Inibuilds announces the A310 - What a day to be alive

For sure, but they have already showed one picture of the cockpit that looks pretty good and seems to be working, at least part of it.
They said there would be news in the next “few months” so I would expect a release Q1 2022 being optimistic


The plane was announced 3 days ago, no one has said anything about a release date in “Q12022”.

Yeah no release date as yet: they stated so in the forums.

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Now this is exciting for me, flew that bad boy for over 5 years prior to the pandemic, a beast! Hopefully the devs put in the upgraded CMC FMS. :grin:


CC-150 Polaris (nee A310-300). Finally I have a purpose in life…


New development update


I like how this project is going, I’m looking forward to this release.

Any news about this plane?


Hm I love the classic half analogue half LCD-screen design of the instruments. I hope iniBuilds still dares to release their Airbus after the unrivaled Fenix A320 release because I want this Beluge freighter:

iniBuilds has some awesome Airbus freighters :wink: they should release some of their stuff on FS20!

I have probably said it already, but I can not tell you how good this bird is in X-Plane. I can not wait to fly it MSFS. These guys are great dev’s, and support their products.

I’m really looking forward to this one - I almost bought in on XP, but this was at a time where I thought I might hold on purchasing anything on XP to see how MSFS would turn out to be. Now that I’m convinced that I’m going to stay with MSFS for the foreseeable future (I might still fly XP12 for very specific planes, but I won’t be buying expensive addons there unless they are really exclusive and really different), I’m really glad they’re bringing it here!

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The more study-level competition on the market, the even more professional and better products we will get :wink:
Really looking forward to fly some iniBuild because all the X-Plane people out there are thrilled about iniBuild quality.

Big news! It will be FREE

iniBuilds Development Update: Partnership with Microsoft Flight Simulator - iniBuilds Announcements - iniBuilds Forum


hopefully it will still be study level

I guess Microsoft was scared of too many devs staying away from console so they locked a deal to get the A310 on the marketplace and Xbox.

This aircraft being free is almost too good to be true!

It’s an excellent add-on in other sims and even if the visuals aren’t imrpoved upon for MFS, I cant see how anyone can complain about that.

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I will be at least A-level

It’s just a pity that all the people of X-Plane are leave in the lurch …

This is part of the 40th Anniversary Edition which comes to Xbox as well so yes. Both platforms.

No need to give up X-Plane. A clever computer enthusiast has all sims installed and even FSX with various mods :wink: That´s the best way to enjoy the best airplanes one loves most.
The Airfoillabs Cessna and the Hotstart Challenger, the P3D Captain Sim 757/767, the Fenix Airbus, PMDG 737, Cessna Chancellor and all the nice Carenados on our sim here, the Mi-24 Hind D and the Heatblur F-14, and the Eagle Dynamics F-16 and F-18.
Lovely to have a wide choice of everything with wings.

Sooner or later all these great airliners currently only available elsewhere will be available at FS20 because all good third party developers will come to us, but this will probably take 3-4 years.

I am really curious how the iniBuilds Airbus will look and feel like, and if the cockpit and the overall interior and outside 3D model will get slightly overhauled with higher polygon count and higher res textures for our fine next-gen sim here.
The YouTube videos show a half-analogue gauge airbus cockpit that looks especially interesting. I wonder what age and era these Airbusses represent, the Fenix Airbus feels like 1986-2000 era, and the iniBuilds feels like 1975-1985esque.

Great to have all these fine Airplanes from different ages and eras to choose from!

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