iniBuilds A350 coming in 2024

This is shaping up to be another instant buy from me. I love the A350.

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Their latest update on A350 looks promising, Majority of systems are going to be simulated, both variants available on release.

I am really looking forward to it - considering we havenā€™t seen any complex A350/A380 yet for flight simulator (I know one is available for xplane but thatā€™s different story)

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Thatā€™d be great if they do

Looks promissing :slight_smile: canā€™t wait, been longing for his

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No way the A350 is releasing in the next few weeks (as of this post July 25), more likely mid to late Fall at the earliest.

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I always said Flight simulator is not good for consoles. Is better play it on PC, as always we did.

PMDG just released their 777 and itā€™s probably one of the most detailed and smoothest on XBox right now. So it can definitely be done, especially with the SU15 update. Just a matter of if inibuilds can pull it off, something that they havenā€™t been able to do for some of their airports yet on console.

Iā€™m probably going to not buy the a350 because Iā€™m not sure Iā€™ll fly this regularly but the a220 will definitely be flown more because Iā€™m not really a long haul person

Anyone know status on this since?

They released a few screenshots and a teaser trailer few weeks ago. It seems itā€™s close to release, but we donā€™t know more further than this.

Gotcha. I didnā€™t see it, do you have a link?

I wouldnā€™t call it close to release. If you ask me I think October might be a target and even then I will be immensely susprised if they can produce a fully functional A350 by that date.
Considering the time they took to release the A300 I think it is better if we think this as a 2025 product maybe march/april 2025 would be a realistic target.


Since developing an aircraft for simulation takes years of work, ā€œOctoberā€ is ā€œcloseā€ for me.

They already said the release of this A350 would be in this 2024

Here it is:

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Come on!
After four years waiting for this, I almost had a heart attack watching this videoā€¦
Now, even October seems really too far awayā€¦

(but thanks so much for the link!)

Since they will give us access to the avionics bay, I hope they include the call-out:

   "What are you doing, Dave?"

It would make a lot of sense for them to wait for MSFS2024 to be released and then publish ā€œthe first airliner developed for MSFS2024ā€ fully compatible with MSFS2020.

I disagree, once MSFS 2024 is released we will have a myriad of new planes to try and things to do so a new airliner will of course have attention but not as much as if you release it before MSFS2024.


will it be available for msfs2020?

I donā€™t know why that would stop you. You donā€™t have to use it for long haul flights if you donā€™t want.

I know the A350 is going to be my main aircraft. And Iā€™m gonna use it regularly on my 1-2 hour short haul flights.

Itā€™s common for my local operator to fly widebodies on short haul due to the massive passenger demands.