Installation Issues & Bugs Megathread

same issue!

Yes, same issue. literally just submitted exact same ticket and can’t get an official response.

same here @Jummivana

Maybe its because you downloaded it in another region


I uninstall reinstalled the store using power shell command turned off local location and turned backup set default location to my town NY NY reinstall Xbox pass downloaded the sim and now when i click on it it says to early to play and not getting the launcher error anymore

so now i just wait i guess

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From what I understand from Microsoft Support your license is localized to the store you bought it from so if you bought it from the US store but now installed the Sim from a different country store just so you can play early then you dont have access to the licensed content but only to the free gamepass content and that is because Gamepass is global so for that it doesnt matter where you get it from. You should just wait for the unlock in the store you bought it from and then it should be no problem and you should have access to everything you paid for.


I know i bought everything in the premium deluxe version from the USA digital store

Get-AppXPackage -allusers | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register “$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml”}

power shell worked for me and now i get launcher to work with warning its to early for EST USA like it should

Wondering if the Steam release will have these problems as well… Maybe these problems (including expected ones when doing future updates) should play a huge role in choosing the store.

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20mins left for me i will update if it works

Not true for me in Australia. Bought from Australian store and brings up same error as everyone else

did you buy deluxe or premium? This is what I am worried about – does anyone have access to the premium/deluxe versions??

If that’s the issue then I have no problems with that :slight_smile:

yes nobody have access

Run my fix and open launcher as an admin and it should work

Does anyone have an infinite blue progress bar when launching the game?

yes, seen a few… had to force cancel and relaunch.

Having issues installing. Gets until the last 4 GiB. Then gets stuck on downloading fs-base-0.166.fspatch. It downloads one file with that name at 65 MB, then starts another file with the same name but with PART extension. It continues to get stuck in a loop deleting and reinstalling 65 mb of that part file. Also a 318 MB fs-base-0.167.fspatch.part file exists.

How do I uninstall so I can start again?

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Just wondering for those that already have access did you do what was said ? Did you download your premium content in the Content Manager from ingame ?? Because that is what is being instructed by Microsoft support to goto your content manager and you should see the option to download the content you own.

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