Install Size is Getting Out of Hand

That was a workstation compared to my Heathkit H8 and Commodore C64. :rofl:


I had an 8088 with 640k memory and a whopping 8 mhz processor. My second computer i built with a 10mb drive and said, “I’ll never fill that”


I did the same, but it seems some are buried in world updates and i CANT remove them. Like the DV20. Ive never flown it, and searched in content manager just wa world update pops up. Same with the pitts

Yeah, plain stupidity as i had n ASCII bullietin board up and running for freeware and shareware, way back when.

I am already up to 160GB of add-ons and it runs fine.

Pitts is one of the planes that cannot be removed via Content Manager - it’s just like the 152 and TBM which were the original base planes (no matter which version FS you bought) prior to GOTY.

You can always delete the files (assuming you can access it - Steam you can, not sure about MS-Store) and the associated folders, but they’ll end up getting reinstalled on the next update because the Installer’s performing an internal integrity check - it’s honestly a wash - save disk space temporarily, extend your download time and ISP data usage on the flip side. For me, it’s small enough to leave in place. Not worth the chase.

And let the one downsmanship begin…

It’s a personal goal for me :grinning: I look at the totality and say, how much of that do I really use? The majority of my mods are WT Avionics, PMS GTN, GotGravel Vertigo, the TommyMxr Mods, and New England freeware and one payware airport enhancements. Navigraph and Simple Traffic. That’s pretty much it. And they get used at least 80 percent of the time, so I know nothing on disk is just literally occupying space.

I initially had the basic version, then I upgraded to the deluxe version (MS Store). Maybe that’s got something to do with it?

Regardless, the buttons to install the USA 2 and Australia world updates were greyed out for me and there was a big red bar across the bottom of the screen warning of missing dependencies (A320 and B747 that had previously been removed using the content manager). Installing those from the content manager cleared it up and allowed me to install those two world updates (no reboot or restart was done in between).

Ah - I wonder - when I am in Marketplace I just click “Buy.” Then it becomes “Owned.”

I do see the same warning you do at the Marketplace screen, but I disregard it since Buy doesn’t trigger a download.

Then I go into Content Manager and use the Hamburger Icon to select what I want out of the package.

I like to tour countries seeing the sights and the more realistic each airport destination is the better and of course the PG cities are often good too so it all adds up.

I keep all the PG stuff. It’s actually just a pointer file when you like at the file sizes - hence it needs to be explicitly streamed. The POIs can add up though.

In Xplane 11 my scenery files alone were well in excess of 650gb if I remember correctly from a couple of years ago. I also seem to recall that with other addons the whole installation was around 900gb. It took quite a lot of addons to get it looking decent imo.

So … here I am thinking that MSFS 2020 is actually quite frugal with my SSD space especially since I now only have a few addons in my Community Folder :slightly_smiling_face:

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Yes true but there are hand crafted elements within and around them that we store locally.

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Storage is pretty cheap


Decided to compare my FSX and MSFS builds.
Addons start eating up space fast!


Migrated everything to a 2TB NVME, job done…

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I also had to get a another hard drive for MSFS stuff, but its a big game and I knew that before I bought

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I mainly only use msfs on my xbox series s, so I’m not too worried about the fact that I only install on my disk the games for which I want to have an optimal experience, I do not exclude having to buy an additional disk, for the moment I store my games on an external disk of 2 terra and migrate them to the main disk when I want to play it, at the price of the additional disk for the xbox I think I will buy for the same price a series x but for the moment I’m doing very well like that and then there’s the xcloud now and with the evolution of the xcloud I sincerely think that a hard drive will no longer be necessary in the near future, on the other hand it seems to me that the full game with all the updates as well as my purchases on the market place do not take up as many places, it’s weird have you tried to uninstall all the content manager before uninstalling the full game and reinstall it?

I think you’re right (NVME 2280) but it’s not actually a laptop. I’m a madman that runs this whopping game on a OneXPlayer hand-held PC. So yeah it’s like a very smal laptop, without a keyboard and with a controller built in. More like Steam Deck or Mega Switch :smiley: (…but I have an eGPU on it with RTX/2070).

Problem is as it’s so compact I think heat is actually an issue from what I’ve been reading - so maybe 2tb would be OK but larger ones have been failing after a few weeks when owners have tried fitting them. I don’t want that. Might just pluck up the courage to try and fit a 2tb myself and keep the OS etc on the current one ready to swap back in if it goes pear shaped.