Install Size is Getting Out of Hand

Hmmmm just thinking. I know, you thought you smelled smoke…

I just shut down my computer, its too bloody hot in there, its 103° today, hotter in michigan than Dallas today. Lol

I wonder if i could move some parts of MSFS from the official folder to my community folder (different drive). Would that work? If it blows up, what do i have to lose? 2.5 minutes moving it back where it was?

On my series x the game is using over 340gig. At least when I go to manage game it says game 223.1 and saved data 119.6.

I’m running the game on PC, but console users have a valid point here. Even I had to remove some of my softwares etc. to make a space for MSFS because each update consumes some of my disk space right, it’d be really better if there was a way to compress these files.

You’re a young pup. My first PC had dual 360KB floppies and 640KB of ram. I later added a 20MB hard drive and didn’t know what to do with all that storage space. :grin: If I remember right, that hard drive cost me about 400 bucks.


I had a spectrum 48k


Exactly. My SSD drive exist for many things, but not for 1 game only. I´m fyling only i 1-2 coutnries, and all rest of the world is not usable for me, so, why I must download and store data, that isn´t usable for me? It takes MUCH data for download, MUCH time to install and MUCH time and data for updates. Any why? Same situation with aircraft, I´m using only 2-3 of them, all other want to remove, not update, not see in list od aircraft. I want to have possibility to select parts of the MSFS and uninstall it and have possibility to mark updates as unwanted and downt want to download, install, use or update them anytime. It may be easy to implement in the MSFS and it will help most of users. Only very small percentage of users use MSFS for flying all of the world.

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How do you know that out of interest?

My entire SSD consists of MSFS and its content. It’s absolute madness considering all the scenery is streamed from the internet.

It’s all part of a conspiracy in order to force us to buy expensive SSD’s. Yep, I’m serious.


Some people miss two points here.

1. Microsoft Flight Simulator is available on PC as well as Xbox Series X and S. The smallest console, Xbox Series S has 364 GB of usable storage space. Now, if you’re not familiar with console business then there’s a few things to keep in mind:

  • Every console game must fit into any limitations and regaulations of the default console configuration. In this case, storage size may be the bottleneck. In short, as long as a game is available on Xbox, under no circumstance can it exceed 364 GB in size. This is mandatory. No console game can exist on a platform that cannot be installed on said platform in its “out of the box” state.
  • You can’t tell players to invest in a storage expansion SSD. It’s always an option but can never be mandatory for any game, especially if that game didn’t require such an extra investment before. (There are exceptions, like old Kinect games, or VR-only titles but those clearly state that requirement on their box or description.)

2. It’s not only storage size that’s a problem, even though SSD prices can be quite high. But in case a game has to be reinstalled for some reason, downloading such a huge amount of data can be problematic. I know that at many parts of the world internet speeds are not exactly stellar, not to mention people with data limits. It is not trivial to re-download and re-install a 200+ GB title. Even on PC, I’ve read enough about how a simple Flight Simulator update can be slow and problematic. The bigger the simulator gets the more burden it can mean for simmers on all platforms.

Of course, one can be ignorant and tell others that they should get faster internet, expand their storage and/or not play on Xbox Series S but in reality it’s not how it works. How it works is Microsoft and Asobo committed to create and maintain Flight Simulator on both console and PC, and not only that but make it as good an experience as possible. Letting the install size get out of hand will potentially make it unsustainable partly for the above reasons, so it is definitely a factor for the developers to keep in mind. Size alone has already caused many problems and backlash for the Call of Duty franchise, which also operates with ridiculous install sizes and extremely large updates. They’ve got enough flak for this, and I think sooner or later Flight Simulator may run into the same street if the developers disregard the overall footprint of the simulator.


I had created a post dedicated to the developers, referring to the cloud to store the updates and to use the hard disk only for the files necessary for the good functioning of the game but this one was closed.

Uninstall any DLC’s doesn’t schrink the reserved Space. That 84.2 GB reserved space under “saved data” can only grow as this is a limitation of the XBox Console and this type of storage. MS should realy do someting about this!!!

Not really, that was just my first PC. Before that I had an Amiga 500 with 512KB Ram (hence the 500) and before that I had the C-64 with 64KB of Ram (hence the 64 :wink: )

Just the aerial textures, photogrammetry and DEM. All the 3D models for buildings, all the aircraft with their 4K/8K textures, models and sound, all the fallback textures and DEMs for offline mode and all the other stuff is stored locally. Streaming all data from the internet would be madness.

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Is there any way to attach secondary drives to XBox’s these days?

Ah, apparently yes you can. 1TB is £139

Since I’ve got a potato 1st gen XBONE and an even weaker laptop, installing FS on either one is obviously a nogo for me. Therefore I’ve been playing FS exclusively on XCloud until I can get my hands on a Series X.

So my question is this: Does anyone happen to know how much “disk space” is available for addons on X-Cloud?

I’m at roughly 45 gigs and its not letting me install much more than that.

I use an sata 3 with a USB box on external, it’s take me 3 mins for download a 49 go game to the main internal ssd disk so I don’t want this 512 go for 150€ or a 1to for 269 € this is the price of the console so if Msfs don’t reach more than the capacity of the console approximately 364 go no problems if it reach this line I just stop to play msfs bottom line, For now not knowing anything about the size planned by the devs for msfs, I would be more careful when spending some money on this game.

Series X|S games can only be run from either the internal SSD or the official storage expansion card, which is the same spec SSD as the internal one. Regular USB external drives cannot be used so expanding the console storage is not an inexpensive method unfortunately.

Yep but you can store a game on a regular USB Hard drive like a vault and transfer the game you want run on your internal ssd, the question is if you buy a new 512 go ssd card can you play msfs with data on both? internal ssd and ssd card in same time I’m not sure…if it’s not the case We are therefore obliged to buy a card as expensive as the console, Which is not necessarily a financial problem for everyone but absolutely illogical to see indecent Bill gates himself would not approve of such a borderline business model

All I hope is that a solution is found for this problem, and that msfs is not yet a pc game that will be abandoned on consoles again with the final speech, given the difficulties encountered on console msfs will receive only critical updates necessary for its operation, we will maintain the servers as much as possible thank you for having financed us and for continuing to finance us via the gamepass we will now focus on pc development only Ha ciao! In this case I think I would start filling my library again and buy a chess set

My MSFS size is only 136GB. The key is to uninstall content that you do not need.