I am listening to KBOS ATC, all airliners are called Cair… I do have live traffic turned on
If you’re using Live Traffic (vs AI Traffic), then it’s indeed real traffic. You can go look it up yourself on FlightAware.com, which is where the sim gets its data source.
What you will find is that in game, we only have a percentage of the real traffic. That could vary from 10% to 50% of the real numbers, and there’s about a 10-15 minute delay between real life and what you see in the sim.
It is indeed very real. Mr brother is a 787 captain for Virgin Atlantic. Quite often when he’s about to take off from Heathrow he’ll fire me a text and let me know. I then find him in the sim and taxi along side him and take off behind him in my Virgin Atlantic 787. Feels totally crazy.
Thats dope.
That’s cool, then FS20 should allow users to choose what percentage of the real traffic volume they want…
What about the GA traffic in the sim? Are these GAs all the simmers? I don’t think they can track GAs real time…
If they have a flight plan filed, they show up.
That said, the way Asobo currently filters out some of the real traffic is pretty messed up and can filter out up to 80% of actual traffic.
Sure they can. If they’re on radar somewhere, and especially if they have ADS-B, they can be tracked. Now, Flightaware (and by extension, FS2020) may not know where they came from or where they’re going, especially if they’re VFR, but they can still be tracked and put in-game.
Suppose all the Generic call signs are the simmers?
That’s the thing. ATM we only have real traffic that has a full flight plan filed. They said in the last Q&A that their current system doesn’t know what to do with planes that don’t have a set destination, so they filter them out. That along with other filtering can filter out upwards of 80% of real world traffic. So my guess is that the only GA we see in sim are ones that have IFR plans.
No, your ATC you interact with runs locally on your computer. It’s oblivious to other real players. It only sees and communicates with real-time traffic planes. You may see other live players, but that’s the only way they interact with “your world” unless you’re flying in a group with friends.
They get the name “generic” when MSFS can’t match the real world plane model being reported with a plane model they have in game. It will use a “generic” plane model for those.
You would think that at the very least they could use the airline name, which is available from the real-time data feed. I think, anyway.
I get that they don’t have models for every aircraft, probably the most notable missing one for real airline traffic would be the 737. But at some point, somebody is going to make one, which will at least give the boys at Asobo a visual model to work with, assuming the company who makes them is willing to allow them to do so. But they should just twist their arms, and say “If you want our blessing to exist in our simverse, we want yours to use your models for NPC traffic.”
Bada bing!!
Generally when it’s one of the main airlines, it will. You hear is all the time. But for planes that don’t have a fomal flight #, normally the name is plane type + tail number. When it can’t match that plane type, it uses a generic model and that’s the name that gets used as a call sign.
Only One way to Check…
Go to an Airport and watch Flightradar24: Live Flight Tracker - Real-Time Flight Tracker Map to see if they fly in
Doesn’t even have to be “main” airlines. I heard ATC properly called out some very local cargo airline aircraft that I watched come in on Flightaware out of Manchester, NH the other day, Wiggins Airways, and the same flights were in game about 5 minutes behind the actual landing time. I assume it must get that data from FlightAware, since I couldn’t find it in the en-US.locPak.
I have had local GA show up. In fact, one of them was the C172 I trained in.
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