iniBuilds A350 coming in 2024

It would be great to get a release date, or at least a release window (month) on July 22 but I don’t hold my breath. We all know how hard it is to make high fidelity add-ons. The developers have time, though - in November, MSFS 2024 itself will provide a lot of new things so players will be well occupied by learning the new sim and flying the new planes.

Based on what ini has been doing with their airports, you’ll know the 350 is about to be released when they release a freeware A350 potable water cart or something like that…

Did they ever release any freeware for MSFS? I can’t even find their own store/website.

Here you go Inibuilds Store

To date, on PC, they have released Milwaukee, Abu Dhabi Yas Island, Maasai Mara Safari, Venice Beach and Skydive Dubai as freeware.

Yes they have released freeware from airports and A310 and A320neo for MSFS but the A350 will not be freeware but it will not break the bank either. I am expecting (or guessing around) $40 U.S max for this aircraft.

Apologies for misinterpreting.

Agreed, $35 - $40. Hoping for some good details from their upcoming dev stream.

Thanks! For whatever reason, their website is excluded from Bing search engine. Great to learn they also had some freeware airports. Hopefully these perform better than the paid ones.

The airports aren’t free. They tend to release supplementary scenery near the airport that is free, which then just makes the airport sell better.

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KMKE is free.


In less than an hour. :slight_smile:


Well that was an anticlimax

But limited audience. Not for Xbox users

Agreed. And vague. “Coming soon”. It’s more than halfway thru 2024 and no mention of status or if 2024 will still be met.

That’s MS fault as they will not allow free scenery on the marketplace, as confirmed by many devs who have tried.

Maybe 2024 will be different? Did jorg mention anything about that

Since the teaser trailer was just released today, and it says coming 2024, then “soon”, I would have to say they DID say that 2024 will be met.

The team at IniBuilds has grown extensively the last couple years. Just look at how they put out Famous Flyers or Local Legends, still release their own products, and are developing planes for 2024. They have grown into a powerhouse in just a couple years. I have pretty good faith that if they say its going to be 2024 then it will probably be 2024. I know this year we have seen some other developers struggling, but I really don’t see them in that category.

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Inibuilds is generally not known for delays. I wouldn’t be surprised if it gets released this week!

But it is also known for bad optimization=low FPS :frowning:


FAQ released-


This is probably the only airliner that I’m willing to buy (beside the Avro RJ but I lost hope of it being released at this point), but I have serious doubts about how such a complex airliner with such a cockpit full of glass would run on Xbox. I fear memory will be a game-breaking issue in this case. There are simply too many screens and systems in this aircraft. The developers need to pull off a miracle if they truly intend this to work on consoles.

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