Improve AI Traffic at Airports

AI (offline or online) currently are in a few different states based on the stage of their approach to land and subsequent taxi to gate.

They’re either in a Begin Descent state, a Touchdown state, or a Taxi state.

Currently the SDK does not have enough information on how to adjust the AI parameters of these AI states, but you can watch the transitions if you open up simobject debug and turn on various settings for the airplanes.

Begin Descent state: What is essentially happening is that the airplane is at 50% thrust (notably with no flaps) during the entire descent/final approach. It’s essentially on rails and you can see this because again if you debug the AI pathway, you can see the exact line the airplane will follow.

Touchdown state: Here, the airplane decelerates faster than conceivable in real life and comes from about 140kts to 30kts in like 250 feet. It spends a very brief amount of time in this state, usually no more than 2-4 seconds.

Taxi state: In this final state, the aircraft enters taxi mode at around 30kts and then slows to 10-12kts where it will then spend the next 5 minutes trying to taxi at 10kts off the runway looking for the taxiway that is often located 2,000 feet down at the other end. It will stay in taxi mode until it arrives at the destination parking and then enters a sleep state.

The overall issue here is that if you have a line of two AI aircraft on approach back to back that are what would be appropriately spaced, the first airplane lands and then spends the next several minutes trying to leave the runway in taxi mode. This causes a massive backup and sends all other AI airplanes on a 500’ AGL buzz around the airport as they try to circle back around after being told off by ATC (separate issue that can be addressed later). You can hear ATC constantly yelling at the poor AI pilot “Delta 5273 exit the runway when able,” who has no control over their aircraft at this point and I’m sure is just as frustrated.

The issue here is not the taxi state, however, it is in fact the touchdown state.

The airplane spends far too little time decelerating and comes to much too slow of a speed far too quickly. A simple fix would be to extend the time spent in touchdown state at a large rate of ground speed until approaching the appropriate taxiway, at which time the airplane would slow to taxi speed and switch to taxi status.

I would very much love to be able to make this simple programming change, but I cannot. It’s not in the SDK and I’ve crawled all over aircraft directories and adjusted a few AI-type documents, but I’m apparently not able to get into the AI airplane simobjects as those are BGL files.

It really kills the immersion.

Pleas either update the SDK (you actually have the section headers, but no info) or make the improvements.

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Yes basically AI traffic doesnt work unless you keep Traffic < 15%.

The funny thing is this bug has been in FSX (and P3D) for 20 years, so this code was just copy/pasted, I remember there was a little tool called AI TaxiSpeed which helped you increase their taxing speed. Worked great.

It really is such a basic and obvious bug but AI seems to have very little priority despite Jorg stating in every developer update that he is talking to x, y and z and he wants it to be like real life.

Even worse they have now started encrypting AI traffic files to prevent 3rd party developers like Aerosoft releasing addons to fixi it. Aerosoft Cancels Simple Traffic for MSFS | FSElite - Community / General Discussion - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

So not only is it awful they don’t want anyone fixing it, seems this traffic is Jorg’s baby and perhaps also MS are terrified of getting sued for copyright so they are locking it all down. As if airlines care! They have a little more to be worried about right now than taking Aerosoft to court.

Anyway, I guess this won’t get fixed but mods/devs here is an example, at EGLL it takes any plane landing about 2 minutes after touchdown to taxi down the runway and turn off, all the while the tower asking them to turn off and planes are going around… ugh…

I do wonder whether the devs looked at it and it just caused too many other issues (planes going off the end of the runway) that they job to fix it was just too big?

I like your suggestion too but I think they should go further, each plane landing should calculate its braking performance based on weight, weather and runway, it should then follow this and maintain 30-40 knots on the runway until the taxi turnoff. And also larger planes should taxi at 20knots on straight taxi ways (like in real life).

I totally agree with this, the AI just needs to learn to exit the runway as soon as possible. It shouldn’t be that hard to code. Basically it just needs to check where the next exit is, where it is going and turning off to the right side. The way it is now is just ridiculous :slight_smile: