Improve handcrafted airports

the bug in LFPG was not there on first release, it happen after a september update.
to see this bug, go closer to the terminal and this wall will suddenly pop up.

You know, I find it really funny.

I decided to fly from MAD and just out of interest, I was checking out the airport again, and it’s actually disgusting how they released this airport, claiming it to be handmade and stating that it will enhance the experience
 what a load of lies!

Let’s compare the runway. The most used thing at the airport. You would expect a runway to surely be accurate no? Funnily enough, it isn’t even! What kind of a joke is this
 Not even centre line markings!!!

Picture from Google Earth:

Picture from MSFS:

It really is of poor quality. I would much rather have a default airport than this

And apparently, trees are right next to an abandoned taxiway

Google Earth:


And one last thing, the texturing here is just horrible and wrong

Google Earth:


It’s actually embarrassing the state in which they released this aiport. And there many more airports out there with problems like this or EVEN WORSE!

False advertising should not be ignored. We paid for something we should at least get the minimum of what is expected. “Particular attention to details have been given to every single of them to bring them a step closer to reality.” (MSFS 2020)

They also state that " We draw the runway with as much accuracy as available" (MSFS 2020) yet it’s clearly evident that this was not done properly.

It was also said by MSFS that “We made a selection of 80 airports based on the most played and busiest ones. We gave these airports more realism by naming the taxiways and signs according to official IDs and providing them more accurate surface definition. Beyond that in order to take things further, we created a top-level category. We defined a final selection made of iconic airports and dressed them up to reach a new level of realism in flight simulation.” (MSFS 2020)

I’m disappointed by what they have said, and it’s not the case of “it’s not payware” or “you paid £3 for it” or whatever. It’s the case that I (We) bought a product and it should be updated and worked on. It’s the same case for aircraft, and everything else produced by MSFS. There are many more bugs and issues as seen within this thread but to ignore and neglect one part of the product is very unreasonable.



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zhu men jiu rou chou ,lu you dong si gu

In the red courtyard (red is the symbol of wealth of ancient Chinese architecture, you can think of the Bauhinia city), all the wine and meat are rotten and stinky. In the alley outside the courtyard, the hungry and cold people died

I seriously don’t think MSFS is taking notice of and is not going to work on this specific thread, and ill explain why.

Over the past 2 development updates, I have checked the ‘TOP WISHES’ that are made by the people. These wishes are from the wishlist. My post has got enough votes for it to be included within the wishlist. It currently has 71 votes so, it should really be presented in the Feedback Snapshot produced (shown below).

My question is, why is the title of this thread not included in this snapshot? It’s almost as if they can’t accept their own wrongdoing so they’re going to ignore it and not address it at all

Pretty disappointing to not see my thread on this list. We (as customers) shouldn’t need to fight and constantly ask the developers for improvements that go without saying.

That’s about VR only :wink:

ahhh no wonder why lmao. Oops

Thanks for pointing that out to me xD

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yeah I’m sure I saw your thread in the snapshot somewhere

bad news guys,
today’s update doesn’t improve anything, It make it worse.
I invite you to check the airport you are familiar with.
LFPG file is half the size compare to what it was before.
many missing building, very poor textures, misplaced buildings (on taxiway).
the airport looks like a simple generic airport now.

I’m going to update my game now and check them out

Point it out on the update thread
 hopefully, they notice it. Attach this thread to your comment on the thread as well so they can see the state of their product.

I just loaded up the Paris airport.

At least it shows they had good intentions. I believe they made an effort on fixing all things mentioned in my thread related to this Paris airport. I haven’t tried taxiing over the jumping bridges yet, but the gigantic wall at Terminal 2 is gone, a floating artifact over terminal 2 is gone, they added a hill near runway 08L, 

However they introduced a lot of new bugs, some related to their fixes.

Come on, please. I offer you to report bugs and glitches 1 on 1 with you, and I’ll test the SH*T out of your fixes. I really don’t understand how you could look at this and say ‘good enough’?..

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before and after

many 3D buildings gone, cargo terminal replace by some generic like buildings randomly placed etc

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example of randomly placed buildings
circled in red.
what the hell are they doing here? one is half on the taxiway.
and what are those ugly greys area they have added everywhere

I would have been happy just corrected the big wall. now everything is screwed up.

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Those buildings are not randomly positioned, but rather shifted 300 meters.
That oval building you see belongs right next to the highway a bit further down south.

There is no way they tested this. Which makes me wonder, how do you create scenery without testing? :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, exploring around LHR
 the telemetry isn’t correct! The roundabout is meant to be on a hill and a tunnel underneath yet both are these are not found.

This roundabout is also meant to be on a hill too but we move.

Now it’s time to have a look at MAD and see if there are any improvements!

There’s not much change to LHR
 I don’t think the telemetry was there in the first place (@ LHR) but I’m wondering why it still hasn’t been implemented

Edit: Looks like there have been no changes to MAD.

at least, no change is better than downgrade.

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It was a ‘Sim Update’ so I doubt they would have changed much. But hopefully for the next world update we will see an improvement to all airports

You may say that’s wishful thinking, and they’re not going to bother, but it has to be done.

i see on the log
We performed some optimization for the initial full download of the title so the base game is only 83GB instead of +170GB

looking at LFPG, they should have achieve this by removing half of the objects.

of course, thats why people learn to create mods and even learn to create whole airports. Theres lots of free 3rd party freeware. One post I read was someone was complaining about no large statues on easter island. Its a BIG world out there haha

We understand that. But these are ‘HANDCARAFTED’ airports. You would’ve thought that it would be of ok quality and it would’ve gone through quality assurance no?