[InDevelopment] [DevDiary] KRIC - Richmond International Airport

Greetings! I’m working on my first scenery project for MSFS and here are some early shots of Richmond International Airport. Still a long ways to good…still lots of texturing to do and improve upon, multiple models to build, and work on gates, taxiways and runways. I’ll be posting my updates here as things progress and would enjoy hearing any positive or constructive feedback you have.



Very cool! I’ve only flown out of that airport once in real life, but it’s a very nice airport.

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I’ve never been in real life but it looked like great option for a first project. Not a large airport but still some cool architecture to make it a challenge. That said, if anyone reading this has access to reference photos I would be eternally grateful.

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You are absolutely amazing! I’m a Richmond native and live locally here. I’ve been requesting this airport for years and even purchased the copy on simmarket from msfsscenerybuilders which is a total dud!

If there’s anything I can do to help, please let me know. I’m a career firefighter in the area and know plenty of folks that work at the airport who are also firefighters. If you ever want to chat on discord about your project, I’d love to help!

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I only have three photos from when I was there five years ago. I don’t know how useful these are, but here you go:

Maybe @V2PLUS105226 might have some exterior photos to help you!


Those pics are very accurate even for today. I don’t have any recent exterior pics, but I could certainly get some for @CAverage303

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These are great, thank you! I’m still working on the terminal and just started getting back to the gates. and there are plenty of good photos of those on the internet but what’s lacking is the rest of the airport. There’s not much of the cargo or ANG facilities nor information on what building or hangar is what. I’ll start working on the control tower next and if you or your peers have any information on it’s actual dimensions that would be super helpful.


Native of Richmond. I live next to the airport. Please let me know if you need pictures of something particular. I have been waiting for years for someone to make KRIC. Thanks and Goodluck!


Thanks and I just may take you up on that offer. Any help is welcome! Hopefully I’ll have more WIP shots up today or this week.

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Couple shots of recent progress. The gross modeling of the terminals has been completed and I’m starting to work on the details and texturing. Things look OK in the sim but still need some tweaking to get right. Once I start working on ground textures I’ll share some in-game shots.


Looks great! I’m still working on those pics for you. It’s a little more difficult than I anticipated. Think I’ve got a lead but waiting for a couple replies I was hoping to hear back from this past Friday.

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No worries, I appreciate the effort. There’s still a lot of work I can do with what I’ve found online so I’ve got plenty to keep me busy for now.

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yo, i also live in richmond real close to the airport. let me know in which areas you need references at and I’ll go there to take photos. been waiting for someone to make RIC for MSFS 2020 for a while now, great to see it!


Sorry for the delay in updates. I’ve actually been working on this a lot but made some mistakes which have necessitated a redo of some things and learning to texture has been kicking my butt and become kind of the “white whale” of the project. Ultimately this has led to not much to show but figured it doesn’t hurt to post a quick screen of early progress for those who are interested.


Looks great!

No more tiny and misplaced control tower at KRIC.


Looks awesome :+1:t2:!

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Getting more and more excited! Looks great!

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Home airport here. Great work, looking forward to future progress!

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yo, im gonna head to the airport next Saturday, lmk what references u need and I’ll get those to you. also, the interior is pretty basic and similar if at some point you’d like to add that.

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