iniBuilds A350 coming in 2024

RagingWombat839 very true !
If you guys have an inibuilts email ? I would appreciate.

I don’t have an email address. Discord link is iniBuilds and if you are not using discord then their contact is at iniBuilds | Contact Us

There is no email there but I’m sure if you raised a support ticket of type Other then it will get to the right people. You don’t appear to need a purchase to use the support ticket system.

WILCO thx RagingWombat839 !

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Hopefully this one supports time acceleration, their A300 doesn’t.

Have you guys heard any news of this aircraft, like develope status, or release date rumours?

alot of “knowitalls” here buddy - take no notice

I hope they contact you because a real pilot that is also a simmer is much more valuable than a real pilot that is not a simmer. Reason is somebody that does not use simulators might think anything is wonderful and superb when it is actually low quality (for example graphics or sounds). Or they might think that a sim will never match real numbers and say it is “great” when it is not. This has happened plenty of times in the past. We have a lot of bad add-ons that have been praised by real life pilots.


Hopefully the performance of the A350 is better than all of their airport sceneries which are the worst performing sceneries I have installed. Even with options turned off, and low res textures, their sceneries cause a performance hit where no other scenery dev I buy from causes this. I’ve also read the A300 is not great on performance, but i don’t own it so I can’t comment. I just hope the A350 performs well. Once you’ve used PMDG and the new Fenix V2, its hard to want to fly anything else or buy from other devs who can’t match the quality AND performance.

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Have you heard any news, guys? It seems Inibuilds have fallen into silence

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Agreed Hoping for news

I would love an a350, but judging by the quality systems and flight model wise of their other aircraft in MSFS, I just can’t get excited by this one.

It’s cause they’re working on it. They’re hella active on their discord.

We’re in June and no real update. Are they presenting this weekend at the expo? Is 2024 release even likely?

I’d say almost certainly not. iniBuilds have way too much on their plate right now, just look at all the aircraft they’re making for MSFS 2024. And those have to be completed by November. I don’t see how a good quality A350 could fit into such a crowded schedule.


It just depends how many teams they’ve got to share the work around.

Hopefully you’re wrong. Cause they said 2024.

No software project has ever been late in the history of sof
 Oh wait, I’ll get my coat.


I get that, but so many times devs announce release dates & disappear or have lackluster communication on progress and delays. Either keep to the date; as in don’t announce it unless 80% feel you can do it. OR keep in communication with quarterly updates and re adjust. There’s many projects going on that were announced years ago by others that all you hear is crickets.

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Ini announced a dev livestream later this month. Maybe, but I doubt, we’ll get a release time frame. Have a feeling it’ll be more technical and systems vs external eye candy and dates. Maybe get a preview of engine sounds ?

Ini teased some images testerday (via discord) with a link to their forum. The images don’t reveal a whole lot though. Just winglets and MCDU keypad.

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