IRIS Jabiru J160/J170 Discussion Thread

One of what developers? What about IRIS? I haven’t seen/heard of any issues with them.

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Well, I had.

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I fly all the aircraft in dcs. The skeeter and eurofighter will probably be the first ones i pass on, but i prefer dcs in many ways over msfs

I’d like to know more than that - sounds like rumor-mongering at this point. If Orbx are publishing IRIS planes, I’d doubt they would want to be associated with a lackluster or bad developer.

IRIS‘ Jabiru planes are nicely detailed but also plagued with bugs. I reached out to the developer via their support email and multiple forums. No reply so far. It’s a nice plane overall and comes with bush trips but has one nasty bug that prevents from flying.

Could you elaborate further? I love the Jabirus and am not aware of any nasty bugs.


I’m sorry perhaps we have crossed wires? I meant the other poster’s comment about IRIS, which I take more seriously with some more details. I’m only interested in finding out more, not in putting information out as facts when I honstly don’t know.

Yes I would also like to know about this - I have the Jabiru, but haven’t really tested it much or recently. I do have a great deal of respect for Orbx though - they were always top quality when I used X-Plane and I haven’t felt let down by them in MSFS at all either.

I agree, I am very happy with almost all my OrbX purchases. Here’s the issues with the Jabiru I found:

That does seem sub-optimal. I would hope Orbx would work with the developers to correct some of the issues you have found. That’s kind of what i expect from Orbx - they support their products.

i am sorry to say but orbx is no longer the quality it had a few years ago.

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I re-tested a J160 last night for a couple of things you pointed out. Some of it may be on your end.

  • The throttle and parking brake can only be moved with controller assignment, correct.
  • Flaps CAN be moved with a mouse - use the middle scroll wheel
  • Able to perform the entire cold and dark start with using nothing but virtual cockpit (starter and all switches work with mouse)
  • No issues with flight

Some off-topic posts were moved from a different Third Party Aircraft thread and consolidated here.

Regarding the third to last bullet point in your post about the low voltage annunciator light, I believe you are correct in assuming it’s a problem with battery and alternator being controlled by a single switch in the cockpit where there are two switches on the Honeycomb. You need to switch both switches to on and this will turn off the annunciator light. I usually switch both of them on at the same time with my thumb to simulate the single switch in the actual aircraft.

Other than that I can unfortunately confirm that IRIS doesn’t seem to reply to service e-mails. I had a quick question for them and never got a reply. (If you’re interested, the question concerned the fact that I had bought the plane on the Marketplace and found later that I had bought it with a second microsoft account that I apparently have. So I was asking IRIS whether I was allowed to purchase a second copy of the plane in their webshop and what I needed to do to avoid conflicts between the two installations. When I didn’t get a reply I eventually figured out myself that I could of course uninstall the original copy first, which ended up being what I did.)

Because of this, while I still enjoy the Jabiru and will certainly consider buying other planes from IRIS, they are unfortunately not what I would consider a perfectly safe bet if more serious problems should arise with a plane.

I can confirm all this as I flew it last night. Also I have never experienced the throttle dropping to zero issue (Maybe 10 hours in type)


I probably have 50 to 100 hours in the Jabirus in MSFS and never had the throttle to zero bug. It seems to be specific to the one user. I am sure they have a genuine problem but it is not generic or common or we would have heard about it long ago. Potentially it is an incompatibility between the users control devices and the particular aircraft.

Tests were done on both J160 and J170 with identical results.

I limited testing to things that can be confirmed as working or failing.

  • CLAIMED Several cockpit items can not be manipulated with the mouse, namely the starter, the throttle, elevator trim lever and the parking brake. It only works by using the keyboard or yoke. The only way to start the plane (w/o using the HC Alpha) is to apply CTRL+E keyboard shortcut

This comment seems mainly but not entirely nonsense:

  • PROBLEM NOT FOUND - providing mags and master are turned on with mouse, clicking the starter button with the mouse starts the aircraft

  • PROBLEM NOT FOUND - either left or right throttle move fine with the mouse wheel when hovered over - possibly they are mistakenly thinking the brake is the throttle ?

  • PROBLEM NOT FOUND - the elevator trim lever moves with the mouse wheel when hovered over, possibly they are mistakenly trying to move the indicator rather than the lever on the floor

  • CONFIRMED using the mouse to operate the brakes does not seem to work, it judders but seems stuck

  • CLAIMED The flaps lever can also only be operated by keyboard or yoke, but not the mouse.
  • PROBLEM NOT FOUND - the flap lever works fine with mouse wheel

My suspicion - the Honeycomb yoke is either setup wrong or incompatible with this aircraft

One problem confirmed - mouse operation of the brake is not working as expected. The rest of the issues were NOT confirmed.


Last time I only used the Trustmaster Airbus Joystick with a stock installation and had those exact same bugs. Here is a video on the throttle bug:

It looks a lot like something else is mapped to the throttle on a device or keyboard key that should not be.

How often does this occur? Does it ever happen when you are just on autopilot and not touching anything?

Is it only this aircraft that does it?

It happened three times so far and exclusively with the Jabirus. The first two times where with the Alpha, the third happened when just using a Joystick. So far, I have not found a way to reproduce it reliably. I did engage / disengange the AP though so I’ll check again if that’s related.

It is probably not the autopilot they do not control throttle in MSFS.

The most likely cause is some weird cross-mapping for example a key mapped to both “throttle off” and “taxi light” would move the throttle when you hit taxi light - examples like that.