It’s this what they did to fix it?
No, just an example of an extreme transition, high detail PG area next to low detail height mesh and aerial imagery, in completely different color tones. Very different from the US Canada border.
It’s the PG data, further down the border it matches in color, PG data is generally too dark next to aerial imagery. Some parts of California are dotted with brown PG stains.
A few posts up you will see a pic of Hobart City with is so ridiculous because half the city had photogrammetry and then other half doesn’t.
It’s my hometown and the main airports are actual payee add-ons and it’s like this terrible examples of the city next to mazing freeware
I really wish I could of intervened with my own photogrammetry, I have made my own photogrammetry for Hobart but I don’t know how to override the default photogrammetry
It’s the same everywhere, even in the brand new Amsterdam PG area, there’s a gap between the center and zuidoost, stands out like a sore thumb.
I also wish there was an option to (temporarily) turn off polygon overlays. River polygons often ruin the picture when there’s nothing more than a low res polyline
Seasonal lakes tend to get covered up in low res polygons as well
(Laguna de Babícora, Chihuahua, Mexico)
Australia is full of those as well, completely ruins all the colorful, mostly dry, desert salt lake beds.
I don’t understand how we have access to the ask and technically can do anything.
I have used the Google 3d to MSFS prices to create my own photogrammetry, why I have extracted from higher looks amazing
But I don’t know how I can apply it service the current photogrammetry
I don’t understand why I cannot create an exclusion zone and allow my photogrammetry to replace it
Soo frustrating because I have the most amazing new photogrammetry for the city just sitting there
Solutions people arrrggghhh !!!
had this on my previous flight too. which is a shame. maybe something to do with texture loading too?
Typical! … The mods have moved my IOM lightshow to a photogrammetry thread even though I had photogrammetry turned off. Cached scenery on it’s own was enough to reproduce this bug which indicates that it is raw Bing data and although not as bad as this it is still noticable zooming in on Bing maps too.
I’ll almost bet that the brightly coloured layers are just transparent overlays that got missed in the conversion to black and alpha
No, it literally looks like that on Bing maps when you zoom in. This is the source for that picture
Bing is dreadful in Africa
Not just Africa, this is the Yukon in Canada
oh thats a shame… hope it gets mapped out again soon or so…also would be cool if better satellite would translate to more accurate scenery/graphics ingame
Totally agree. Voted!
It would, but it will need to be the focus of a world update. Bing map updates don’t automatically end up in the sim which understandably runs off a copy. I’ve found a bunch of places where the game is behind Bing map data (showing things that have already been constructed or demolished) but generally it’s the same as on Bing maps.
Yes, happens on my system every time.
These get worse and worse with every update. My previous favorite destinations are now besmirched by these harsh transitions with updated bing data e.g. Mexico City and dallas
My homebase has also gotten much worse. EDFM used to look really good with photogrammetry and now the airport seems to have vanished. You only see low resolution images of the runway.
It’s still a relevant issue that’s continuing to occur with new photogrammetry additions. Especially the blending of the expanded Naples photogrammetry looks atrocious, and that abrupt colour change around the Vesuvius is visible even from afar.
I cant believe this has been a thing since 2020.
This is valencia spain, autogen scenery to the left, and a carpet of red-brown PG to the right.
Below, Valencia again, with TIN color correction ON or OFF, which does help a little bit with the reddish tint. PG to the left and autogen to the right with surprisingly natural greens in this case.
I think this has been an issue for a very long time both on Xbox and PC. I’m honestly not finding the motivation to play it too much these days because of the visual and especially photogrammetry related glitches and the performance stutters/hiccups with busy cities that have large busy airports.
No way am I buying Flight Simulator 24 unless they make this one fully playable.