[InDevelopment] [DevDiary] KRIC - Richmond International Airport

Thanks for the offer but I’ve got a lot of references to work with and interiors won’t come anytime soon I think. That said, if you come across anything you find particularly interesting I’d certainly be up to see it.

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Any new progress updates?

Unfortunately not much right now. I had a computer meltdown necessitating some new parts and a reinstall of windows which conveniently happened during a busy work stretch and personal life so I haven’t had much time to work on this. Things should settle down after this upcoming weekend and I can focus more attention on it. I have finished most of the modeling of the control tower and will be working on the gate areas when I can get back on track.

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Everything looks great so far. This airport is badly in need of some TLC, and it looks like your project will be a massive improvement over the default airport.

Sorry you had the meltdown. I can sympathize - my SSD failed about a month ago. It’s always a bit of a project to get everything back where you want it.

Best wishes, and looking forward to the finished project!

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Excited to see more progress! This will be absolutely amazing.

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Happy Sunday! Here’s a somewhat dull photo of B gates to prove we’re getting back on track. Spent most of the day working on fine details. Still need to get Substance Painter and all my Blender presets and add-ons up and running before I can texture but that will happen this week. Should hopefully have some more substantial progress to show by next weekend.


Looks great! Can’t wait to see more of it!

Spent more than a few hours staring out those large windows at approaches (when rwy 2 was in use) while waiting to board my flights. :sunglasses:

Just found this diary; wonderful progress so far on KRIC! Cannot wait to see what you produce! Keep it up!

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I don’t know how I missed this in my many, many searches for a replacement for my home airport. KRIC is not the biggest field but certainly noteworthy as a capitol airport with international flights and with a lot of aviation history. Don’t understand why KFCI and KSHD get developed before this one (hope that doesn’t offend). Thank you, thank you, thank you - only wish I could contribute.


I agree it’s been sadly overlooked and I’m doing my best to do it justice. I’m finding out there are a lot of Richmond residents on here so I’m hoping not to disappoint the whole city lol. I’ve been getting a lot of the finer details of the gates done and will try and post some pictures tomorrow. Haven’t worked on texturing for a bit so it’ll be more boring grey blender models :grimacing:


As a Richmond resident… :rofl:
Good luck, we're all counting on you - Airplane on Make a GIF


Couple quick WIP screenshots of a not particularly exciting blender model of the B gates. I feel these don’t do much justice to the amount work done but I hope it gives some idea of details going in. I want to get as much modeling and texturing done before I stick it back into the sim so it may be a bit before I have something worth showing in-game. Still figuring out the best work flow as I learn about all this so any scenery gurus who stumble along this thread are more than welcome to hand out advice lol.


Looking great! Can’t wait to see more!

This is awesome and I applaud you for doing this as KRIC is the airport I always fly out of in MSFS. Mainly because I am another local of Richmond. My biggest hope is seeing if its possible to correct the runway 7/25 as its not a runway but a taxi way. I don’t know why MSFS has it as a runway but it is and when running cargo ops, I am always taxing down a “Runway” to get to runway 34. Thats just my 2 cents.


Correct runways and taxiways are in the plans. I think Asobo uses an AI program for their default airports but I could be mistaken. That would explain the errant runway and the control tower that in real life is the fire station.

Here’s another preview of the gates. I completely redid the A gates and I’m quite happy with the progress. Slowly chipping away at it amongst vacations and home renovations.


Looks great so far! Can’t wait to see more. This month, next month, and august I’ll have several trips in and out of the airport.

Lots of progress over a three day weekend. Started reworking some of the texturing. I wasn’t happy with the brick texture I had downloaded so I spent a good chunk of Friday learning Substance Designer and came up with a much improved tilable texture. I’m quite happy with the result, you can compare it to the older texture that you can see in the background. Less seams and repeating patterns and much more comparable to the real brick at KRIC. Created some other textures which I’m pretty pleased with too (ignore the texturing of the sidewalk around B gates and the lack of texturing of doors and around the loading dock, still quite a bit of work to do). Also put in some more detailing of the terminal that you can see in the first photo. Hopefully will have in-sim shots in the next week or two and I can stop boring you with blender screens lol. Once I have the project set back up in the sim I’ll start working on the ground texturing and layout, including the removal of the much maligned runways 7/25.

Enjoy your 4th!


Looking forward to seeing this beauty in the sim!

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I’ve been in and out of the airport a lot these past couple weeks and will be back this Saturday again. Each time I go I get more and more excited thinking about a better looking airport in the sim.