Is it possible to "fly" just the drone itself, without an aircraft?

This may sound stupid, but when I am planning to fly somewhere, I may want to “scope out” the area BEFORE I go fly it, (where are the best airports, etc.), or maybe I want to just explore somewhere.

Is it possible to fly the “drone” as if it were an aircraft of its own?  Right now, the only way I know how to use the drone is to put an aircraft somewhere near where I want to explore, then freeze it using Active Pause, then go to the “Showcase” (drone view), camera mode.

Right now, I cannot find a “drone” as an aircraft model.

Any ideas?

No drone aircraft, but there is a Wishlist topic for it:

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Just load any airplane at the origin or destination, leave it Cold & Dark. Then you can switch to Drone mode and fly off.


Or use slew mode. Advantage being that the higher you go, the faster you go over the ground. Go lower again to get precision or see things closer up.

Then just reset flight and you’re back where you spawned.

You could also use developer mode and create a new scenery (name it anything, doesn’t matter as you won’t be saving it) then the WASD keys and mouse, or Xbox controller moves the camera like drone but you also get that advantage of travelling faster the higher you are so it’s faster to get around.

Yes you can make drone movement faster but then it’s super fast even at low level. Xbox controller is analogue but it’s quite sensitive at higher movement speeds. Depends how accurate and how far you want to look around I guess.


There’s the “Volocopter”.


Unfortunately, I don’t know how to configure my controls to fly it.

Oh you don’t want that. It’s slower than the drone, much much slower.


If you have an xbox controller, they work very well to do what you wnat to do.

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Don’t worry, I can’t fly that beastie anyway as it requires a different, (helicopter?), control setup.

Don’t think it does? Only used it once but pretty sure just joystick and normal throttle worked.

Actually, Volocopter plus using Sim Rate x2, x4 or x8 could work out OK!?!


No, the fixed wing config will work. It doesn’t have a collective etc.

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I tried it with my stock fixed-wing setup, and I couldn’t get it to do anything worth a darn.  Obviously there is some kind of “magic pixie dust” that I have to bless my system/controller with to make it work - and Amazon isn’t shipping pixie dust to Russia right now.  :wink:

LOL, I just pitch down hard to get forward movement. Throttle above 50 percent translates “up”, below 50 pct is “down”, 50 pct or so maintains altitude. That’s it.

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Flying Witch / Sr. Community manager on scooter for Microsoft Flight Simulator | MSFS

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Here’s a UAV drone for ya:

I’d have bought it but it’s marketplace only.

There’s something quite fun about the idea of sitting at a desk playing a sim where I get to sit at a desk flying an unmanned plane :joy:


If you’re on PC perhaps this could do the job
Pilot Experience Sim Drone FPV for MSFS – iniBuilds Store

Maybe it’ll get to the Marketplace at some point for XBox Users

I would imagine the current built in camera drone is more what he’s looking for, or else you you just fly there with something to explore flying there with something.

Exactly but as that already possible, was keeping the alternative suggestions coming.

I don’t really understand the issue of having to load on with an aircraft first. Maybe they should get one the car addons :joy:.

I can imagine a scenario where you find a location you like and then you’d have to exit and reload in with aircraft anyway to fly to it.

I’m not sure if it’s possible in dev mode to move the drone camera somewhere and have it show the drone rather than aircraft’s position. That way the lat/long could be copied and input as a waypoint into one of the GPS systems.

If using the camera drone just load the simplest native aircraft you can, like the wright flyer to have the absolute minimum load. Wouldn’t drone out leaving an Airbus sitting there.

I use my wireless Xbox controller to explore.
Spawn in on an airfield of your choice, enable camera options and speed up drone camera and off you go!

I’m not sure if it’s possible in dev mode to move the drone camera somewhere and have it show the drone rather than aircraft’s position. That way the lat/long could be copied and input as a waypoint into one of the GPS systems.

Developer menu =>
Debug =>
Display position

you can get latitude/longitude and altitude of your current view, even if you are in drone mode or developer camera mode.

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