If you had the power to remove/add just one thing of the sim, what would that thing be?

I would add base model matching by streaming models and audio in an encrypted data stream for all airplanes. This way everyone see’s exactly what they should and an entire whole level of what will I see today begins. Not to mention it helps to sell airplanes and would add a huge diversity to the sim and be a first of it’s kinds as far as I know.

I would remove the intro with a function in the config file for both Windows Store and Steam users.


If I could, I’d license proper high resolution satellite data for high north latitudes where, currently, all public maps providers such as Bing, Apple, Google, et al currently only license low res basic data (save for some POIs) due to prohibitively expensive licensing costs for higher resolution in those areas where the data is rarely accessed by the general public on a regular basis.

Then there would no more frame drops and horrendous terrain imagery for northern Canada, Greenland, and other high latitude areas where this is an issue. To a lesser extent, Antarctica as well. These are all beautiful areas IRL but the sim struggles and most definitely doesn’t do them justice due to the reasons mentioned.

I can dream.


Thermals and up/downdrafts (had to make it more than 10 characters)

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The one thing I’d remove is the entire UI.

It’s intrusive (spinning white circles, white dots, handlebars that don’t go away…).
It needlessly hurts performance (100% gpu in menus, FPS drops from simple UI panel changes).
And it’s never really worked well.

Just rip the whole thing out entirely and don’t replace it. Click a flight plan file, and the sim launches straight into the cockpit cold and dark. An external, native windows app could then do all the settings configuration, or even a third party tool. That would be one big part of the software Asobo wouldn’t have to worry about then, freeing them to work on the thousands of other issues inside the sim itself.

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Have a separate developmental path for the Xbox and PC

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Yes I definitely agree. DCS does this and it works great!

Also speaking of things DCS did well, if MSFS could add wake turbulence when flying behind other airplanes.

Flight training lessons because I would like to enhance the knowledge of new simmers to have a greater understanding of how much care goes into handling a plane and overall better enjoy their time flying rather than spending time questioning things.


Hmm, I would take out the way the sim does updates and replace it with a simple download executable.

the initial pass at this effect is coming with the Reno Air Racing update…

I’d remove the bush plane missions and my way achievement and replace them with some actually fun scenarios and working achievements.

don’t sure is one thing - all types of clouds, well, because this is flight simulator

Bing :man_shrugging:t2:

More seriously and realistically: I‘d rather rework than remove the UI for now.

Oh and the lockdown (although that would probably rather require adding sonething) so 3rd party devs can access the sim from outside.

To avoid adding and editing even more I better leave with the words: I‘s change a lot ^^

I would add live traffic with real liveries that actually functioned correctly.

I would remove all the ground traffic on active taxiways and runways.


ATC regional accents. And I think I’d like the toolbar floating rather than fixed at the top. Lockable, though. Overhead panels can sometimes be a bit tricky…


I’d like to know what you think a seperate codebase would achieve. Remember Aerofly FS and X-Plane both share 80>% codebases for mobile and tablet versions.

The Xbox and PC releases share the same codebase and both run on essentially a PC architecture but are packaged differently. Ultimately a property or toggle in the packaging could result in the code behaving differently based on a feature present in the Xbox or PC hardware.

So with that in mind I fail to see how creating a seperate codebase does anybody any favours?

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REPLAY & fly by view!

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Replace the camera system with the old FSX one.
Fly by, hud only, tower view…


YES, that nasty horizon line that goes thru the screen and that horrible X-Box downgrade we had to suffer…SU5.

On a tangent, what I would ask is realise that PC users, and console users tend to use different input devices. Mouse, and keyboard on the PC, and a console controller on an XBox. Never confuse the two, and don’t try to force UI changes that favour a console controller on to a PC user, even if that means an option to switch.

One example is that latching mode for cockpit interactions, and the more mouse friendly version is labelled “Legacy”.

Legacy controls, legacy flight models.



Get rid of ATC. No effort has been put into it since the beginning and it’s really really bad. Fix now after 14 months in or remove it

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