Im done with this sim on XBOX

Agree- exactly my experience to date on Xbox Series X. I’m OK with WASM implementation delay if the SU9 /WU9 debacle is repaired….


A lot of the Xbox CTDs are caused by third party add-ons, for sure. Since I’ve been testing the betas out I’ve found that if I try my best to recreate the problems that others have on Xbox , then in general I can succeed in doing exactly that… you just have to look outside your own comfort zone a bit - in my case I love flying the Islanders and Trislanders in VFR…. No real issues for me normally, but testing the beta I’ve tried A320, Hjet and 787 on long IFR flights - guess what? Problems galore. Out of six IFR flights over 1.5 hrs I only got one to succeed (beta before last) and realised why so many others are having a bad experience…

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It would actually be a good idea for us Xbox users (any mods who could help if think good idea?) to develop a set of baseline flights using stock aircraft that we could use as a baseline to measure performance against? We would get a lot of useful data from that I think - would be useful to the dev team if we did this right?

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Completely baffled with this sim :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

Did another leg of my round-the-UK coastal trip today, so far I’m about halfway and not seen any traffic in air or on ground.

Today I flew into Glasgow EGPF and on final I see two Easy-Jets being told to hold for the Daher TBM on final (me) plus another taxiing to queue up, after landing i was told to hold for other traffic - a fuel tanker - then told to continue to parking - it was pretty much a perfect flight, no real stutters, lots of ground traffic and ATC activity, a great flight all round.

I’m doing 90% manual control, only 2000’ altitude, using ILS for some of the approaches with AP while i chat with ATC etc, all working well.

Todays departure was a bit scary - Plockton airfield EG29 - it only has a short runway and I’m sure the TBM930 now has leaves in the front undercarriage :slight_smile:


Weirdly i installed this last night on my series x and have been having a blast. I dont know why but it seems more stable. My photogrammetery was working well, so was big maps, it looked good. I dont know if its the result of being locked in to certain graphic fidelities coming from PC but i enjoyed not having to mess about with it!


I’m convinced it’s random - yesterday i landed at Glasgow EGPF as mentioned above, lots of ground traffic, planes departing, ATC chatting away, fuel tankers on the move.

Today I took off from the same airport, roughly similar times and… nothing at all. I sat there while setting up my flight for a good 10 minutes and nothing at all happened, no planes, no traffic, ATC quiet.

No settings were altered.

A post was merged into an existing topic: What did you do in MSFS today?

So far since I’ve been on Xbox for a few days:


I can do short flights easily, no ctd, no stutter
Bing imagery and photogrammetry for the most part is spot on
Third party addons seem to be working correctly


Photogrammetry in London is just as bad on pc
The sim hates the a320. I’ve had multiple ctd when loading the stock plane in with basic liveries.
When I finally got it off the ground the sim was stuttering and freezing

That’s it for now but it’s better than I thought it would be


Maybe of interest to Xbox users, Milviz / Blackbird Simulations discussed Xbox and WASM in a video posted today, at the 44 minute mark.

Specifically that MS not allowing WASM on Xbox means some of their products that use WASM can’t be made available on Xbox. More interesting was the mention that they were concerned that even if WASM is allowed on Xbox, they may have to dial back textures and details to avoid stuttering on Xbox, which seems to imply what others have voiced - that somehow Xbox rendering power (or memory) is lacking.


Didn’t say they won’t allow it. Did say there’s an issue with it that needs to be resolved.

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Xbox has memory limitations compared to PC, that doesn’t necessarily mean anything has to be dialed back. It depends on the plane really. Look at the HondaJet, pin sharp textures and deep functionality, yet it runs fine on Xbox. Developers who have no experience with it are understandably uncertain as to what compromises they might have to make, but it varies from product to product.

The Concorde, all of DC Designs’ military planes are brilliant and equal to PC, there’s the HJet or SWS’s GA aircraft, all great products. Then there’s the F-35 which simply didn’t fit into Xbox’s memory so compromises had to be made to both texturing and systems functionality.

PMDG’s DC-6 was also made for Xbox, and only the lack of WASM support stopped it from working. As soon as it’s solved in November, other developers will have the chance to explore the console as well. I personally don’t think GA aircraft would pose an impossible challenge on Xbox, especially seeing so many developers and products making it just fine.


Memory management is what it is about. I remember when 8K was all we had :grinning:

Based on the thread voting to postpone SU10, It seems it’s PC mostly suffering the stuttering and fps issues… :person_shrugging:

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I think that this goes for 3rd party airports too. BUT: the problem is, that in any case no testing on the MS/Asobo side seems done prior to putting the product into the Marketplace. On the other hand constant changing in the base sim poses a big problem for the 3rd party developers to either circumvent any problems and defects in the sim as well as to kind of derive from the crystal ball on what MS/ Asobo messes around with in the base caode. Which in turn makes a mandatory review and test by MS/Asobo of any 3rd party product on their current codebase even more important.


I have always steered away from sceneries and airports larger than 1.5Gb and I hardly get any CTD SU9 let alone SU10 which is making things much better on XBOX. Days ago I saw I had a free Paderborn airport (MSFS stock add-on) that I hadn’t downloaded. I thought I will and noticed it was larger than 2Gb but as it was free I was curious. Playing with that in the system, even if flying elsewhere, I experienced a rare CTD. Removed it instantly and no CTD since.

You mean if you start cold&dark on the Paderborn airport you get a CTD while preparing for the flight (stock A320Neo) on the Aerosoft (free) 3rd party airport, whereas no CTD when you do this on the stock airport? That is exactly what I experience.

But how is that possible? I just departed cold&dark from Frankfurt. Flew the drone a bit etc. 747, Live traffic, weather etc etc. Not a single problem. Frankfurt was loaded with generic planes. At gates, and also leaving and arriving. Very, very busy. Not a single problem.

How can a much smaller airport like Paderborn be an issue?

I always start cold and dark but in my case I was using the Hondajet. I don’t recall the size of it but I thought it was over the 2Gb which I usually stay clear of. Saying that if others fly it no problem then that is clearly not an issue. I was mentioning it as I was curious to figure out if others might experience that and as Paderborn is a freebee I suppose a lot of people have it installed. I will leave it off my system for the time being.


This is the most frustrating part. There doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason to it. Everyone has different experiences and problems.


Now consider this: @UnitedArt could do exactly the same thing again in exactly 24hrs time, down to every movement to the square inch within milliseconds of the same timing and suddenly find himself (out of nowhere) crashing or stuttering hardcore before he can get off the ground.

That’s the level of inconsistency we’re dealing with. I’ve seen results go all over the place on different days. The sim has ways of really getting inside your head making you think it’s a bad hallucination or something.