I'm so super impressed with MSFS! Ever been curious about what the full potential of graphics looks like? LOD 9.00s No Photogrammetry melt as far as the eye can see

Your Posts about higher LOD settings in UserCfg.opt had me thinking about it but I assumed it would require the high level of PC hardware you have.

I decided to try it on my system, i9-9900K & GTX1660 TI & 64GB of 3600 SDRAM .
Object & Terrain set to 7.0. 4K Ultra with only change is Render Scaling to 80.

I was surprised of how good it looks on my system (and even that it ran without crashing). Flight smooth and WT CJ4 handling great. Also, fly with Clear Skies.

I know there is a lot of Posts about the LOD issues.
This LOD setting is great. Graphics are gorgeous.
I don’t mind the far distance issues being discussed.

I fly only low altitude and rarely over 3,000 feet. I like to look at what I’m flying over.

Three screen shots over NYC.

KJFK , 1000 feet, Object & Terrain = 7.0, GTX 1660

KJFK , 1000 feet, Object & Terrain = 7.0, GTX 1660 TI -2nd

KJFK , 1000 feet, Object & Terrain = 7.0, GTX 1660 TI -3rd

Also, just noticed that I can now see the Runway Markers. Never have before with FS2020.

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