[InDevelopment] [DevDiary] KRIC - Richmond International Airport

I was there not too long ago. You’re doing an amazing job with this! Keep up the good work!

Just wanted to check in to see if you had anymore updates on this project! Was excited to see some examples in the sim. Hope all is well - thanks!

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Looking great! You got any updates on the airport?


Not much movement or discussion since July. Hoping this hasn’t become a dead project.

Not a dead project but some fortunate personal life events have had the unfortunate effect of not allowing for any time to work or even think about the project. I’ve finally had some time this week to work on things and mostly been working in the sim. Lots of tedious SDK work getting the taxi network, aprons, and ground marking straight. And runway 7/25 has been demolished! The initial release will use the default MSFS ground textures, trying to create custom ones would add an absurd amount of time to what has already been a long project but it is planned for the future.

Here’s a very WIP of the initial gate placements, still need to get the orientations right and get correct airline assignments but so far seems to be working fine with FSLTL.

I’ll keep plugging along on this as time allows, there will definitely be ebbs and flows as personal time allows. Trust me, if I could trade my 40 hours a week of work for more time developing I would gladly do so lol.


Looking great and glad to see you’re back!

Truly amazing! Keep up the great work and can’t wait to fly into and out of your rendition!

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Starting to look like an airport.

Made some good progress this past week. Major accomplishments have included addition of the north and rental parking garages and the addition of gates and most of the taxiways. Still need to add in the east side taxiways and aprons but as we all know the Bing imagery is grossly out of date so it’s going to be a tedious time. Still plenty of work to do with night lighting, taxiway signs, ground textures, and texturing in general. Forgive some of the incomplete and/or placeholder textures.


Don’t be sorry for anything! You’re doing amazing work and all of us greatly appreciate your efforts on this airport. It has been neglected way too long in the community and yours is shaping up to be one of the best versions that I can tell from the pics!


Just checking in! Any updates lately? Wish you all the best and can’t wait to fly into RIC!

Have a great weekend!


Quick update showing the new and improved layout. Lots of very painful work in the SDK trying to get this right. Still need to get the north and south end GA and cargo taxi and parking spots in then the taxi network will be complete and I can work on taxi signs.

I’ve settled on initial release featuring the custom terminal and tower and accurate runways, gates, and taxiways. From there I’ll keep adding more custom buildings and ground textures and of course fixing lord knows what mistakes I’m currently making. Not sure yet when this will be but I’m chipping away at it as time allows.


Absolutely awesome! This is going to make a great freeware product and it looks like it’s all coming together! Excellent job and I know the faithful Richmond folks can’t wait!


Quick update on progress, hadn’t shown the control tower in awhile so figured it was time for some more WIP shots.



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wonderful job where I can download the add on?

Thank you! Not yet released. I’m hoping I can get an initial version out early 2024 then keep adding to it from there.


thank you. I’m looking forward for that

Final approach, ILS 34 at Richmond International Airport…

Lots of work done over the past week and I’m feeling pretty confident I can get an initial release out next month. Most of the work done recently has been ground texturing, parking assignments, night lighting, texturing, and general atmosphere/ground clutter. Final big hurdle is finishing getting the parking garages textured and after that it will be just tidying up. So far everything runs great on my system (3080ti, 7900X, 32GB RAM) and getting consistently 40fps.

First release will be version 0.1 as it will still be far from what I envision as the final product. But I want to get something out to you that will be functional and infinitely better than default and over time I’ll keep adding features and correcting any beginner mistakes I’ve made along the way. This has been a challenging undertaking but I’m pretty proud of what I’ve put together so far.

Here are some more previews, thanks for everyone’s support and encouragement and we’re almost there!


This is amazing! Your work is coming together beautifully, and is going to please so many flight simmers wanting to fly to Richmond. I cannot wait to try it out myself! Keep up the great work!


Can’t say enough how awesome this is! This will absolutely get attention from the community that it deserves. It’s pretty clear how much time and dedication you’ve put into this so far. Really looking forward to doing some flights in and out of it next month!