"Insert game disk" ? Is this some FSX joke?

I don’t have that problem now or yesterday

Xbox live services are currently experiencing issues, which is causing problems with authentication when opening MSFS


I don’t know about that, but what I do know, is that once MSFS start up again, I will NEVER have this problem again in the future.

Time to get set up to be able to run “Off the Grid” at will - when the Grid goes down .

Same problem here. Playing in Germany. Very anoying!

Yep, same problem here in France. When starting MSFS, I get a message saying that I need to be connected to the internet. But I am connected, otherwise I would not be able to write this post.
Very strange.

Same problem everywhere it seems… same here

now it’s running again!
I switched off/on my router.

5 seconds ago…. Looks like North American and the UK are mostly affected. :frowning:

It working again in Poland

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