core sim is corrupt and downloads them all over again hence the 22GB some of us are seeing with each and every patch.
Sadly Asobo will not allow us to put every mod into the community folder and override the core file data in all cases so we have little choice but to alter core files directly. Trees are a typical example, the biomes in the base/vegetation folder override any that are in the community folder using the tree tool so whilst its possible to alter areas with polys and a specified biome override in the SDK, its not possible to have an overall biome change for an eco region in a file in the community folder, it just doesnt work. I may be wrong but suspect the ATC will have similar limitations.
I’m pretty sure altering the en-US.locPak file does not affect download of any patch or update. This file does not contain anything other than text. No settings, preference or anything. I have had update issues with zero mods or altered files. It’s something on the Asobo side.
Not sure if its content that the updater checks so much as the actual file size and date. Maybe with the file you are altering it makes no difference, if you have tested and had no issues then great. Whatever causes it though I wish they would sort it out to stop these huge patch downloads and allow us to override core files with modified versions in the community folder too, it sure would make life easier.
I didn’t try yet but are you sure this particular file couldn’t also be overridden with a community folder mod?
It is referenced in the layout.json file and it is in a OneStore subfolder.
Maybe not all core files, but I have fall vegetation mod and a cockpit glass mod both in the Community folder and they work well.
btw, I also have this ATC mod now in the Community folder but I didn’t fly yet
How do you “tell” FS2020 which files should be overridden via the community folder? And does it then override the complete file or just the line you include in the mod?
I always thought that this only works for scenery and aircraft, but if it can work with core FS files as well that would be great. It would certainly be the easiest!
I’ve sent you a PM
Great job, Nijntje!
Quick questions:
Is this a globals mod, that also changes US ATC (I assume it does, but would like to have FAA phraseology where applicable)
Does this remove the “exit runway when able” callouts.
This reminds me a lot of ATC Voicepack from the FSX days. Looking forward to try it out.
Not sure about the ATC file but it definitely doesnt work with the tree biome region. I modified the Biome xml file, altering the ratio of Conifers to Deciduous for the Biome in which England is listed. This file in the Community folder along with a proper layout.json and manifest.json filke simply does not work, the default biomes xml in the Asobo base vegetation folder overrides it every time giving the usual 50-50 mix of conifer to deciduous where my modified file is about 1-20.
It replaces everything unfortunately, you could swap between the original file and the modified one before starting up FS, maybe we will come up with a better solution in the future with a real installer or something.
Yes it does remove the stupid exit when able as well as “expedite climb / descent”, and “forward to operator” during pushback. Also “maintain heading” is removed.
Let me know if it works for you! the only bug currently in there is that the IFR clearance and approach clearance are missing to / from aerodromes without an ATIS. I’ll fix that soon.
You can try it out now to be clear, the file is in this thread.
Well isnt that typical. I just tried again and my modified Biome.xml file in the Community folder which includes a new Biome rule in which the English regions are listed along with a unique tree mix is now working and overriding the default Biome.xml file in sims official one store core file base/vegetation folder so who knows. It may just be a bit buggy for some reason.
So maybe you will be lucky and can override the ATC file from a new version in the Community folder. I hope so.
I’m working on it now.