It’s actually because My local airport (KROC) isn’t that large and wouldn’t likely to be able to support that huge aircraft IRL because we have no international flights because we have connecting flights and minimum amount of direct routes so I’m stuck on either regional jets, and short haul aircraft most of the time we rarely get the a350 but occasionally they appear in the area on flight radar 24 but never land locally
Ahh yeah I guess that makes sense. KROC longest runway is 8,000 ft long. And the A350 needs at least 8,500 ft for taking off on MTOW.
So I guess that would be difficult unless you fly with half the payload.
Or you can fly to and from any other airport that fits but also close by.
Not sure about the A220 though. The last time I heard about the development was the Synaptic Simulations. But I haven’t heard anything about it for a long while.
I doubt the plane will be ready before November anyway. Better to get it later but more polished than sooner and having annoying bugs. They’re also making the A330 for FS24 and as a default plane it probably has priority.
Yes, it will be available for MSFS2020
We don’t have that one flight a year that goes to Mexico? Well now we have to take “Greater” and “International” off the name…
I’m pretty sure we don’t have a dedicated customs area which explains why air Canada (air Georgian) stopped sending its turboprops anymore but the best three connecting airports that I would use the a350 out of would be Atlanta JFK or Charlotte (there’s a really good chance I might end up having my next local airport be Atlanta anyway if I end up eventually buying a house)
I hope Fenix makes one as well.
An A350F variant would also be good, as that would be a great alternative to the Boeing freighters.
I’ll be watching this one with interest.
They are already making Airliners for MSFS2024. The 330.
Since 99% will move on to 2024 I don’t think it matters.
Hopefully it doesn’t slip into 2025 since they announced it’s coming 2024. Now officially September, times ticking.
Hi there! The team is still on track for a release sometime later this year
Good. Thanks for the confirmation.
Will it be on Xbox?
I would bet yes, as all inibuilds planes till now
The A300 was released in the last week of 2023 if I’m not wrong. I guess this could be the case for the A350. I would say keep an eye on ini’s instagram. Soon as they’ll start posting images of it on a weekly basis you know the wait is almost over
It would make a great Christmas present!
I hope you guys can implement some butter smooth sim rate abilities into this bird… Especially considering their long to ultra long range abilities…
4x would absolutely take the edge off it… 8x would beat dream… Especially considering every airbus aircraft seems to struggle with the sim rate thing… 4x would be more than welcomed
We know more “sim rate” options as well as “pause at TD” are features a lot of people want. At this time, what we have posted up on our A350 FAQ (iniBuilds A350 Airliner - In Development FAQ - FAQs - iniBuilds Forum) is what we are confident in making at this time however that is not necessarily an exhaustive list of features.
But like mentioned. We know the community wants this and we read every single piece of feedback or comment about either upcoming products or current ones.
Good to hear that ‘Pause at ToD’ will be included, even if not in the first cut.
RL does tend to have the habit of distracting from the stuff that really matters and being able to return to the PC, knowing that you haven’t run out of fuel or at least flown way beyond your destination, is really useful.
Hi everyone. A little update regarding our A350. It will only be coming to MSFS 2024 and not 2020.
We will share more information in the coming weeks. Your patience is much appreciated!
Thanks for the update!