Question to the MSFS devs about game size

A lot of console players are worried about the space that msfs will occupy on their hard disk in the future, I was wondering if it would possibly be possible to have only the bare necessities for the proper functioning of the game on the hard disk and all the add ons and other updates on the cloud and that the two parties work in harmony? Have the developers thought about this type of architecture? This process would be beneficial for everyone, including PC gamers who would like to avoid overloading their hard drive. I think that some clarifications and the difficulties that this type of process could cause should be addressed by the devs, in order to reassure the players and at worst would allow the players to anticipate the purchase of additional equipment necessary for the proper functioning of the simulator in optimal conditions and not be caught off guard when the game can no longer function due to lack of space on the hard drive of their consoles.

I don’t think this is too much of a concern on PC, disk space is cheap these days. 2TB NVME will take awhile to fill.

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You may be right, but for console players, buying an additional disc compatible with their consoles, would cost them the same price as their consoles, this may be a minor point for pc players, but for a community that thinks united regardless of the plateform they use, it seems to me that this is an important point to address, I for my part have a much more radical solution, if ever I can no longer use Flight Simulator then it will be an additional budget allocated to my flight hours in real life, what better than to fly in real life for more realism after all?

This topicis already being discussed with great input.

Topic Author was referred to larger, earlier thread.

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