ILS Changes

Since the latest update, installed yesterday, the ILS frequencies at all airports I have checked have swapped end for end. e.g. NZWN Wellington NZ, runway 16 was ILS 110.30, now 109.90. Runway 34 was 109.9, now 110.30. I have no addons or extras installed. Anyone else have this issue ?

interesting, I didn’t check the frequency, but my approach into DNAA (single runway) didn’t have any ILS markers into ILS 22 (not even for ILS 4 on the PFD). This is my first landing here so I don’t know if they were previously correct. I also flew to DNMM (multi-runway) and I recall it did have proper ILS markers and I followed them to landing.

I also landed at KIAD ILS 19L and ILS tracked all the way to the landing markers.

Someone else noticed windsock directions were 180º opposite the wind direction.

Another thread here with the same issue:

ILS pointing the wrong way - Bugs & Issues / ATC & NAVAIDs - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums