Im done with this sim on XBOX

This is what makes bug squashing so difficult. One scenario, everything is fine. Identical same scenario later creates a CTD, or whatever else. As a programmer, where do you even start?


I understand what you guys are saying, and during SU9 this was precisely what I was thinking. But, the last 2 SU10 betas are absolutely rock solid here and believe me, I did my hours. Not a single CTD and the stutters are 99% gone. Are you guys in the beta?


Yes on it from day one and it is a definite move in the right direction for console while steps back for the PC guys from what one reads. Still love the SIM despite its idiosyncrasies.


Yes I’m on the beta. It is getting better to a point where I really can’t criticize anything much as I’m seeing a much more stable and smooth game for what seemed an eternity.

A bit more bolstering wouldn’t hurt though and still welcome to whatever tiny bits of improvements they can still find.


From what i have read so far about the SU10 beta, I can’t wait for the stable release to land. I just hope the good stuff makes it over in the build :wink:

Also now having the Honda Jet which I cannot stop flying I don’t care as much as I used to about waiting for the big boys to come. I can wait for WASM and have enough to have a great time.


Agreed. The last SU10 beta2 was more or less perfect from a performance point of view. Beta3 is still very good.

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Interesting…I found BETA 1 and BETA 2 very poor indeed performance wise.The performance however became superb for me with BETA 3 but the washed out Textures sadly continued to slightly dampen the experience a little.Then BETA 4 arrived and for me it fixed the washed out textures and possibly improved the draw distance very slightly maybe ?,so BETA 4 is my personal favourite.

Interesting that you preferred BETA 2 as I assume you are also on XBOX X ? ,or maybe XBOX S ?


Series X here. I found Beta 1 poor yes. Beta 2 was superb though, smooth panning in the cockpit is a give away. Beta 3 still good but not quite Beta 2 performance. Xbox set at 60hz, 4k, VRR off (which for some reason makes the performance so much better).

Sorry, this is not quite related but does anyone feel the graphics look darker than usual at early morning, late afternoon and early evening when you look at the horizon or up at the sky?

The ground suddenly looks very dark … You have to pan the camera down toward the ground to see the detail as that’s when the exposure automatically adjusts. Same with external and cockpit.

Is there some kind of HDR,brightness and exposure issue going on with the game? Maybe it’s my TV settings, although everything else… Games, movies, TV, YT content… Looks flawless.

I notice you do not mention Beta 4 ?,unless I am incorrect I thought we were now on Beta 4 which is a mandatory Beta update on Xbox?:thinking:, have I got my numbers wrong?.

We have had BETA .09 / .11 / .13 / .14 / as far as I know which alters how I read your results as you only mention 3 x Betas ?

This spring I saw an ad for MSFS on Xbox, and after some basic googling found Jorg Neumann’s comments that MSFS was the same experience on Xbox as PC, that the code was the same, so I bought an Xbox Series X. It has been something of a dumpster fire since May.

After participating in the Xbox Stability Tests, then the SU10 Beta on Xbox, and listening to the recent Dev Q&A, I’m realizing a few things:

  1. In spite of marketing Xbox as a high-end gaming platform, it barely has enough RAM to run MSFS. It has 16 GB of GDDR6 SDRAM, split in to 10 GB fast for graphics, and 6 GB not as fast for the rest. After the system is loaded, there is about 13.5 GB of RAM available for MSFS. My old laptop has more than that.

  2. MS is making progress in “memory optimization”, and I assume it is the DX12 optimization that is required for Xbox X (AMD System on a Chip), which they are still struggling with and had to turn off while they consult with AMD and NVIDIA.

  3. MS / Asobo have unlocked the config files for base planes and invited developers to make improvements - but many of the fixes are/will be “mods” for PC that are not available on Xbox because of the closed platform and Marketplace logistics (basically, Xbox is a secure walled-garden). Thankfully the Working Title G1000 NXi will replace the Asobo G1000 in the sim with SU10, and their G3000 and CRJ refreshes will follow at some point. But the issue remains - MS / Asobo are asking the community to submit fixes for their default planes, and many will only be for PC, unless MS / Asobo purchase / licence the fixes in to the default planes, or make them available on the Xbox Marketplace.

  4. WASM for Xbox promises to allow more of the 3rd party planes to be flyable on Xbox, but developers have mentioned they would need to dial back level of details in order to fit in the memory footprint of Xbox.

  5. The intro to this forum, and the beta tests, all disclaim: “Add-ons/ Mods/ External content are not official MSFS content and may impact the stability of the sim.” And indeed most of the reporting shows that people experience crashes with 3rd party content. Yet the business model is “Game as a Service” and they are counting on the marketplace to generate revenue for both MS and developers. I have to say, since the base sim has been unstable, I have not had enough confidence to spend anything in the marketplace. Until the base sim works, and works well, and 3rd party content doesn’t cause crashing, this business model seems … stuck.

I know that MSFS is an ambitious project, visionary and requires pushing the envelope, etc. But it is still ironic that MS makes both Xbox and MSFS and haven’t quite been able to get there on the platform. I believe - I hope - they are going in the right direction, but I fear that the solution will be yet another new Xbox model with more RAM (or how about upgradeable RAM?). I’ve spent more time on this forum trying to figure out why this or that doesn’t work, than actually flying in the sim. That should speak volumes.


I really believe they are heading in the right direction. SU10 Bèta is the best experience I had since the start of this Sim in Xbox. They came a long way reaching this kind of stability and performance in my opinion.

Only thing that bothers me is, I still can’t use a lot of my purchases 3rd party airports. I believe and hope this is due to memory issues, which they are working on.

Don’t quite understand: you have your “best experience” and “cannot use a lot of your purchased 3rd party airports”? I don’t get it :thinking:

Best experience in terms of performance and not a single CTD, since the last 2 betas. I was never able to use certain 3rd party airports in all the previous SU’s, so that has nothing to do with SU10 Bèta.

The fact that performance is top notch and my CTD’s are non excistent, is the most important.

You get it now😉

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I really think Asobo need to decide on a memory and size cap for add-ons for the XBOX. I bet if you forced devs to keep below a certain size, they’d initially see it as a problem but then soon you’d see them very quickly adapt and start finding ways to compress these add-ons without any quality issues.

I mean, why does an airport need to be 13Gb in size? Software has come on leaps and bounds over the last few decades with compression techniques.


The high performing recent beta builds, coupled with the Xbox stability test and the comments in the recent Q and A, give me a lot of confidence that we’re not only going to benefit from significantly improved performance (compared to SU9), but that the devs are also getting close to addressing the memory issues that are causing problems with add ons. I think the future of flight sim on Xbox has never looked brighter.

I’m not sure the amount of RAM on Series X is an insuperable problem, at least considering that the Xbox Series S manages to run the sim well - at least in vanilla state - with significantly less.


I totally agree with this. Most of my airports under approximately 1.5/ 2 GB are working correctly. The bigger ones are the issue.


I’m in the beta, and while SU10 has FINALLY fixed the stutters and freezes that XBOX has been suffering through since sim updates 8 and 9, CTDs are still occurring. They seem to be less frequent for sure, but I’m getting them pretty consistently (on about every other flight or so), usually on approach to land or just after landing, and less frequently prior to taking off.

However, I’m so thrilled with the general improvement in performance now that I’m less bothered by the remaining CTDs than I was by the absolutely intolerable performance before.


Out of interest do you have any good quality large airports at that size, or are they all small airports? Is there evidence out there of 3PDs that are using good compression techniques to minimise add-on size in comparison to others?