Initial Release: Grumman Goose G21A Redux II

Which are you trying to download, the plane or the paintkit?

I downloaded the paintkit around the time you said you had an issue and I haven’t had any problem opening it. Are you using the latest 7zip program?

I’ve had the same issue trying to open the file for the aircraft using latest 7zip and also bandzip 7.13 with the same error - using the link in Wookie’s post

Hey folks sorry about that. Some kind of issue with GDrive not fully uploading the archive. That’s sorted now and you should have no worries downloading again.


Awesome - many thanks OzWookiee !! Works a charm; many thanks mate - can’t wait to fly the goose :slight_smile:

I’m sorry but I have problem to start this plane. Just only right engine starting and I tried left and always not working. I using Honeycomb yoke and tried milion of times first left engine, than right, opposite, both together and without success. How can I do this? Thx

Fantastic aircraft, love flying it. Small problem with deploying floats, sometimes only the left one cones down. BUT biggest problem is I cannot get any sound with it - such a shame. I have downloaded it twice but same every time. your help would be appreciated.

@Pizzamonster001 First, make sure you have the latest version. The original had some troubles with the electrics leading to not starting engines. With the 2nd version this all was fixed and I am always able to start my engines now. Exception is when my battery is flat, do you have your generators (overhead panel) and/or alternators (copilot panel) on? It is sufficient to do it on copilots panel …

Have you checked your fuel valves (behind your head)?
Are your magnetos on?
Throttles cracked?
The starter switch goes left and right, but it has to be held a few secs.

I have assigned 2 buttons on my Saitek Throttle to “Magneto 1 & 2 INC” via FSUIPC with repeat set to ON. That seems to work fine.


@CinnabarOlive64 There are three switches for floats in the overhead, the left and right one are not animated, but working. You have to lower/raise floats individually. Once both are going down or up, the middle switch will also go down or up. The lamps in the overhead panel are a good indication of what is happening.

It is advised to move the floats only while flying. Transfering them on water or land usually seem to lock them in odd places.

Can’t help about the sound I am afraid, works fine with me. Never had any issues.


Hahaha, OMG!
Thx :slight_smile: WORKING!

Just the radios not working yet, it’s just me again or I missing something?

This is a heavy monster!

Great job!!!

No radios yet. :wink:

I use (after all is done as Pontiac said) the scroll wheel of the mouse on the starteer. I place it very close to the stem of the switch and scroll half of “clack of the wheel” so the switch stays at least 2 seconds in push (left or right position) so the engine starts. Scroll up for one engine scroll down for the other.
If all fails…
Ctrl+E :smiley: (no, it’s not bail out in this sim)


No radios yet but the “autoradio menu” works very well meaning you can’t switch/choose frequencies but you can tune to what is available in menus (Airports, ATCs etc)

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Yes, I also tried to set frequencies and autopilot via an external app (FS-FlightControl). That works for frequencies, but not quite for autopilot.

I am absolutely loving it!
I hope you don’t mind my tinkering with your PC livery for my own use.
Will you share any repaints with the community?
Also having trouble keeping the (electrical) power on in flight sometimes. I’m a novice.

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Thanks OzWookie. You can’t imagine how much all your efforts are appreciated- :cupid:


@CMacker7201 Quite possibly you generators/alternators are not on. Make sure to turn on generator and alternator switches (overhead and copilot panl) and check ampermeters in the overhead.


This is a swell a/c. Headed straight for Guadalcanal. Flies and handles well. Good job for an early release. Keep up the good work.

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found out the reason behind lack of sound - the file I downkoaded waf faulty, used the one from here and all is great !!

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Is it possible to use the autopilot in nav mode and height adjustments ?

I tested that via external app (FS FlightControl) but could not get altitude modes to work. Heading mode was working, not sure about NAV.